This is a huge story, but it’s more meaningful than most people realize.
“Two of Mexico's most notorious former cartel leaders were arraigned in Washington DC on Friday on a range of federal charges that include drug trafficking, firearm possession and money laundering. Because the charges include engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise involving "multiple murder conspiracies," they face the possibility of federal executions.
Brothers Miguel Trevino Morales and Omar Trevino Morales -- ages 52 and 48, respectively -- are the former leaders of the Los Zetas cartel that once dominated Mexico's northern region along the US frontier.”…
Two Los Zetas cartel leaders were extradited and are being arraigned in DC, with the possibility of federal execution.
Who are the Los Zetas cartel?
“The Zetas were founded by deserters from Mexico's elite special forces, and had a reputation for fearsome brutality, to include decapitations and hanging corpses from highway overpasses. They were also blamed for killing 52 people via an arson attack on a Monterrey casino, and torturing and murdering 72 Central American migrants who resisted the Zeta's demands that they become drug mules.”
The Los Zetas were one of the most brutal cartel’s and began a reign of terror in northern Mexico, at one time, controlling the most important drug trafficking routes into the U.S.
They were ex-Mexican elite special forces members.
Guess who trained them to be so brutal?
You’ll never guess.
“It was a brutal massacre even by the gruesome standards of Mexico’s drug war: 72 migrant workers gunned down by the “Zetas” – arguably the country’s most violent cartel and left rotting in a pile outside a ranch in Tamaulipas state near the US border in late August.
The Zetas have a fearsome reputation, but the real surprise comes not in their ruthless use of violence, but in the origins of where they learned the tricks of their bloody trade.”
“Some of the cartel’s initial members were elite Mexican troops, trained in the early 1990s by America’s 7th Special Forces Group or “snake eaters” at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, a former US special operations commander has told Al Jazeera.”
“The Zetas definitely have the reputation of being the most dangerous, the most vicious, the most renegade of the cartels,” says Kristen Bricker, a Mexico-based research associate with the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA).”
“The group has mounted the severed heads of its victims on pikes in urban areas, posted torture and execution videos on the internet, forced poor migrants into prostitution and massacred college students during house parties.”…
The same Ft. Bragg that produced the two soldiers that recently ran over innocent people with a truck in New Orleans and blew up a Tesla truck in front of Trump Hotel in Las Vegas.
What’s going on at Ft. Bragg?
“A manual on guerrilla warfare prepared for Nicaraguan rebels by the Central Intelligence Agency was drawn from material used to train United States Special Forces troops during the Vietnam War, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said today.”
“Mr. Moynihan said the instructions, used to train the Special Forces troops also known as Green Berets, at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, were provided to the intelligence committee last week by the C.I.A. and had been located in the agency's library.
The C.I.A. manual has come under intense scrutiny and criticism since its existence was disclosed two weeks ago, with most attention focused on the booklet's comments on how to ''neutralize'' Nicaraguan leaders.”
“The C.I.A. manual has a section entitled ''Implicit and explicit terror.'' In a section called ''Selective Use of Violence for Propagandistic Effects,'' it says:
''It is possible to neutralize carefully selected and planned targets, such as court judges, police and state security officials, etc.”…
The CIA trained the Los Zetas leaders.
No coincidence.