Sleepy Joe wins South Carolina!!!!!!

There are only dumb choices
No....there are choices that you personally don't care for. There are lots of Libtard candidates...and only one big mouth that actually makes you sick while doing the best thing for America. Make no fvcking doubt, Trump has attempted ALL his promises, and he's been successful for the most part. Vote the McCain Republicans out, you MIGHT have a good political party other than the 2 I despise...Republicans and Libtards.
Bernie is a GD communist. Pure and simple. His voters can svck a cock.
Edit....Pelosi pumpers catch aids.

you have come a long way from your spiritual enlightenment on the dock that morning. Jesus would be proud of you (especially the way you use his name in vain).
It can be. I talked to several people that said "I voted for Biden because he has the best chance to beat Trump" and all I could think was....

If he was still sane he probably does. Biden is the most "center-left" of the group and people who don't particularly like Trump but voted for him because HRC was so damb bad could probably be convinced to slide over. Hell he could probably come close by pointing to Trump and saying "I'm not that guy".

Klobuchar may be a threat. Bloomberg could still be a threat but I have NO idea how he's doing so far.

They won't for Bernie. They'll go Trump or stay home (or leave that blank). Way too polarizing.

Warren is toast. Steyer - holy crap no. I think he annoyed people into NOT voting for him.

There is a significant part of the Dem base that will NEVER vote for Pete. They'll go Trump first. But both Pete and Steyer are out, and I expect Warren to be within a few days.

Gabbard is just wasting money at this point.

So now it's really Biden vs Bloomberg vs Sanders. So a Democrat vs a Republican turned independent, vs an independent.

Just how it is.

Jokes aside and disagreements with his politics aside Biden has been through a lot (death of a child is something I wouldn't wish on anyone) so he has an excuse for being a half bubble off plumb. But that doesn't mean it should be ignored when voting.

Just my opinion but I don't think a far-left candidate is gonna be able to win.
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Can't believe anyone thinks Joe still has enough mental faculties to handle the rigors of being president. His family and his handlers, should be ashamed. Of course, just running is apparently a good defense against criminal activity, as you can always claim your opponent is "digging up dirt" on you.

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Isn't ironic that the progressive party that seems to hate old white dudes is down to a final 3 of 3 old white millionaires and billionaires.

I do find that amusing.

Though I don't know that Bloomberg is really "in it" at this point. I just don't expect him to drop out.
I do find that amusing.

Though I don't know that Bloomberg is really "in it" at this point. I just don't expect him to drop out.

And I was wrong. Bloomers is out.

Isn't ironic that the progressive party that seems to hate old white dudes is down to a final 3 of 3 old white millionaires and billionaires.

Yep - but two now.

Was kinda hoping it would come down to Sanders vs Bloomers (independent vs former Republican) just to see the Democratic Party self-destruct trying to deal with it.

Because that would be entertaining as hell.

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