Small Engine Question


Gold Member
Jul 19, 2005
I am buying a new reel mower. The distributor only has them right now with briggs and stratton engines. Vanguard I think. Anyway I was hoping to get one with Honda GX160 but apparently there is a supply chain issues and will not be available until April 30th. I really like Honda's but not sure I want to wait several weeks. Thoughts on the difference between the 2?
It's a lawn mower. Either will work fine
I used to be a Honda guy... Bought a log splitter with a GX engine and have had NOTHING but trouble with it... That's even with me always burning ethanol free gas... Go with the Briggs...
I'm not a fan of Briggs and Stratton. My power washer has one and it was always hard to start and now is dead. My Honda lawnmower has been great.
I've owned precisely one Honda small engine. Its not the GX, but looks like one of the GCV engines on a Honda self-propelled mower. It has sat for several months but I doubt it'd take more than 2 pulls to fire it back to life. I bought it because my kids couldn't start the Husqvarna mower w/ a Briggs engine by themselves.

I suspect the GX is probably as nice or nicer than the GCVs and worth the wait. Particularly if you're going w/ a reel mower, I think you'll appreciate the difference.

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