OT: The Revolution Has Begun


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
I'm not a Trump supporter. I am considering not even voting at all in this election but my vote would probably come down to Kacich or Sanders, simply because they seem like two decent people. Neither have a chance so that's a purely theoretical statement I haven't even thought deeply about. Cruz is beyond dangerous and solely guided by religion and a few special interests. Clinton is a well-documented liar and career lawyer and politician who, if elected, will represent Wall Street and corporate America first and foremost. I live in Florida and the thought of Rubio even being our Senator is a damn joke, let alone a presidential candidate (just goes to show the power of grooming, marketing, and the party machinery in this country).

Having said that, last night's events in Chicago combined with the out-of-control insanity and discussion of the past week on the Republican side are going to launch Trump to the presidency in a landslide. He's already pulled out all the stops, broken all the rules, and compiled a lifetime's worth of bad soundbites. He is now going to slowly dial back, begin to give some more serious interviews, and act like a semi-adult in the remaining debates. All of that is going to make him suddenly appear "presidential".

I believe that the majority of the problems caused at previous rallies were caused by Trump supporters. HOWEVER...last night pretty clearly seemed to be the work of a bunch of dumbass liberal arts students at some local school (UIC, specifically) and they were clearly instigating the issues. That is exactly what the Trump campaign needed, right when the media pressure on behavior at his rallies was starting to increase. Earlier today, another clown tried to apparently make a run at him on stage - again, he is loving that....up and until the point something serious happens (which seems inevitable).

I don't support the guy and do think he has fascist tendencies....not saying he is but he checks a lot of the boxes. However, the time for calling his campaign a joke is over. He is going to be the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton stands no chance against him, no matter what current polls say. It is amazing that it took someone of his background and speaking ability to be able to communicate it but the bottom line is that a sizable portion of the electorate is tired of apologizing for the country, tired of negotiating with other countries as equals, and tired of corporations and the super-rich not only playing by their own rules but literally writing their own rules.

Trump addresses the first two of those concerns. Aside from all his personal issues, my biggest worry is he will use action on those first two fronts to allow big business (who seem to always win no matter what party is elected) to really loot us all this time around. Either way, the Trump presidency is an inevitability.
Voting for a socialist because he seems like a nice guy just astounds me. Before anyone says "but he is a democratic socialist", a socialist is a socialist, doesn't matter want you put before it. Our election process has become something of a farce and designed for low information voters. Sadly, we have no one to blame but ourselfs.
Numerically, is Sanders pretty much done? Wasn't Michigan a big get?
If you liked Obama vote for Hillery ...or Bernie . The results will be the same . Open borders , sanctuary.cities , a very liberal Supreme Court , more Epa regs , etc . I am not for most of Trumps message ! I like Kasich . But I don't want Obama 3 ! JMHO .
I don't know about that. I've looked into all of them and literally agree with nothing Ted Cruz says. Rubio to me looks like he would bring back the failed neoconservative philosophies from the 2000 to 2004 era, so that's a big no for me. As I said, Clinton is a bona fide liar. Trop is either a complete buffoon or extremely dangerous, and I'm not sure which one yet if not both.

So I look at the remaining two and find a few things I agree with and a few things I disagree with. Does that make me a low information voter or are you one of those guys that thinks anyone is incorrect if they happen to disagree with you?

The only people left in America that I think are truly low information are ones that don't realize that we've all been getting robbed by the global corporations since 1980, regardless of who has been in office. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have been able to distract their members now for 35 years with social issues to allow the looting to continue. The rise of Trump and Sanders gives me hope that that gig is nearly up.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I am considering not even voting at all in this election but my vote would probably come down to Kacich or Sanders, simply because they seem like two decent people. Neither have a chance so that's a purely theoretical statement I haven't even thought deeply about. Cruz is beyond dangerous and solely guided by religion and a few special interests. Clinton is a well-documented liar and career lawyer and politician who, if elected, will represent Wall Street and corporate America first and foremost. I live in Florida and the thought of Rubio even being our Senator is a damn joke, let alone a presidential candidate (just goes to show the power of grooming, marketing, and the party machinery in this country).

Having said that, last night's events in Chicago combined with the out-of-control insanity and discussion of the past week on the Republican side are going to launch Trump to the presidency in a landslide. He's already pulled out all the stops, broken all the rules, and compiled a lifetime's worth of bad soundbites. He is now going to slowly dial back, begin to give some more serious interviews, and act like a semi-adult in the remaining debates. All of that is going to make him suddenly appear "presidential".

I believe that the majority of the problems caused at previous rallies were caused by Trump supporters. HOWEVER...last night pretty clearly seemed to be the work of a bunch of dumbass liberal arts students at some local school (UIC, specifically) and they were clearly instigating the issues. That is exactly what the Trump campaign needed, right when the media pressure on behavior at his rallies was starting to increase. Earlier today, another clown tried to apparently make a run at him on stage - again, he is loving that....up and until the point something serious happens (which seems inevitable).

I don't support the guy and do think he has fascist tendencies....not saying he is but he checks a lot of the boxes. However, the time for calling his campaign a joke is over. He is going to be the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton stands no chance against him, no matter what current polls say. It is amazing that it took someone of his background and speaking ability to be able to communicate it but the bottom line is that a sizable portion of the electorate is tired of apologizing for the country, tired of negotiating with other countries as equals, and tired of corporations and the super-rich not only playing by their own rules but literally writing their own rules.

Trump addresses the first two of those concerns. Aside from all his personal issues, my biggest worry is he will use action on those first two fronts to allow big business (who seem to always win no matter what party is elected) to really loot us all this time around. Either way, the Trump presidency is an inevitability.

People that are predicting Trump to be president are forgetting to do the math. It's not a macho thing or who is right/wrong, it's all numbers. There aren't enough people in Trumps pool of potential voters.
If you liked Obama vote for Hillery ...or Bernie . The results will be the same . Open borders , sanctuary.cities , a very liberal Supreme Court , more Epa regs , etc . I am not for most of Trumps message ! I like Kasich . But I don't want Obama 3 ! JMHO .
Dont understand why, no matter what side of the isle you are on, that people oppose protecting the environment and YOUR EFFING FAMILY. Do you think paper mills should be able to polute the rivers we fish in? That lead should be allowed in pipes and paint? Make the $ and religion argument all you want, but it baffles me that people think it is ok to polute the resources that we are ourselves consuming. SMDH.
Vote Gary Johnson, libertarian candidate. If for no other reason than if a third party gets 5% of the popular vote it will get formally recognized in the next election cycle

I did this last year. Didn't work, but maybe it has a chance in this unusual cycle. It's a great goal, and probably what I'll do, if it comes down to Trump vs Clinton. Voting in a state like SC, voting for Hillary is pretty much a throw away vote anyway.
I did this last year. Didn't work, but maybe it has a chance in this unusual cycle. It's a great goal, and probably what I'll do, if it comes down to Trump vs Clinton. Voting in a state like SC, voting for Hillary is pretty much a throw away vote anyway.

Agreed, I may do that.
Dont understand why, no matter what side of the isle you are on, that people oppose protecting the environment and YOUR EFFING FAMILY. Do you think paper mills should be able to polute the rivers we fish in? That lead should be allowed in pipes and paint? Make the $ and religion argument all you want, but it baffles me that people think it is ok to polute the resources that we are ourselves consuming. SMDH.

I'm 100% for being good stewards of our environment. But the problem I have is reading into all the stuff about this issue, I have concerns about the supposed research done on this. There's a lot of counter information about the warming trends. As far as a clean environment, I think we should take all the steps we can to responsibly manage our environment. However, a lot of regulations are just over the top. We need to be more balanced about how we do this and finding the best ways to mange it over the long term.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I am considering not even voting at all in this election but my vote would probably come down to Kacich or Sanders, simply because they seem like two decent people. Neither have a chance so that's a purely theoretical statement I haven't even thought deeply about. Cruz is beyond dangerous and solely guided by religion and a few special interests. Clinton is a well-documented liar and career lawyer and politician who, if elected, will represent Wall Street and corporate America first and foremost. I live in Florida and the thought of Rubio even being our Senator is a damn joke, let alone a presidential candidate (just goes to show the power of grooming, marketing, and the party machinery in this country).

Having said that, last night's events in Chicago combined with the out-of-control insanity and discussion of the past week on the Republican side are going to launch Trump to the presidency in a landslide. He's already pulled out all the stops, broken all the rules, and compiled a lifetime's worth of bad soundbites. He is now going to slowly dial back, begin to give some more serious interviews, and act like a semi-adult in the remaining debates. All of that is going to make him suddenly appear "presidential".

I believe that the majority of the problems caused at previous rallies were caused by Trump supporters. HOWEVER...last night pretty clearly seemed to be the work of a bunch of dumbass liberal arts students at some local school (UIC, specifically) and they were clearly instigating the issues. That is exactly what the Trump campaign needed, right when the media pressure on behavior at his rallies was starting to increase. Earlier today, another clown tried to apparently make a run at him on stage - again, he is loving that....up and until the point something serious happens (which seems inevitable).

I don't support the guy and do think he has fascist tendencies....not saying he is but he checks a lot of the boxes. However, the time for calling his campaign a joke is over. He is going to be the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton stands no chance against him, no matter what current polls say. It is amazing that it took someone of his background and speaking ability to be able to communicate it but the bottom line is that a sizable portion of the electorate is tired of apologizing for the country, tired of negotiating with other countries as equals, and tired of corporations and the super-rich not only playing by their own rules but literally writing their own rules.

Trump addresses the first two of those concerns. Aside from all his personal issues, my biggest worry is he will use action on those first two fronts to allow big business (who seem to always win no matter what party is elected) to really loot us all this time around. Either way, the Trump presidency is an inevitability.

Kasich and Sanders belief systems and government philosophies could not possibly be more polar opposite.
get a brain.
People that are predicting Trump to be president are forgetting to do the math. It's not a macho thing or who is right/wrong, it's all numbers. There aren't enough people in Trumps pool of potential voters.
There are more than enough people in the pool. This time they won't sit at home they will go out and vote just like you have seen in the previous few months.. Record numbers of people will show up
I don't know about that. I've looked into all of them and literally agree with nothing Ted Cruz says. Rubio to me looks like he would bring back the failed neoconservative philosophies from the 2000 to 2004 era, so that's a big no for me. As I said, Clinton is a bona fide liar. Trop is either a complete buffoon or extremely dangerous, and I'm not sure which one yet if not both.

So I look at the remaining two and find a few things I agree with and a few things I disagree with. Does that make me a low information voter or are you one of those guys that thinks anyone is incorrect if they happen to disagree with you?

The only people left in America that I think are truly low information are ones that don't realize that we've all been getting robbed by the global corporations since 1980, regardless of who has been in office. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have been able to distract their members now for 35 years with social issues to allow the looting to continue. The rise of Trump and Sanders gives me hope that that gig is nearly up.
Global corporations do not and cannot rob you. Big governments can.
There are more than enough people in the pool. This time they won't sit at home they will go out and vote just like you have seen in the previous few months.. Record numbers of people will show up

The people that will vote for Trump always vote.
I don't know about that. I've looked into all of them and literally agree with nothing Ted Cruz says. Rubio to me looks like he would bring back the failed neoconservative philosophies from the 2000 to 2004 era, so that's a big no for me. As I said, Clinton is a bona fide liar. Trop is either a complete buffoon or extremely dangerous, and I'm not sure which one yet if not both.

So I look at the remaining two and find a few things I agree with and a few things I disagree with. Does that make me a low information voter or are you one of those guys that thinks anyone is incorrect if they happen to disagree with you?

The only people left in America that I think are truly low information are ones that don't realize that we've all been getting robbed by the global corporations since 1980, regardless of who has been in office. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have been able to distract their members now for 35 years with social issues to allow the looting to continue. The rise of Trump and Sanders gives me hope that that gig is nearly up.

Well said sir. The people stereotyping with "low information voter" are both ruled by fear and lack the resolution to critically search for the truth. Trump isn't perfect, and of course Sanders isn't, but they represent an awakening by the masses that reality doesn't match the force fed narrative.
Dont understand why, no matter what side of the isle you are on, that people oppose protecting the environment and YOUR EFFING FAMILY. Do you think paper mills should be able to polute the rivers we fish in? That lead should be allowed in pipes and paint? Make the $ and religion argument all you want, but it baffles me that people think it is ok to polute the resources that we are ourselves consuming. SMDH.

I appreciate your response and I don't oppose protecting the environment and my family . What I do oppose are government buracrats making political decisions without regard to consequences ! It's not all the way left or all the way right . It should be about balance , not ideology . That's why I like Kasich ...I think he is balanced ! Conservative but balanced !
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Global corporations do not and cannot rob you. Big governments can.

I'm 100% for being good stewards of our environment. But the problem I have is reading into all the stuff about this issue, I have concerns about the supposed research done on this. There's a lot of counter information about the warming trends. As far as a clean environment, I think we should take all the steps we can to responsibly manage our environment. However, a lot of regulations are just over the top. We need to be more balanced about how we do this and finding the best ways to mange it over the long term.

Not really. Cruz cherry picked some atmoshopheric data for his argument, which people tend to point to, but it's not taken seriously at all in the international scientific community. People will debate climate change as a whole, but global oceanic warming is not even up for debate. And, of course, people will point to grant funding as the primary reason to review climate change data, but I guess everyone has to put their trust into some source(s). And add me to the camp that trusts scientists, globally.

If Trump's victory creates some sort of schism within the GOP, and somehow a new party was born that embraced science and things like drug and criminal justice reform, cuts to defense spending, etc., then I could be drawn into a party like that.
Not really. Cruz cherry picked some atmoshopheric data for his argument, which people tend to point to, but it's not taken seriously at all in the international scientific community. People will debate climate change as a whole, but global oceanic warming is not even up for debate. And, of course, people will point to grant funding as the primary reason to review climate change data, but I guess everyone has to put their trust into some source(s). And add me to the camp that trusts scientists, globally.

If Trump's victory creates some sort of schism within the GOP, and somehow a new party was born that embraced science and things like drug and criminal justice reform, cuts to defense spending, etc., then I could be drawn into a party like that.

I agree with you here. I find it interesting that a lot of people are willing to believe a global conspiracy to get "grant money" involving tens of thousands of scientists and put their faith in (by their own admission, not scientists) 100 or so politicos that are publicly taking money from fossil fuel companies with billions of dollars in profits at stake.

Seriously, all science aside. Which is more likely, 97% + of all scientists lying to everyone, or a relatively small number of people with a political interest in energy companies?
Not really. Cruz cherry picked some atmoshopheric data for his argument, which people tend to point to, but it's not taken seriously at all in the international scientific community. People will debate climate change as a whole, but global oceanic warming is not even up for debate. And, of course, people will point to grant funding as the primary reason to review climate change data, but I guess everyone has to put their trust into some source(s). And add me to the camp that trusts scientists, globally.

If Trump's victory creates some sort of schism within the GOP, and somehow a new party was born that embraced science and things like drug and criminal justice reform, cuts to defense spending, etc., then I could be drawn into a party like that.

Yes, there really is. And there are a lot of scientists who don't agree about the data. I'm all for finding out what's going on and if it's something we need to deal with, etc. It's not like anyone benefits from environmental destruction over the long haul. A lot of the "science" on all this isn't science at all. It's a political agenda. Some of the warming isn't necessarily a debate. It's the causes that are a debate and the circumstantial use of basis points that fit with the desired conclusions.

FWIW, I'm a conservative and I support criminal justice reform. I also support de-corrupting our defense spending but not lessening it. I also embrace science. There are a lot of conservatives that feel this way.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I am considering not even voting at all in this election but my vote would probably come down to Kacich or Sanders, simply because they seem like two decent people. Neither have a chance so that's a purely theoretical statement I haven't even thought deeply about. Cruz is beyond dangerous and solely guided by religion and a few special interests. Clinton is a well-documented liar and career lawyer and politician who, if elected, will represent Wall Street and corporate America first and foremost. I live in Florida and the thought of Rubio even being our Senator is a damn joke, let alone a presidential candidate (just goes to show the power of grooming, marketing, and the party machinery in this country).

Having said that, last night's events in Chicago combined with the out-of-control insanity and discussion of the past week on the Republican side are going to launch Trump to the presidency in a landslide. He's already pulled out all the stops, broken all the rules, and compiled a lifetime's worth of bad soundbites. He is now going to slowly dial back, begin to give some more serious interviews, and act like a semi-adult in the remaining debates. All of that is going to make him suddenly appear "presidential".

I believe that the majority of the problems caused at previous rallies were caused by Trump supporters. HOWEVER...last night pretty clearly seemed to be the work of a bunch of dumbass liberal arts students at some local school (UIC, specifically) and they were clearly instigating the issues. That is exactly what the Trump campaign needed, right when the media pressure on behavior at his rallies was starting to increase. Earlier today, another clown tried to apparently make a run at him on stage - again, he is loving that....up and until the point something serious happens (which seems inevitable).

I don't support the guy and do think he has fascist tendencies....not saying he is but he checks a lot of the boxes. However, the time for calling his campaign a joke is over. He is going to be the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton stands no chance against him, no matter what current polls say. It is amazing that it took someone of his background and speaking ability to be able to communicate it but the bottom line is that a sizable portion of the electorate is tired of apologizing for the country, tired of negotiating with other countries as equals, and tired of corporations and the super-rich not only playing by their own rules but literally writing their own rules.

Trump addresses the first two of those concerns. Aside from all his personal issues, my biggest worry is he will use action on those first two fronts to allow big business (who seem to always win no matter what party is elected) to really loot us all this time around. Either way, the Trump presidency is an inevitability.
Sanders is an avowed Socialist. This country is fvcked with the Socialist direction we've gone in. Liberal folks will soon get what you asked for with Obama. Let Bern finish it.
There are more signs of global cooling than there are global warming. I could post numerous articles to back this up. You libs can post a bunch of crock articles coming from the liberal media to validate your failed socialism view. You people do realize the United States is only 5% of the planet and of which most is barren land. The weather system extends 160 miles up from the planet all over the planet. Do you really believe that we can control the weather if we wanted to?
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There are more signs of global cooling than there are global warming. I could post numerous articles to back this up. You libs can post a bunch of crock articles coming from the liberal media to validate your failed socialism view. You people do realize the United States is only 5% of the planet and of which most is barren land. The weather system extends 160 miles up from the planet all over the planet. Do you really believe that we can control the weather if we wanted to?

libs, liberal media, socialism. Any other item on your hate agenda you'd like to lump into this argument?

Yes, I believe billions humans over the course of the entire industrial revolution could in fact make an impact on the earth. And it's climate, not weather, we are discussing. I would love to see these numerous, peer-reviewed scientific articles that support global cooling.

We actually have oceanic probes that report temperatures. This isn't some sort of opinion. To claim global cooling, you'd literally have to say the probes aren't working. I understand that some of you will disagree with the cause of it, but the fact that warming is actually happening just isn't up for debate. That's flat-earth society level shit right there.
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Yes, there really is. And there are a lot of scientists who don't agree about the data. I'm all for finding out what's going on and if it's something we need to deal with, etc. It's not like anyone benefits from environmental destruction over the long haul. A lot of the "science" on all this isn't science at all. It's a political agenda. Some of the warming isn't necessarily a debate. It's the causes that are a debate and the circumstantial use of basis points that fit with the desired conclusions.

FWIW, I'm a conservative and I support criminal justice reform. I also support de-corrupting our defense spending but not lessening it. I also embrace science. There are a lot of conservatives that feel this way.

The most recent study on scientific opinion was Cook's research, which reviewed the opinions of over 12,000 scientists. Only 3 percent believed that climate change was not anthropogenic in nature. So, a lot is kinda relative. There have been other studies that put the number below 97%, but as many have pointed out, only Cook's study used scientists with peer-reviewed scientific journals on the subject matter. Could they be wrong? Sure.
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There are more signs of global cooling than there are global warming. I could post numerous articles to back this up. You libs can post a bunch of crock articles coming from the liberal media to validate your failed socialism view. You people do realize the United States is only 5% of the planet and of which most is barren land. The weather system extends 160 miles up from the planet all over the planet. Do you really believe that we can control the weather if we wanted to?

Post some articles please.
It's the scope of the opinions I have an issue with. A lot of this information they are tracking only goes back 30-35 years. There are long term studies that show the warming trend isn't even the hottest in the last 150 years. Further, I am not disputing that our climate changes. I am saying that documented proof that we cause it is not yet substantive enough to go on. The whole argument that the science is in just demonstrates an unwillingness to further prove the point.

There was a report in the last couple years from UGA (I think) that discussed alarming trends with the ice sheet in Iceland. It lamented the impact of man on this situation. Further research showed that a huge amount of heat from the geothermal ducts in Iceland were largely considered the culprit? Why say that without talking about the geothermal activity? I have run into this time and again. I don't want to harm the earth. I drive en electric car. We try to use solar power in every possible way. We recycle 90% of our waste. I live in a relatively modest house and I care for the land I own. God called on us to be good stewards of the earth. I take that seriously. All that being said, I find it difficult to take seriously a lot of the research I've read. I ask people all the time who believe this is reality to show me what got them to that point. 25+ people and counting I've asked and I am still waiting for something substantive to go off of...
There are more signs of global cooling than there are global warming. I could post numerous articles to back this up. You libs can post a bunch of crock articles coming from the liberal media to validate your failed socialism view. You people do realize the United States is only 5% of the planet and of which most is barren land. The weather system extends 160 miles up from the planet all over the planet. Do you really believe that we can control the weather if we wanted to?
This drives me crazy! Exactly the DUMBASS argument that many conservatives make bc they have a hard time arguing with science. They say on one hand, you cant prove warming (and even that we might be cooling - even though every year is getting hotter than the last), then on the other hand, they say "we are only a tiny part of the earth."

Make up your effing mind and choose your argument! Do you 1. Disagree with science and think that global warming is a conspiracy, or 2. Believe that it might be happening, but feel like it unfair that the US make changes while China and India keep poluting? Although I would say neither are good arguments against protecting our environment (especially locally), at least I can have some respect for the second argument. If you want to argue point 1, you're an idiot. If you want to argue point 2, then fine - we need to do something about India and China, and I can semi get on board with that. But trying to make BOTH arguments only makes you sound twice as dumb.
I don't support the guy and do think he has fascist tendencies....not saying he is but he checks a lot of the boxes. However, the time for calling his campaign a joke is over. He is going to be the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton stands no chance against him, no matter what current polls say. It is amazing that it took someone of his background and speaking ability to be able to communicate it but the bottom line is that a sizable portion of the electorate is tired of apologizing for the country, tired of negotiating with other countries as equals, and tired of corporations and the super-rich not only playing by their own rules but literally writing their own rules.

Trump addresses the first two of those concerns. Aside from all his personal issues, my biggest worry is he will use action on those first two fronts to allow big business (who seem to always win no matter what party is elected) to really loot us all this time around. Either way, the Trump presidency is an inevitability.
he does have the best words.
There is also 3. The science out there is not overwhelming in terms of our impact plus a possible natural warming trend. We do not fully know what is going on.
I'm 100% for being good stewards of our environment. But the problem I have is reading into all the stuff about this issue, I have concerns about the supposed research done on this. There's a lot of counter information about the warming trends. As far as a clean environment, I think we should take all the steps we can to responsibly manage our environment. However, a lot of regulations are just over the top. We need to be more balanced about how we do this and finding the best ways to mange it over the long term.
Flint Michigan says - Have A Glass of Water or better yet -Take A Bath!
@IMBlessed And of course, you blame Republicans for this? Michigan has been ruled by Democrats for the better part of 50 years man. This is their mess caused by rotting infrastructure in a broken and incompetently run state. Also, if you read about Flint, you'd know the Detroit Water cutting them off had a huge role in all this. Guess who runs that? I'm sure you don't need to guess.

We have massive infrastructure issues that we need to work on. unfortunately, we're too damn broke to do much about it.
There is also 3. The science out there is not overwhelming in terms of our impact plus a possible natural warming trend. We do not fully know what is going on.
The science is overwhelming. Those that think not either 1. have their heads in the sand 2. are on the take from an energy company (looking at you James Inhoffe).

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