people are so fking stupid. how many different ways can a story make absolutely no logical sense and still have people fall for it. this is a bullsht story that uses people as political props to use them in support of a narrative. it's a nonsense buzz word salad to make an emotional argument. if you're governed by your emotions you're a pretty useless human being. the amount of holes in this story is absurd.
and while i personally would prefer not to be part of an abortion, i think it's ultimately a woman's decision and something she should be able to decide. that said, there's people grounded strongly on both ends...the only logical answer is compromise and any rational person sees that. and honestly...for all the condescension the left speaks with of religious people, at least they have a consistent and transparent argument. for them it's just life is life, you don't kill it. agree or disagree, at least it's direct. meanwhile the loons on the left crack the shts over the .01% of abortion scenarios while refusing to address the elephant in the room. that would be why is there apparently such a desperate need for them? maybe...just maybe...that might be a good question to dig into. might even run into some pretty simple ways to help prevent the need for them. instead, it's just a bunch of ranting about externalities and making shiftless emotional demands that will never accomplish anything but further the divide.