OT: New Hand Gun


Gold Member
Jul 29, 2015
Guys, I am looking for a new carry gun for my wife. Any recommendations on where she can go in Charleston to shoot different guns so that she can figure out what she wants?
I bought my wife a pink ,hammerless, 38 Special( Pink Lady) since she had problems cocking a semi automatic 9mm and her favorite color is pink. We just completed our concealed weapons class and she out shot every woman in the class with it.

Don't necessarily go "smaller is better". The most painful gun I own to shoot is a .380 LCP. And I have a 4" .44 magnum.

A good .38/.357 revolver is a fine choice for someone new to firearms. Smith and Wesson and Ruger are the two go-tos.
Smith hammer less 38 lite. Can shoot 38+p and is a GREAT defensive weapon for woman or man.
It really depends on what she is comfortable with. Revolvers are a safe bet. No jamming and no slide to pull back. Down side can be round count. For my wife it is the Glock 43. 9mm and decent round count. The downfall is that it is small and can be a bit snappy. I would try to find a way to have her shoot multiple handguns. Check with PSA in Mt Pleasant.
Guys, I am looking for a new carry gun for my wife. Any recommendations on where she can go in Charleston to shoot different guns so that she can figure out what she wants?

Go to Palmetto State Armory. The range fee will allow you to shoot anything in their rental inventory. Recommend Glock 43 or S&W M&P Shield as outstanding 9mm that are popular with the ladies. My wife has a M&P Shield and loves it.
Recoil sensitivity is a real concern with a micro pistol like the popular 380's. Try a slightly larger frame single stack designed for 9mm but chambered down for 380's. Ruger has one, but I'd recomend the Kahr CT380 because the trigger is so good. I think the msrp is ~$400, online will be lower.
Bought my wife the SW 38 airweight. She tested quite a few guns and that felt the best to her.