OT: Most hated plants/weeds

unkle rico

The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2005
So I've had the misfortune of battling the demon spawn called "Nutsedge" in my yard after we had a tree planted and apparently this grass came along for the ride. It has spread like crazy in the wetter areas. That got me thinking - if you could wipe one plant out of existence, what would it be?

Nutsedge? Crabgrass? Sweetgum trees? Poison Ivy? Hydrilla?

And as an aside, Quinclorac seems to be helping to kill it.

Definitely a tough ranker. I’d go with my current nemesis of massive/dense thickets of cedar trees and Christmas trees. My brush clearing slows to a crawl when I encounter one of those enemy strong points!
Quinclorac will not kill nutsedge. The active ingredient is mostly used for crabgrass control. If it is affecting the nutsedge then you need to call the manufacturer and tell them because I’m sure they are not aware of it. For sedge use Sedgehammer, Certainty, Dismiss, or Katana

It has Quinclorac as one of the ingredients and it’s working. Maybe it’s the salfrazone stuff. I’m not a turfgrass guy so I don’t really know.
Coffee weed, once those seeds are in the soil it’s impossible to get rid of
So I've had the misfortune of battling the demon spawn called "Nutsedge" in my yard after we had a tree planted and apparently this grass came along for the ride. It has spread like crazy in the wetter areas. That got me thinking - if you could wipe one plant out of existence, what would it be?

Nutsedge? Crabgrass? Sweetgum trees? Poison Ivy? Hydrilla?

And as an aside, Quinclorac seems to be helping to kill it.


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It has Quinclorac as one of the ingredients and it’s working. Maybe it’s the salfrazone stuff. I’m not a turfgrass guy so I don’t really know.

If it is straight Quinclorac, which I use on a daily basis, it has no effect on sedges. There is a product that has quinclorac and sulfenthazone both so it will work on it. Another product is Blindside which I use a lot
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Spurge is the most annoying of all weeds! It will show up anywhere and usually has gone to seed by the time you discover it. MSMA will kill it without damaging bermuda. It's a never ending battle for me.
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Obviously, you guys have never dealt with trying to control Wisteria frutescens. The absolute worst. Worse than kudzu. It has infested itself along the border hedge between me and the neighbor behind me. That stuff will wrap around a full grown tree and choke it to death. I have battled it for 22 years and I’m no closer to controlling than I was when I first began. Just when you think you found the mother root, didn’t.
Marijuana is pretty hated amongst the religious right. It’s all good to rape minors and bang pornstars, but don’t touch that devils lettuce.
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So I've had the misfortune of battling the demon spawn called "Nutsedge" in my yard after we had a tree planted and apparently this grass came along for the ride. It has spread like crazy in the wetter areas. That got me thinking - if you could wipe one plant out of existence, what would it be?

Nutsedge? Crabgrass? Sweetgum trees? Poison Ivy? Hydrilla?

And as an aside, Quinclorac seems to be helping to kill it.

Sedgehammer works great on nut grass.
Two aquatic/wetland weeds. Phragmites - it is growing through the asphalt on the side road between the two bridges going north out of Georgetown on 17. Giant Salvinia - a floating weed like duckweed - its scientific name gives you an idea of its iinvasiveness
Salvinia molesta - That's right - MOLESTA
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round up with little diesel will kill anything. Diesel gets thru the wax
Not sure it's totally legal