About 6 months ago, I was having a real problem with my son being picked on at his school. He is a sweet boy and is a little undersized, which I guess made him a target for bullies in his school. I talked with teachers, his principal, guidance counselor, etc., about what to do and no one seemed to have an answer.
A golfing buddy suggested that I get him involved in martial arts so that he could hopefully defend himself. I researched a lot of martial arts teachers and found one relatively close to us. I enrolled my son at the dojo and he took to it like a duck to water. Sensai Keith is pretty abrasive, but he's helped my son tremendously. Picture the sensai of the Cobra Kai in the Karate Kid and you have Sensai Keith. He is definitely "an enemy deserves no mercy" type of sensai. You can't imagine the pride I felt when a few weeks ago, I got a call from the school principal about his concerns that my son is now bullying other students. Although it had moved past revenge against those who tormented him on to him pretty much bullying everyone, I'm still proud of how far he's come. Fear, pain, mercy and defeat do not live in his little 7 year old heart.
Anyway, we now have a problem. Sensai Keith got into a little trouble with the police over the weekend. Supposedly, things got physical with Sensai Keith and his common law wife/shack-up, and he got popped for CDV. There have always been rumors from the other parents about Sensai Keith enjoying a little nose candy, so I don't know if that caused the altercation or not. I know it's never affected his teaching. The only problem I've ever had with Sensai Keith is that I've smelled booze on his breath a few times at class, which I'm willing to let slide (along with the coke rumors) because he's such a good sensai. But this CDV has really got me concerned. Just worried about the impression the CDV will give my son. If I take my son out of Sensai Keith's class he will be crushed. I'm also worried he will regress into being picked on again.
Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated. TIA
A golfing buddy suggested that I get him involved in martial arts so that he could hopefully defend himself. I researched a lot of martial arts teachers and found one relatively close to us. I enrolled my son at the dojo and he took to it like a duck to water. Sensai Keith is pretty abrasive, but he's helped my son tremendously. Picture the sensai of the Cobra Kai in the Karate Kid and you have Sensai Keith. He is definitely "an enemy deserves no mercy" type of sensai. You can't imagine the pride I felt when a few weeks ago, I got a call from the school principal about his concerns that my son is now bullying other students. Although it had moved past revenge against those who tormented him on to him pretty much bullying everyone, I'm still proud of how far he's come. Fear, pain, mercy and defeat do not live in his little 7 year old heart.
Anyway, we now have a problem. Sensai Keith got into a little trouble with the police over the weekend. Supposedly, things got physical with Sensai Keith and his common law wife/shack-up, and he got popped for CDV. There have always been rumors from the other parents about Sensai Keith enjoying a little nose candy, so I don't know if that caused the altercation or not. I know it's never affected his teaching. The only problem I've ever had with Sensai Keith is that I've smelled booze on his breath a few times at class, which I'm willing to let slide (along with the coke rumors) because he's such a good sensai. But this CDV has really got me concerned. Just worried about the impression the CDV will give my son. If I take my son out of Sensai Keith's class he will be crushed. I'm also worried he will regress into being picked on again.
Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated. TIA