10 handicap - in the market for a new putter (mallet) for Christmas. While choosing a putter is pretty subjective/personal, looking for any thoughts for those who recently bought.
Initially thought Scotty (Phantom), but tried both L.A.B. (DF3) and Evnroll (Zero Z1) and very impressed. Liked the feel and got the ball rolling quickly, Evnroll probably fit my eye a little better - L.A.B. is great but seems like need time to get used to. Anyone playing one of these in their bags?
Also debating custom/fitting vs. just going stock...
Initially thought Scotty (Phantom), but tried both L.A.B. (DF3) and Evnroll (Zero Z1) and very impressed. Liked the feel and got the ball rolling quickly, Evnroll probably fit my eye a little better - L.A.B. is great but seems like need time to get used to. Anyone playing one of these in their bags?
Also debating custom/fitting vs. just going stock...