Pennsylvania Election Issues


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
The beat goes on.

BREAKING: An election integrity group has filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania election officials to force them to clean the voter rolls ahead of the 2024 election after discovering more votes were counted than voters who voted in the 2022 midterm election, similar to 2020

"The official canvas for the 2022 Pennsylvania Election was 5,410,022 ballots cast yet the data shows there exist 5,400,869 total votes cast – a discrepancy of 9,153 votes."

"Petitioners believe and therefore aver that it is reasonable to believe that systemic issues which occurred in the 2022 combined Federal and state election in Pennsylvania will continue uncorrected in 2024, 2026, 2028, etc. absent intervention by this Court."

The 56 page lawsuit also brings forth many bombshell findings especially from the experts at @Auditthevotepa
- 54,463 people voted in a county in which they were no longer living;
-8,177 people voted despite not actually living in Pennsylvania;
- 6,356 people were credited as submitting a mail-in ballot, but did not have any votes credited in Pennsylvania’s SURE system;
- 644 people voted by mail or absentee ballot, but are not on the mail ballot list;
- 138 people voted by mail, but they had missed the deadline to vote by mail-in ballot;
- 69,832 mail ballots were sent to an address unaffiliated with the voter’s registration;
- 5,914 people requested a mail ballot, who do not exist on the PA voter rolls between 10/3/2022 and 1/16/2023;
- 18,589 people requested multiple ballots be sent to multiple addresses, with some people requesting additional ballots to be sent to up to four (4) separate addresses;
- 5,492 registrations show as having two votes on record in two separate counties.

The lawsuit was filed by United Sovereign Americans
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Incredible news if it holds!!

BREAKING: A Pennsylvania court just issued a MASSIVE ruling declaring that the digital images of completed absentee and mail-in ballots are PUBLIC RECORD

This means that after the November election, voters and candidates can obtain the original images for inspection

"In light of the foregoing analysis, we conclude that images of completed absentee and mail-in ballots are public records that can be obtained through an RTKL request, and consequently reverse Common Pleas’ June 28, 2023 order in part, to the extent that the lower tribunal ruled to the contrary." - Judge Ellen Ceisler

This will go a very long way to stop fictitious ballots from being inserted into the count. It forces election officials to keep a strict chain of custody for all ballots because if something doesn't add up, the ballot images will expose the truth

This is a fantastic ruling, and I thank patriot Michelle Previte for bringing the case. She filed the lawsuit because her Right-to-Know request to the Erie County Board of Elections for 2020 election records was DENIED. This ruling is big-time vindication and a slap in the face to every election fraud doer and denier.
Josh Shapiro the latest dem wunderkind getting some attention for what he did.

And here it is,

Formal criminal charges have been filed against PA. Gov. Josh Shapiro, for obstructing federal and state investigations and for participating in the conspiracy, in the fraud to overthrow the U.S. government.

Documents obtained by Greg Stenstrom and Princess Leah through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),


“It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.

[FOIA] “We use their own EMAILS, their own DOCUMENTS and their own TEXTS . THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.”

And William ****en Barr was at the center of it all,

And Greg naming names,
IG Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy AG, Jeffrey Rosen, AG, Merrick Garland, Michigan AG, Dana Nessel …

“I can say with experience, that prison will come out of it. Eventually they will go to prison. This is not something that’s going to be able to be swept aside.”

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Real Robert dunking on the election fraud deniers.

And here it is,

Video and Audio CONFIRM,


PA election officials could not reconcile the 2020 election and yet they certified the overthrow of the United States government anyway. And they conspired by altering and destroying evidence to cover it all up.

“Everyone in there was sweating bullets because they thought they were going to be taken away in cuffs.”

Meaning a warrant should absolutely be out for the arrest of Josh Midget Shapiro at once.
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Potentially good news.

BREAKING: A Pennsylvania judge just ruled that voters and election officials CANNOT cure or count defective mail-in ballots that are missing secrecy envelopes, also known as "naked ballots"

The court said, “It is the voter’s burden to ensure they have completed the steps necessary for their mail-in ballot to be included in the tabulation,” The judge also added that it is the task of the Pennsylvania Legislature, not the court, to implement a new set of curing procedures to remedy defective mail-in ballots.

For additional context, two voters complained to the Butler County Board of Elections after discovering their mail-in ballots weren't counted in the April Primary Election. It turns out they sent their ballots without the REQUIRED secrecy envelope. They still asked for their ballots to be counted, but the election board and court did not become activists in throwing away election laws and procedures.

"The court understands their frustration, and additionally, that of persons who deposit their ballot into the mail only to return home to find the secrecy envelope on a table, yet, despite knowing with certainty their secrecy envelope was not included in their return, may do nothing to have their vote counted in the election. However, as stated by the Court in Boockvar, this is a task for the legislature, not the courts, given the attendant issues that must be addressed. The court would urge the legislature to consider the situation of the Petitioners, to develop and implement a procedure for those who return defective ballots to correct same to ensure as full participation as possible in the voting franchise."

This ruling, combined with the other ruling on "undated mail-in ballots," is significant for securing the 2024 election. I have no doubt that thousands of defective ballots were counted in the 2020 election, but now we have an enforceable court order against it.

BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court just overruled the state legislature and lower courts to FORCE election officials to count mail-in ballots that show up missing dates or with incorrect dates in the 2024 election

They BLOCKED enforcement of the law that requires correct dates on mail-in ballots, saying it violates the State Constitution's Free and Equal Elections Clause

The law resulted in the disqualification of over 10,000 mail-in ballots during the 2022 midterm elections and several thousand more during the recent presidential primary. This ruling creates a loophole for thousands of fictitious mail-in ballots with no chain of custody to be counted in November's election.

This is a devastating loss for election integrity, which grassroots patriots have fought so hard for. I blame all of this on the U.S. Supreme Court, which, in Harper v. Moore, decided to permit judges to continue intervening in elections. The founders made it very clear who oversees elections, "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;" (Article 1 Section 4 Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution)

The RNC has vowed to take the case to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just OVERRULED the Commonwealth Court, saying it didn't have jurisdiction to decide to mandate the counting of undated or misdated mail-in ballots. This means those mail-in ballots CANNOT be counted in the 2024 election

"The order of the Commonwealth Court is VACATED. The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties, and because the joinder of Al Schmidt, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, did not suffice to invoke the Commonwealth Court's original jurisdiction."

I am pleasantly SHOCKED and HAPPY