The United States Should Exit NATO. Momentum Building - Zelensky Says “Fvck Trump”?

We have been the leader of the free world since at least World War 1. DumbDonnie and JackArse have changed all of that. Instead asking Ukraine to show gratitude, maybe our two hotheads should show some common sense and some backbone in standing up to Putin.

Trump won’t stand up to Putin. Trump sees him as his hero and who he wants to be in the U.S. I bet when Trump talks to him, he asks questions, like the following:

1. How do I become dictator, I mean President, for life in U.S?
2. How do I siphon off my countries resources and money for my own purposes?
3. When should I declare martial law?
serious question… Those of you supporting Russia (it is binary, you support Ukraine or Russia, no in between), I assume you are isolationists and feel that the US can survive and thrive without any international trade?

You think that Russia taking over Europe and China controlling Asia and perhaps Central America would have no impact on the U.S.?

I’m not saying that there aren’t issues with NATO and us policing the world. But people that think Russia and China don’t want to destroy us amaze me.

Why don’t you want our President to stand up to those two countries as well?
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serious question… Those of you supporting Russia (it is binary, you support Ukraine or Russia, no in between), I assume you are isolationists and feel that the US can survive and thrive without any international trade?

You think that Russia taking over Europe and China controlling Asia and perhaps Central America would have no impact on the U.S.?

I’m not saying that there aren’t issues with NATO and us policing the world. But people that think Russia and China don’t want to destroy us amaze me.

Why don’t you want our President to stand up to those two countries as well?

I bet I know how they will respond, but let’s watch the action together.

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be lectured to by Europe about Democratic norms when they cancel elections because their preferred candidate doesn’t win. Or when they arrest people for making a post on social media instead of the people r*ping girls all over England.

Their idea of freedom and democracy couldn’t be further from what those two words actually mean.

You can continue to pretend that Europe is some bastion of democracy, but in reality, all of these countries are starting to look much closer to Russia than America.
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I’m pretty sure that’s a wrap.

I predict the United States will exit NATO within the next month.

Shit, if he said **** Trump, you may see Trump strike a mineral deal with Russia inside Ukrainian territory.

That little midget is going to find out what happens.

He's the only president in history who sees them as ingrates so you don't have to automatically co-opt every single position he takes when you know in your gut it's wrong. Trump is not the world and he won't be around that much longer so you better care about our country after he's gone as well.
That’s not true. Watch what Gideon Rose has to say. He was a CFR member during your fav obama. All you libs saying this was Russia’s fault need to wake up. It’s us meddling. Again.
serious question… Those of you supporting Russia (it is binary, you support Ukraine or Russia, no in between), I assume you are isolationists and feel that the US can survive and thrive without any international trade?

You think that Russia taking over Europe and China controlling Asia and perhaps Central America would have no impact on the U.S.?

I’m not saying that there aren’t issues with NATO and us policing the world. But people that think Russia and China don’t want to destroy us amaze me.

Why don’t you want our President to stand up to those two countries as well?
Western Europe & Britain, which didn't have the guts or ability to keep millions of invaders out of their countries, now thinks that they'll have the guts and ability, without US support, to fight a prolonged war against Russia -- a nation of 144 million people, which has 5,500 nuclear warheads, 1.5 million soldiers, 11 ballistic missile submarines, & 50 strategic bombers, & which spends $140 billion/year on its military. All because Obama wanted a corrupt, liberal ally right next to Russia.
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Western Europe & Britain, which didn't have the guts or ability to keep millions of invaders out of their countries, now thinks that they'll have the guts and ability, without US support, to fight a prolonged war against Russia -- a nation of 144 million people, which has 5,500 nuclear warheads, 1.5 million soldiers, 11 ballistic missile submarines, & 50 strategic bombers, & which spends $140 billion/year on its military. All because Obama wanted a corrupt, liberal ally right next to Russia.
That doesn't answer my question. Mistakes of the past do not mean Russia is not an enemy. Why don't we treat them like an enemy? Russia has NEVER responded to concessions and diplomacy; they only respect and respond to strength. This BS about dropping offensive cyber-ops, playing nice, etc to get them to the table through diplomacy is Russia getting what they want not pushing them towards what we want.
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Can’t wait.

If dems don’t pivot to the center the Republicans will continue to walk away with victory.

If dems do pivot to the center, then that’s a win for America.
This is 100% true. The democratic party has forgotten what has driven its victories in recent decades. Even Biden won because he lied and said he would lead from the middle.

Democrats never seem to learn that if given a choice between the far right and the far left, the middle will always choose the far right.
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This is 100% true. The democratic party has forgotten what has driven its victories in recent decades. Even Biden won because he lied and said he would lead from the middle.

Democrats never seem to learn that if given a choice between the far right and the far left, the middle will always choose the far right.
The Democrat party today is unrecognizable from the party I grew up to know. The Clinton Democrat is no more.
serious question… Those of you supporting Russia (it is binary, you support Ukraine or Russia, no in between), I assume you are isolationists and feel that the US can survive and thrive without any international trade?

You think that Russia taking over Europe and China controlling Asia and perhaps Central America would have no impact on the U.S.?

I’m not saying that there aren’t issues with NATO and us policing the world. But people that think Russia and China don’t want to destroy us amaze me.

Why don’t you want our President to stand up to those two countries as well?
Saying it’s binary is a false assumption .

I support the United States.

Seems you missed the American First tagline
That doesn't answer my question. Mistakes of the past do not mean Russia is not an enemy. Why don't we treat them like an enemy? Russia has NEVER responded to concessions and diplomacy; they only respect and respond to strength. This BS about dropping offensive cyber-ops, playing nice, etc to get them to the table through diplomacy is Russia getting what they want not pushing them towards what we want.
That doesn't answer my question. Mistakes of the past do not mean Russia is not an enemy. Why don't we treat them like an enemy? Russia has NEVER responded to concessions and diplomacy; they only respect and respond to strength. This BS about dropping offensive cyber-ops, playing nice, etc to get them to the table through diplomacy is Russia getting what they want not pushing them towards what we want.
Look around that part of the world right now and I could make a very good argument that Russia and Poland are outliers. You can make the statement that historically Russia has been an enemy and you’d be correct. But imo, today, in respect to social issues, especially with Trump they are more similar to us than say UK or France. And I admittedly don’t understand all the nuances of international politics but I do know you meet strength with more strength if you want to gain position. That’s what we are doing now.
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That doesn't answer my question. Mistakes of the past do not mean Russia is not an enemy. Why don't we treat them like an enemy? Russia has NEVER responded to concessions and diplomacy; they only respect and respond to strength. This BS about dropping offensive cyber-ops, playing nice, etc to get them to the table through diplomacy is Russia getting what they want not pushing them towards what we want.

Russian don’t respond to diplomacy?

“Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall!”

Was that military or diplomacy? Seriously asking in case im missing something
Russian don’t respond to diplomacy?

“Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall!”

Was that military or diplomacy? Seriously asking in case im missing something
It was the result of us winning the Cold War by beating them down economically by building our military up and bankrupting them when they tried to keep up.
Can’t wait.

If dems don’t pivot to the center the Republicans will continue to walk away with victory.

If dems do pivot to the center, then that’s a win for America.
Unfortunately even if dems campaign to the center it's highly likely a lie.
Look around that part of the world right now and I could make a very good argument that Russia and Poland are outliers. You can make the statement that historically Russia has been an enemy and you’d be correct. But imo, today, in respect to social issues, especially with Trump they are more similar to us than say UK or France. And I admittedly don’t understand all the nuances of international politics but I do know you meet strength with more strength if you want to gain position. That’s what we are doing now.
I hope we are not more similar to a country that overtly jails and kills political dissenters.
I hope we are not more similar to a country that overtly jails and kills political dissenters.
You’re referring to the UK right? Jailing them for tweets and killing them with immigrants that hate their culture is pretty awful. I agree.
But imo, today, in respect to social issues, especially with Trump they are more similar to us than say UK or France.
In my gut, this is what I believed to be true though I hoped I was wrong, but there it is. Being a murderous dictator/war criminal who poisons/shoots/murders his political enemies and invades neighboring countries and slaughters civilians by attacking hospitals, apartment complexes and schools is not as bad as being a liberal in maga minds.
That doesn't answer my question. Mistakes of the past do not mean Russia is not an enemy. Why don't we treat them like an enemy? Russia has NEVER responded to concessions and diplomacy; they only respect and respond to strength. This BS about dropping offensive cyber-ops, playing nice, etc to get them to the table through diplomacy is Russia getting what they want not pushing them towards what we want.
The United States of America is not at war with Russia. This is a correct statement. Donald Trump will make sure this remains correct.
In my gut, this is what I believed to be true though I hoped I was wrong, but there it is. Being a murderous dictator/war criminal who poisons/shoots/murders his political enemies and invades neighboring countries and slaughters civilians by attacking hospitals, apartment complexes and schools is not as bad as being a liberal in maga minds.
That’s precisely what I meant. When do you stop lying? And I’m only calling you a liar. Please don’t tap in Ard and tell on me.
That’s precisely what I meant. When do you stop lying? And I’m only calling you a liar. Please don’t tap in Ard and tell on me.
LOL, if I attempted or threatened to doxx you repeatedly over a long period of time just because I didn't like your opinion, I would expect you to take it up the ladder because that should be a red line for anybody. I'm used to being spoken to in a nasty way with lots of insults so I take that in stride.

But it sure sounded to me that you were saying Trump feels like he has more in common with Russia because of social issues. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You just defined the libs for the last 8 years. They tried their best.
Yet, we had free elections, elected a president that had the power to reverse decisions that he thought were incorrect, etc..

When was the last time Russia had a free election?
I hope we are not more similar to a country that overtly jails and kills political dissenters.
Open your eyes and you will see that we are indeed a similar country. If you can't see that you aren't being honest with yourself.
The United States of America is not at war with Russia. This is a correct statement. Donald Trump will make sure this remains correct.
This is where I have major disagreements with a lot of people. We are at 'war', though not a military war today, with Russia, China, N. Korea, etc...

They are working to destroy us. Right now, we have opportunity because China is struggling economically and Russia is also.
Open your eyes and you will see that we are indeed a similar country. If you can't see that you aren't being honest with yourself.
Those countries don't have elections where the party in power actually changes, the makeup of those parties also change over time, and different ideals are allowed to drive the government after elections.

You don't have a polar opposite of Putin getting elected in Russia. Couldn't happen.
This is where I have major disagreements with a lot of people. We are at 'war', though not a military war today, with Russia, China, N. Korea, etc...

They are working to destroy us. Right now, we have opportunity because China is struggling economically and Russia is also.
We are also in an information civil war here in the US currently.
So, uh, what do we think Trump is going to say tomorrow night?