Supreme Court Allowed House Democrats to Obtain President Trump’s Tax Returns – Now Shameless and Corrupt Democrats Are Releasing Them to the Public


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This is not right but will the republicans have enough nuts to treat the dems in kind? I would not wish the treatment President Trump has received on the devil. Its disgraceful.

By Joe Hoft
Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00am

With no legal right to do so, the radical and corrupt Dems in the US House have decided to release President Trump’s tax returns to the public.
The Democrats have fought to obtain and release President Trump’s taxes for years. It is none of their business what President Trump pays in taxes or the income that he reports. They don’t care. They clearly have already seen the President’s taxes or they wouldn’t want to release them. Again, these criminals in the US House have no legal reason to obtain and release President Trump’s taxes.
Bloomberg appeared gleeful with the action by the corrupt Democrats:
A House committee voted to release Donald Trump’s tax information to the public in the coming days, capping a three-year legal saga initiated by Democrats to obtain and release the former president’s closely held financial documents.
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Tuesday’s action by the Ways and Means Committee — over the objections of the panel’s Republicans — comes in the waning days of the House Democratic majority…
In April of 2019, the Democrats were after President Trump’s taxes. Twice the Treasury Department was forced to decline their baseless and corrupt requests.
A short time later, in May 2019, the corrupt Democrats released President Trump’s prior taxes. Americans were livid with the actions of the corrupt Democrats.
Less than a month ago, the Supreme Court relented and allowed the corrupt Democrats running the US House to obtain President Trump’s taxes.
The purpose for requesting the returns this time was so the Democrats in the House could perform an audit on how the IRS audits a President’s tax returns. It’s not been reported that the Clintons or the Obamas’ returns have been requested or any other President’s taxes for that matter.
President Trump is right. This is another outrage and abuse of power by the Democrats in the House.
So after obtaining President Trump’s taxes the corrupt Democrats now want to release them.
The US has no laws for the communists who have taken over the country. The rest of America, including President Trump, has to obey their rules or face the consequences no matter how innocent you are or how criminal their actions are.

God save this country.

This is not right but will the republicans have enough nuts to treat the dems in kind? I would not wish the treatment President Trump has received on the devil. Its disgraceful.

By Joe Hoft
Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00am

With no legal right to do so, the radical and corrupt Dems in the US House have decided to release President Trump’s tax returns to the public.
The Democrats have fought to obtain and release President Trump’s taxes for years. It is none of their business what President Trump pays in taxes or the income that he reports. They don’t care. They clearly have already seen the President’s taxes or they wouldn’t want to release them. Again, these criminals in the US House have no legal reason to obtain and release President Trump’s taxes.
Bloomberg appeared gleeful with the action by the corrupt Democrats:

In April of 2019, the Democrats were after President Trump’s taxes. Twice the Treasury Department was forced to decline their baseless and corrupt requests.
A short time later, in May 2019, the corrupt Democrats released President Trump’s prior taxes. Americans were livid with the actions of the corrupt Democrats.
Less than a month ago, the Supreme Court relented and allowed the corrupt Democrats running the US House to obtain President Trump’s taxes.
The purpose for requesting the returns this time was so the Democrats in the House could perform an audit on how the IRS audits a President’s tax returns. It’s not been reported that the Clintons or the Obamas’ returns have been requested or any other President’s taxes for that matter.
President Trump is right. This is another outrage and abuse of power by the Democrats in the House.
So after obtaining President Trump’s taxes the corrupt Democrats now want to release them.
The US has no laws for the communists who have taken over the country. The rest of America, including President Trump, has to obey their rules or face the consequences no matter how innocent you are or how criminal their actions are.

God save this country.

Every other presidential candidate and president has released their tax returns to the public. Including “china joe” as you like to call him.
Biden released 22 years of publicly available tax returns and they didn't even have to twist his arm to get them. Poor Donnie
I cannot figure out if the outrage is real or fake. Either way, it’s stupid. All presidents release their taxes, right or left. Not sure why expecting Trump to do what all the other presidents to do is such a big deal. Obviously it showed that, unsurprisingly, he was lying about being audited (as an excuse to not release them).

MAGAs crying over this really shows how much they have adopted the snowflake and victimhood mindset of the hard left. They are crying about Trump being asked to do the same thing as everybody else and somehow whining about unfairness. Makes no sense whatsoever.

How did Americans go from taking on the dictators of the world and defending freedom to getting their “feewings hurt” because someone is being asked to do the same thing as everybody else? For as much as we accuse Gen Z of leading the pvssification of America, those fragile uneducated boomers are sure giving them a run for their money…
who cares? breaking: billionaire takes advantage of tax code like every other billionaire. sure they'll go nuts with some reallyyyy ominous headlines that don't actually mean anything....just a shiny object for the useful idiots to get worked up over. best to just encourage their wild goose chase
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who cares? breaking: billionaire takes advantage of tax code like every other billionaire. sure they'll go nuts with some reallyyyy ominous headlines that don't actually mean anything....just a shiny object for the useful idiots to get worked up over. best to just encourage their wild goose chase

If you take trump's cock out of your mouth for a few minutes, you may notice some interesting takeaways.

- the mandatory presidential tax audit was somehow mysteriously suspended while trump was in office. For a guy who cries 24/7 about all the deep state federal agencies that treat him so unfairly, this one sure seemed to give him a pass.

- for a guy who brags about winning all the time, he sure does post serious losses on his tax return every year.
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who cares? breaking: billionaire takes advantage of tax code like every other billionaire. sure they'll go nuts with some reallyyyy ominous headlines that don't actually mean anything....just a shiny object for the useful idiots to get worked up over. best to just encourage their wild goose chase
Lol at the projection. We are talking about the cowardice associated with not releasing tax returns as is customary and done by all presidents. But some are bending over backwards to kiss trump’s ass and justify it. What a cult…

He admitted himself to using the system to the max and there’s no surprise there. All billionaires and large corporations do it. That’s not what is being mocked here.
If you take trump's cock out of your mouth for a few minutes, you may notice some interesting takeaways.

- the mandatory presidential tax audit was somehow mysteriously suspended while trump was in office. For a guy who cries 24/7 about all the deep state federal agencies that treat him so unfairly, this one sure seemed to give him a pass.

- for a guy who brags about winning all the time, he sure does post serious losses on his tax return every year.
But, but, but - he doesn't even like him!

and with trump all i see are well documented crimes or phrases of that ilk, im not even a supporter of the guy.
Nothing screams justice more than a billionaire paying 750 bucks in taxes some years and getting refunds in others
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Indeed, it's unjust. I love the whataboutism though
Was trying to make the point that plenty of elected officials don't show their tax returns and more to the point, they aren't required to as Yoshi pointed out.......that also includes the president. Customary, doesn't mean requirement.

Should he have shown them, yeah he probably should have but going after the guy for not wanting to when it's not required is just another example of wasting tax payer money. This has been floating around the courts for 4 + years for gods sake.
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Was trying to make the point that plenty of elected officials don't show their tax returns and more to the point, they aren't required to as Yoshi pointed out.......that also includes the president. Customary, doesn't mean requirement.

Should he have shown them, yeah he probably should have but going after the guy for not wanting to when it's not required is just another example of wasting tax payer money. This has been floating around the courts for 4 + years for gods sake.
Transparency is often in the public interest
Was trying to make the point that plenty of elected officials don't show their tax returns and more to the point, they aren't required to as Yoshi pointed out.......that also includes the president. Customary, doesn't mean requirement.

Should he have shown them, yeah he probably should have but going after the guy for not wanting to when it's not required is just another example of wasting tax payer money. This has been floating around the courts for 4 + years for gods sake.

The Supreme Court disagrees with you. And it was trump that appealed it up to that level.
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I thought Teflon Don stacked the Supreme court with "his people" who, ultimately, owed him.
If you take trump's cock out of your mouth for a few minutes, you may notice some interesting takeaways.

- the mandatory presidential tax audit was somehow mysteriously suspended while trump was in office. For a guy who cries 24/7 about all the deep state federal agencies that treat him so unfairly, this one sure seemed to give him a pass.

- for a guy who brags about winning all the time, he sure does post serious losses on his tax return every year.

oh good another muppet who can't read so they just assume whatever they want anyone who doesn't parrot the buzz words they're able to recognize. aren't you guys the one's who constantly rant on your soap box about not making assumptions about people? can't say i care, just admire the endless hypocrisy spewed from you droolers. my issue is with the egregious abuses of power the govt has used to go after him and all the misinformation your favorite new sources publish about him - the fact checkers mysteriously never catch those. unfortunately you're incapable of recognizing what's going on and where it leads...must be the euro cuts on your gestapo issued hugo boss...its cutting off oxygen to your brain. its about principle, not trump. you might need to have principles to grasp that though, so there's another complication.
oh good another muppet who can't read so they just assume whatever they want anyone who doesn't parrot the buzz words they're able to recognize. aren't you guys the one's who constantly rant on your soap box about not making assumptions about people? can't say i care, just admire the endless hypocrisy spewed from you droolers. my issue is with the egregious abuses of power the govt has used to go after him and all the misinformation your favorite new sources publish about him - the fact checkers mysteriously never catch those. unfortunately you're incapable of recognizing what's going on and where it leads...must be the euro cuts on your gestapo issued hugo boss...its cutting off oxygen to your brain. its about principle, not trump. you might need to have principles to grasp that though, so there's another complication.

It's remarkable how much text you took up here to say absolutely nothing of substance.
Oh. Now it's just about government abuse? You guys are willing to shed every last bit of your dignity in defense of this guy who is a serial liar and a terrible human being. Wild.
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It's remarkable how much text you took up here to say absolutely nothing of substance.

trying a little hard to steal my steeze eh bud? problem is i pigeon toss with applicable verbiage. this is a poor attempt, throw it out and try again.
Lol at the projection. We are talking about the cowardice associated with not releasing tax returns as is customary and done by all presidents. But some are bending over backwards to kiss trump’s ass and justify it. What a cult…

He admitted himself to using the system to the max and there’s no surprise there. All billionaires and large corporations do it. That’s not what is being mocked here.
He was under audit dude. Get a grip.
This tweet puts it well. Trump is much more like our founders than anyone else alive. He put his fortune and his family on the line to serve his nation. You ding dongs keep stating Trump only does stuff for Trump. Well he basically lost a billion in 4 years of being POTUS while not taking a salary. You ignorant haters are not worthy to shine Donald Trumps shoes. He is our Washington and yes we are an occupied nation under control at present.

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By the way guys, did the dirty dems find that much anticipated discovery of Trump Tax Cheating? This has taken the place of the holy grail in yalls world I know and it appears that you might find the holy grail before you find Trump tax cheating. Please provide some feedback guys....why havent they got the goods on Trump?

Im saying its because he didnt cheat! DUH!!!
By the way guys, did the dirty dems find that much anticipated discovery of Trump Tax Cheating? This has taken the place of the holy grail in yalls world I know and it appears that you might find the holy grail before you find Trump tax cheating. Please provide some feedback guys....why havent they got the goods on Trump?

Im saying its because he didnt cheat! DUH!!!

He was lying about being audited, so there is that. Not surprising at all since if he's talking, he's lying.
This tweet puts it well. Trump is much more like our founders than anyone else alive. He put his fortune and his family on the line to serve his nation. You ding dongs keep stating Trump only does stuff for Trump. Well he basically lost a billion in 4 years of being POTUS while not taking a salary. You ignorant haters are not worthy to shine Donald Trumps shoes. He is our Washington and yes we are an occupied nation under control at present.

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This tweet puts it well. Trump is much more like our founders than anyone else alive. He put his fortune and his family on the line to serve his nation. You ding dongs keep stating Trump only does stuff for Trump. Well he basically lost a billion in 4 years of being POTUS while not taking a salary. You ignorant haters are not worthy to shine Donald Trumps shoes. He is our Washington and yes we are an occupied nation under control at present.

Lolol, they found that he lied about giving up his salary too. Myth shattered 😅
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who cares? breaking: billionaire takes advantage of tax code like every other billionaire. sure they'll go nuts with some reallyyyy ominous headlines that don't actually mean anything....just a shiny object for the useful idiots to get worked up over. best to just encourage their wild goose chase
WINNER!! I think the President should release his taxes and have no problems with Trump's being released. If he followed the letter of the law with his taxes, then I have NO PROBLEM with whatever loopholes he and his accountants found. If he didn't follow the law, charge him, give him a trial, and lock him up. But until some of these Trump tax rumors actually get to court and stand up on their own, color me a skeptic on him actually breaking the law there.