OT. Now Criminal to follow the Laws


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
The Mccloskey couple out in St. Louis are going to be indicted on some charges by the local DA
after they brandished weapons on their property that was broken into and a mob broke down a private gate walked onto private property and then started making threats again the couple to destroy property and even go so far as kill the couple

If the charges are filed I would say that this will be a watershed moment that will turn the corner
On a lot of what is going on in America
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The mob tore the gates down and headed for their property... I am sure they were all great kids with no bad intentions.

Not Guilty
Crooked DA cooked up something and sent a search warrant, they confiscated his AR15 and couldnt find her pistol, which I believe they said was in the hands of a lawyer.

Search warrant for what? Gun was used in what crime? I have a right to defend my home. They were on their property and did not take aim at anyone, merely brandished weapons to dissuade a lynch mob that tore down a gate.

This DA really burns me up, should be boiled alive.
Crooked DA cooked up something and sent a search warrant, they confiscated his AR15 and couldnt find her pistol, which I believe they said was in the hands of a lawyer.

Search warrant for what? Gun was used in what crime? I have a right to defend my home. They were on their property and did not take aim at anyone, merely brandished weapons to dissuade a lynch mob that tore down a gate.

This DA really burns me up, should be boiled alive.
The wife was pointing and waving her gun around like it was a kazoo. She absolutely should not have access to a firearm. The husband did a better job, but could still use some more training, but he has nothing to worry about.

In the end, it's and big waste of time and money, as the couple was very clearly being threatened, and it's all on video.

Those dumbass leftists better be careful what they wish for. If they push too hard on this incident, they'll be the ones arrested and charged, because they're the ones who broke the law.
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The wife was pointing and waving her gun around like it was a kazoo. She absolutely should not have access to a firearm. The husband did a better job, but could still use some more training, but he has nothing to worry about.

In the end, it's and big waste of time and money, as the couple was very clearly being threatened, and it's all on video.

Those dumbass leftists better be careful what they wish for. If they push too hard on this incident, they'll be the ones arrested and charged, because they're the ones who broke the law.
Don’t think for a second they won’t be back now with this being in the media. But what they won’t find is that a local gun store gave the family a new AR-15.
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Don’t know if they should be charged, but they appeared to break almost every cardinal rule of gun safety.
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With all the murders in St Louis, here we are talking about a couple that pulled out a gun on their own property...Here we are analyzing their gun safety. We live in a weird world.
What you are seeing from this Soros funded puppet "prosecutor" in StL is a feature of Marxism, not a bug. It's the principle on which Beria built up Stalin's Gulag Archipelago: "show me the man and I'll show you the crime." Rule of men not rule of law. Impossible to know it all, let alone navigate all its contradictions. This way the "experts" can exert infinite, capricious flexibility to do whatever they will, to whomever they will, whenever they please. Keeps the little people humbled and intimidated. Necessitates that the administrative state grow and grow.

The founders of BLM in their own words are doctrinaire, highly trained marxists. That's not name-calling. Go to their site, read their words about their goals and methods. Take them at their word.

The bolsheviks are not even creative with their symbol of the raised fist. Shared with movements that murdered over 100,000,000 of their own, in the last century. They are unblinkingly unashamed. It is a religion, and subjugating others is a sacrament.

If these "useful idiots" don't wise up and return to tolerance, rule of law, presumed innocence, property rights, self-defense, basic dignity of each human life - their revolution will eat them. Reality will see to it that they get what they've been clamoring for - good and hard. And it will be tragic.

Knew a man who recently passed, who grew up killing Germans in the Dutch resistance during Nazi occupation. He was the first person I recall using the famous quote, "Revolution devours its own children". He spoke from hard personal experience. Of course the Nazis deserved to be resisted. But not by any and all means. How and Why matters too. That's the part he missed when he was an angry teenager in the Resistance. He recounted how in mid-life he came to realize how it was hate and personal ambition that fueled his "resistance". And it made him a monster in its own way. Not a fascist monster, but monster nonetheless. An "anti-fascist" monster.

He came to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tolerance is not acceptance. It is taking the log out of my eye, so maybe I can see clearer to help my sister or brother in the same way I need help.

Time does not heal all wounds - forgiveness does. Jesus the Christ >> Mao, Beria and Stalin. You can see it in the streets. Revolution eats its pitiful children.
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Their particular actions on that day IMO, are fine.

But I did some rabbit hole digging on Saturday and they are massive litigious property thieving dbags.

It would not surprise me there is an ax to grind over decades worth of lawsuits.

Here it is....
Yeah well, we used to live in America where being an asshat was perfectly legal. Besides, isn't calling a lawyer a douchebag kind of redundant?
Yeah well, we used to live in America where being an asshat was perfectly legal. Besides, isn't calling a lawyer a douchebag kind of redundant?

Please.... do not misrepresent what I said.
I said, in the particular incident, it was fine. It was expressed in the FIRST sentence.

Now.... why the prosecutor MAY be looking under every stone for charges is because they are dbags. That doesn’t make it right but I’m trying to shed some light on them. I’m just saying they have a not so fun history where SOMEONE may have an ax to grind. That’s it.

Considering the general unrest in this country, it would be wise NOT TO charge them with anything. At the same time, they use the law for punitive and personal gain. I’m sure they don’t have any REAL friends.
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The Mccloskey couple out in St. Louis are going to be indicted on some charges by the local DA
after they brandished weapons on their property that was broken into and a mob broke down a private gate walked onto private property and then started making threats again the couple to destroy property and even go so far as kill the couple

If the charges are filed I would say that this will be a watershed moment that will turn the corner
On a lot of what is going on in America
“In the last days, men will call evil, good & good, evil.”
Please.... do not misrepresent what I said.
I said, in the particular incident, it was fine. It was expressed in the FIRST sentence.

Now.... why the prosecutor MAY be looking under every stone for charges is because they are dbags. That doesn’t make it right but I’m trying to shed some light on them. I’m just saying they have a not so fun history where SOMEONE may have an ax to grind. That’s it.

Considering the general unrest in this country, it would be wise NOT TO charge them with anything. At the same time, they use the law for punitive and personal gain. I’m sure they don’t have any REAL friends.
No, I gotcha. I didn't do a good job expressing what I was trying to say with that post.

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