Record Low Temps tonight.....Lol at Global Warming

It's global warming 363 days out of 365. But I guess morons gonna moron, so preach on. By the way few if any educated scientists dispute that there is global warming. What's disputed is the cause. The earth has had multiple waves of global warming over the past billion years, and that was long before man decided to dump hydrocarbons in the atmosphere or domesticate methane producing animals. There simply is no question that it's happening, and I personally believe that mankind has little to do wth it. This does not Chang the fact that it's happening. I really hope this is just a troll because I don't want to think you are one of those earth is flat guys.
It's global warming 363 days out of 365. But I guess morons gonna moron, so preach on. By the way few if any educated scientists dispute that there is global warming. What's disputed is the cause. The earth has had multiple waves of global warming over the past billion years, and that was long before man decided to dump hydrocarbons in the atmosphere or domesticate methane producing animals. There simply is no question that it's happening, and I personally believe that mankind has little to do wth it. This does not Chang the fact that it's happening. I really hope this is just a troll because I don't want to think you are one of those earth is flat guys.

So I guess the cow poots arent strong this week?
Earth cooling / warming cycles have been steady for 4+ billion years. Human Carbon Emissions represent a grain of sand in a beach full of liberal global warming alarmists idiots. If you follow libertarian doctrine (Neil Boortz is a good example) like i do, you will find that all this BS is nothing but a political money grab. EPA is the frontdesk of liberals who wish to shut capitalism down. Sure, we need controls over bad pollution artists like Duke Power (see 60 Minutes on this topic) but the general narrative on "global warming" is complete horseshit. It is false. It is a scam. It is a designed narrative to shutdown economic growth by capitalists and individuals seeking to contribute to society. Unlike the political class in DC who contribute NOTHING. I only wish my carbon footprint skidmark was as big as Blubbering Al Gore's private plane exhaust. Let that sink in.
Guys, "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into." The climate change deniers don't deny it based on a preponderance of data, they deny it because climate change is disruptive to their lives if true and have found enough "data" to make them comfortable with their denial. They don't want it to be true so it isn't.