OT...Setting odds on origination of Trump protestors...tern


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2001
Wherever my RV is parked(formerly Abbeville, SC)
3-1 on RNC; 7-2 Mitt Romney cabal (his POS father put together huge push against Goldwater); then the field of severely butt hurt old guard Republicans and Liberals.h

When a RNC Committee member states it's the RNC that chooses the candidate and NOT "We the People" this past week, you know they have lost control of reality. This includes the Libs.
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3-1 on RNC; 7-2 Mitt Romney cabal (his POS father put together huge push against Goldwater); then the field of severely butt hurt old guard Republicans and Liberals.h

When a RNC Committee member states it's the RNC that chooses the candidate and NOT "We the People" this past week, you know they have lost control of reality. This includes the Libs.

If i am not mistaken, claimed credit and so did one of the blm leaders as well. Kinda like when the terrorist claim responsibility for bombings.......
I don't believe for one minute that the RNC is behind these protests. This has Dems and Liberals written all over it and they never cease to amaze me with their hypocrisy. Libs are all about the free expression of ideas unless it disagrees with their viewpoint. I'm not a Trump fan and don't like the thought of him as president, BUT these protests may help push me to vote for him. Only thing worse than a bully is a gang of bullies and that's how I see these protestors now.
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3-1 on RNC; 7-2 Mitt Romney cabal (his POS father put together huge push against Goldwater); then the field of severely butt hurt old guard Republicans and Liberals.h

When a RNC Committee member states it's the RNC that chooses the candidate and NOT "We the People" this past week, you know they have lost control of reality. This includes the Libs.
I actually think most of them are just people who can't stand me.
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