Shock: Politician lies about Military record and Education

Except you can't FOIA a service members military record for like 75 years AND you have to be a direct member of the family.

I tried to get my Grandma's, brothers records to learn about their WW1 service. Wasn't possible.

Oh.....and you have to FOIA your own records from the VA. I FOIA my own medical records a year ago. Still haven't seen them.
Except you can't FOIA a service members military record for like 75 years AND you have to be a direct member of the family.

I tried to get my Grandma's, brothers records to learn about their WW1 service. Wasn't possible.

Oh.....and you have to FOIA your own records from the VA. I FOIA my own medical records a year ago. Still haven't seen them.
So I wonder how he got them? hmmm