Apparently Perry Noble is coming out as bisexual per sources.
I know NewSpring catches a lot of crap (some of it deserved) but I teach at a middle school where most kids could care less about church. I have noticed in the past two years I've overhead more students talking to each other about going to church on Wednes
day nights and it's always NewSpring. So while they have flaws it's cool for me to see them reaching our school population.
I couldn't care less about Newspring, I'm so far removed from it and all I read about is on here, doesn't matter to me if people are being sold false hope for 10% of their income or whatever...but Perry Noble just SEEMS like a creepy dude.
i agree they have a mission, they stick to it, and do it well. outreach and bringing in new participants is their goal. I'd prefer they had greater emphasis on traditional mission work and less on running up their baptism numbers, but i think there is room for both types of churches. i was very pro new spring when perry used to tell people to send their tithes elsewhere, which I did, (along with sending a small operational tithe to NewSpring)... since he's walked that back and now is adamant about tithes coming to newspring and newspring only I can't say I really support them anymore... will never believe they have the right balance of expansion / missions.You hit the nail squarely on the head!!! That is something most of the detractors don't understand or care to understand the church was setup with a mission to reach teenager's, and that is and always will be their focus. Now those who come from a church with a traditional service like myself may not enjoy ever aspect of the service, but it wasn't designed for me and if I don't like it they're dozens of other churches in Anderson I can attend. NewSpring has always wanted to get kids in church and talking about Christ. The church wasn't setup to serve senior adults like a lot of churches, they want to win young adults to Christ, and I think some people just can't accept that fact so they throw stones instead of going out and being and example and winning people to Christ.