Dec 4, 2003
What makes you think you are that important? You deleted a be it. Why do you think you are important because you are a moderator on a forum.
What makes you think you are that important? You deleted a be it. Why do you think you are important because you are a moderator on a forum.
What post got deleted, and how did Taint ever become a moderator. I kind of like some of his posts, but some of them are delete worthy by moderators.
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Thread was not deleated, was moved to the Round Table, where it belongs.

OP is a chicken troll. I'm sure he'll start bitching like a millennial soon.
Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself

"Shows you intelligence"

Learn to spell before insulting someone's intelligence...

Educate me....yes, I should have added an R. But the moderators are clueless as to how the country is working.
Taint paint just stomping all over op's first amendment rights.
Educate me....yes, I should have added an R. But you moderators are clueless as to how the country is working.
You sir are confused... Taint isn't a moderator nor am I.

Drugs are bad for you...

Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.
Guy: "I just found the coolest ninja pencil in existence."
Other Guy: "I just found the most retarded thread in existence."


You're just another @TAINT_PAINT victim. The sooner you realize you got trolled, the sooner you can avoid it happening again.

I suggest you abandon this thread, lick your butthurt wounds, and move on.
I forgot...I can call my credit card and get them to fight the matter. Sorry I am stupid and slow.
So you'll ban him for this and let others post whatever they want? Site has turned to shit

The site is fine. There are liberals on this site that have more control than they should. Am I worried if I lose Honestly, if they throw me off because I am a conservative, so be it.

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