More people need to say this.
He's just another Deep State never Trumper. Someone should take him out and shoot him at dawn. Am I doing it right?
A Never Trumper that admitted he voted for Trump at that. He should be drawn and quartered and then shot at dawn as he was obviously taking bribes. Am I doing it right?
Its really weird how quiet Lindsey Graham is. I wonder if he started a new contract with a male escort.
Its really weird how quiet Lindsey Graham is. I wonder if he started a new contract with a male escort.
His spokesman says he doesn't agree with violence but the special needs pumpkin himself just doubles down. Disgusting human
He's such a piece of excrement. A small, pathetic little man.
What's sad is I don't think he believes any of the shit he is spewing. He knows that he's lost. He just knows that flaming up his base is the best way to line his pocket. He has always been and will always be a morally bankrupt con man
I think he believes it. He's get a number of rudi guliani's and Steven millers in his ear. He's too dumb to come to his own conclusions, and we won't take the time to do the reading, he just listens to people he trusts. He's an idiot.