If Republicans were smart, they would coordinate election processes at the state level through collaboration with other Republican led states (which is the majority right now). Draft general principles that would ensure access, security, integrity and efficiency. Including:
- Access to voting via election day PTO, absentee ballots and a limited early voting period (ex Th/Fr/Sa before election day).
- Voter ID requirement, including access to free ID cards.
- Elimination of mailed ballots without request from registered voter to their registered address.
- Elimination of ballot harvesting. Absentee ballots can be dropped off at secure location or mailed. Protect the chain of custody.
- Combine purchasing power to ensure access to secure, reliable voting machines like the one I used (electronic screen entry, printed ballot, scanned ballot). This provides immediate electronic access to vote tallies with an auditable paper trail.
Then on election day, Republican states have no controversy, rapid and efficient vote tallies and no opportunity to cast doubt on the counting process. Lead by example and produce clean results.