San Jose, CA's proposed Gun Legislation


Gold Member
Nov 4, 2008
Peoples Republic of Maryland
Its things like these(and numerous others) why I cant get on board with today's Democrats.

Cliff notes: San Jose wants to enact a annual fee and require that gun owners carry liability insurance

Now lets be clear here, if these were just proposed as ... taxes/revenue streams ... I still wouldnt agree with them, BUT I would at least listen or participate in a conversation. This Mayor and council's justification for these proposed fees is what makes me say "WOW, you really are a out of touch, stupid F*wit, arent you"

Their justification is "Certainly the Second Amendment protects every citizen's right to own a gun. It does not require taxpayers to subsidize that right," ... " ... San Jose residents incur about $442 million in gun-related costs each year."

Im willing to wager, a sizable amount, that the overwhelming majority of "gun-related" violence is committed by individuals who do not legally own their firearms. Im also willing to wager that the majority of individuals who possess these illegal firearms, are not allowed to possess legal firearms LET alone illegal firearms.

Soooooooooooooooooo this will do NOTHING to prevent gun violence and only punish law abiding citizens.

Want to curb gun violence? Enforce the laws you have now, and actually PUNISH people who commit violence with illegally possessed firearms.
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