Police Funding and Training - Good Video


Lake Baikal
Aug 6, 2010
If you have an opinion on the defunding of police, give this a watch. Some solid points in here

If you have an opinion on the defunding of police, give this a watch. Some solid points in here

I have not watched this video yet, but I will. I have multiple friends who are police so I've been involved in a lot of conversations around policing. Of all topics that have become politicized,I think that this is the most unfortunate. We really need to have open most nds and realize that everyone benefits from effective and fair policing.

Some thoughts:

1. "Defund the Police" is a stupid slogan that doesn't present the ideas of reform well at all. Just really dumb and instantly hurts your message.
2. Police is very underpaid and over stressed with their role being way to broad. They handle everything from murder to domesticate dispute/ child custody stuff.
3. Police are not well trained in how to restrain safely and should have judo training paid for them.
4. All police departments should require body cams-. That absolutely protects the police and us as citizens.
5. We do need to work on trying to hire police that resemble the areas that they are protecting and serving.
6. It seems like we use our police more for searching out wrongdoers than we do protecting and serving. People run from cops and not towards them.
7. There absolutely is some systemic racism towards african americans. African Americans, particularly males, have a very different feeling towards police than I do as a white male. There is a fear and distrust that heightens the stress and anxiety during interations and I believe leads to some of the bad incidents that we have seen.
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