Removal of all things confederacy.


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Hilton Head
Serious question. Will there be calls to change the names of places? Washington DC? Houston? Clemson? There is a Lee county in several states. Arlington? Bullcock county? Bacon county? Knoxville?

I just think this is all very shaky ground.
Serious question. Will there be calls to change the names of places? Washington DC? Houston? Clemson? There is a Lee county in several states. Arlington? Bullcock county? Bacon county? Knoxville?

I just think this is all very shaky ground.

It is very shaky ground. But I think it's also relevant to say that when all these monuments were erected to say "up your ass" to black and supporters of integration, they painted things into a corner and that's not the fault of people today. Robert E. Lee requested we not erect monuments to the Confederacy. He has a lot more sense than many folks did in the years after.

I am vehemently opposed to "cleansing" our history. We should tell it like it is. There's good, bad and very, very ugly in our past. Let's just lay it all out there and face the bad, celebrate the good and acknowledge the ugly lest we ever fall into such a trap again. Which... ironically enough, we're doing that right now with the leftist gestapo trying to purge everything they disagree with. Irony always smiles back at our stupidity.
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We will go as far as needed to make our collective selves feel good and show sufficient penitence for whites being slave owners. We will reach an equilibrium and then after a while we will have a new "racism" flare up and the cycle will continue.
We will go as far as needed to make our collective selves feel good and show sufficient penitence for whites being slave owners. We will reach an equilibrium and then after a while we will have a new "racism" flare up and the cycle will continue.

We are headed straight for Civil War part 2.