OT; Ronald Reagan on John Wayne


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Apr 1, 2019
I thought some of you might enjoy this interview of Ronald Reagan talking about John Wayne. Reminded me how significant both were. Neither was perfect, but oh how California and the USA at large miss men such as these. I know I will sound like an old fogey, but both the acting vocation and politics are now populated by such small persons in comparison to the generations that prevailed the first 40 or so years after the end of WW2.

Absolutely, and Obama is a bottom 5. He couldn’t handle a hostile media like Trump or Reagan had.
Biden’s a bottom 1 POTUS obviously by his lame duck status in year 1. Unprecedented!
Biden may go down as the worst president ever. He is a clueless dementia patient.
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Unquestionably the favorite POTUS of the USSS agents that I know and have worked with.
1B was George H.W. Bush (true American Hero and gentleman)

“Rawhide” (code name) was THE MAN.
That is awesome to hear. By far my favorite presidebt so it’s good to have those near to him had respect for him.
It’s both inspiring and sad (when thinking of politicians today) to see the dignity and decency that guys like Reagan brought to the presidency.
There are characters in the office...with no character, guts, common sense working to make America great. There are people living in this country that would be forced out if they tried some of their shit then. Character. A lost quality in much of America today.
Ronald Reagan had one main goal when he took office. That was to win the Cold War and take out the Soviet Union. He did just that. Now we have lunatics in office that want to turn this country into the Soviet Union.
He actually talks about this in the video around the 5:30 mark. Amazing some can’t see it.
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Ronald Reagan is a top 5 president.

Reagan was a very good president. A couple of historical notes about him:

- he would not fit in today's republican party. He would be the Mitt Romney. A moderate who would ostracized for not showing complete fealty to Trump.

- In his first year, Reagan's approval rating plummeted to 42% and in the midterms his party lost 26 seats in the house two years in. Unemployment climbed above 10%. Yet he turned it around by burying the hatchet and working with his bitter enemy - dem speaker of the house Tip O'neill. Together they got shit done and stopped the constant partisan stonewalling.

I wish today's leaders could do the same. I don't see it happening.