Tampon Tim Walz Inserted As VP - New Accusations - Touchdown Timmy - More Evidence than Jean Carrol - 4pm EST Drop - October Surprise #1 ?

its fake, you didn't need to start a new thread over a fake GOP brain rotted meme going viral.
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its fake, you didn't need to start a new thread over a fake GOP brain rotted meme going viral.

Of course he does. On X there is no concept of objective reality. Make something up. Send it out into the world. Profit. Elon did it himself.
I'm not telling you to get your news from main stream media. I'm telling you turn off x. It's poison and almost all lies. From both sides.
Nah, I view X as the only place that allows free speech.

The MSM and others lost the trust of the America people with their deliberate lies and censorship. Generations of people will never trust them again.
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Nah, I view X as the only place that allows free speech.

The MSM and others lost the trust of the America people with their deliberate lies and censorship. Generations of people will never trust them again.

You are confusing a room full of idiots being allowed to yell freely with a room full of people you should listen to.
As if politicians are smart anyway. 9/10 are social climbers that haven’t done shit in the real world and wouldn’t qualify to run a gas station. A good argument for small government.
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Are you trumps campaign advisor? This is exactly the mentality that has lost him the potus race- twice. Even if were actually true, it is the polcy issues that the vast majority of people are interested in. Trump could have pull away from kamala like she is doing to him if he had hammered her far left positions, lack of accomplishing anything, the border, the economy, inflation, etc. A million things people care about a lot that are vote driving issues. Yet he is stuck in stupid mode talking about her being black or indian, and his idiot supporters are yelling about horse semen. I hope you and trump have fun on the middle school playground at recess telling jokes about kamala and waltz next year while they destroy the country.
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Kind of hard to complain about this one. I mean, who here hasn’t made a sexy couch joke?
Yah i had to look that one up. totally made up and not worth mentioning. Thought Walz took an L on that.
But the stolen valor narrative is a complete fabrication, so is the horse semen thing. It's funny that some lefty made up Vance ****ing his couch and the Right response is : Oh yeah? Well Walz sucked a horse dick.

I'm reminded of the good advice Tom Brokaw left at the 2005 Emory commencement:

"I am compelled to offer somewhat lofty -- somewhat less lofty, but useful observations. You have been hearing all of your life that this occasion is a big step into what is called the real world. "What," you may ask, "is that real world all about?" "What is this new life?" Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2005 at Emory, real life is not college; real life is not high school. Here is a secret that no one has told you: Real life is junior high.

The world that you're about to enter is filled with junior high adolescent pettiness, pubescent rivalries, the insecurities of 13-year-olds, and the false bravado of 14-year-olds. 40 years from now, I guarantee it: You will still make a silly mistake every day. You will have temper tantrums and you're feelings will be hurt for some trivial sleight. You'll say something dumb at the wrong time. And you will wonder at least once a week, "Will I ever grow up?" You can change that. In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up. Set a standard, and stay faithful to it."
Kind of hard to complain about this one. I mean, who here hasn’t made a sexy couch joke?
You might have a point but I honestly didn't know where the couch joke came from and I assumed it was from an anecdote in his book. And besides, is there a teenage boy alive that hasn't done something similar? So it was an innocent joke IMO.

But @fatpiggy took it up ten notches by posting a fake newspaper article with his picture in it to make his accusation and even after I proved it was fake, he posted it again here and updated the thread title to add that insulting falsehood.

So I hear ya but I just don't think they're similar.
Yah i had to look that one up. totally made up and not worth mentioning. Thought Walz took an L on that.
But the stolen valor narrative is a complete fabrication, so is the horse semen thing. It's funny that some lefty made up Vance ****ing his couch and the Right response is : Oh yeah? Well Walz sucked a horse dick.

I'm reminded of the good advice Tom Brokaw left at the 2005 Emory commencement:

"I am compelled to offer somewhat lofty -- somewhat less lofty, but useful observations. You have been hearing all of your life that this occasion is a big step into what is called the real world. "What," you may ask, "is that real world all about?" "What is this new life?" Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2005 at Emory, real life is not college; real life is not high school. Here is a secret that no one has told you: Real life is junior high.

The world that you're about to enter is filled with junior high adolescent pettiness, pubescent rivalries, the insecurities of 13-year-olds, and the false bravado of 14-year-olds. 40 years from now, I guarantee it: You will still make a silly mistake every day. You will have temper tantrums and you're feelings will be hurt for some trivial sleight. You'll say something dumb at the wrong time. And you will wonder at least once a week, "Will I ever grow up?" You can change that. In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up. Set a standard, and stay faithful to it."
That last paragraph is hilarious because it's absolutely true haha.
You might have a point but I honestly didn't know where the couch joke came from and I assumed it was from an anecdote in his book. And besides, is there a teenage boy alive that hasn't done something similar? So it was an innocent joke IMO.

But @fatpiggy took it up ten notches by posting a fake newspaper article with his picture in it to make his accusation and even after I proved it was fake, he posted it again here and updated the thread title to add that insulting falsehood.

So I hear ya but I just don't think they're similar.
They are the same thing. Someone made up a story and said it was in his book in an earlier draft. Then it just became funny even if not true.

The horse semen is the same thing. The left leaners on this board made couch jokes. And they’re funny. Now the right are making horse semen jokes. It is what it is. Once you prove them wrong you got to let it roll off.

But it is the same thing.
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They are the same thing. Someone made up a story and said it was in his book in an earlier draft. Then it just became funny even if not true.

The horse semen is the same thing. The left leaners on this board made couch jokes. And they’re funny. Now the right are making horse semen jokes. It is what it is. Once you prove them wrong you got to let it roll off.

But it is the same thing.
I respect your opinion but we'll agree to disagree. It smacks of the accusations from the Right that because Biden lies, he's no different than Trump without acknowledging that lying about something on your resume is a hell of a lot different than destroying trust in our institutions by telling the biggest lie in American history for going on four years now. Jost MO
I respect your opinion but we'll agree to disagree. It smacks of the accusations from the Right that because Biden lies, he's no different than Trump without acknowledging that lying about something on your resume is a hell of a lot different than destroying trust in our institutions by telling the biggest lie in American history for going on four years now. Jost MO
To be clear, I’m only referencing the made up juvenile story. Both made up. Both false. Both continued to have jokes made. But I’m always fine agreeing to disagree.
Are you trumps campaign advisor? This is exactly the mentality that has lost him the potus race- twice. Even if were actually true, it is the polcy issues that the vast majority of people are interested in. Trump could have pull away from kamala like she is doing to him if he had hammered her far left positions, lack of accomplishing anything, the border, the economy, inflation, etc. A million things people care about a lot that are vote driving issues. Yet he is stuck in stupid mode talking about her being black or indian, and his idiot supporters are yelling about horse semen. I hope you and trump have fun on the middle school playground at recess telling jokes about kamala and waltz next year while they destroy the country.
And the left should focus on policy and not Donald Trump and horse face amitite?

Democrats want republicans to play patsy while they are cutting with knives.

The old republican party may have taken that, but look where it got us. George Bush? 8 years of Obama? We were already losing, now we have Trump to fight fire with fire.

They want to talk about horse face, we can talk about Kamala being Willie’s side piece and sleeping her way up the ladder. And she is dumb as a brick to boot.

Kamala - “Say it to my face”
Trump - “ok”
Kamala - “never mind”
Headline: Magats, create fantasy in their head, shadow box against themselves and declare victory. Again, his service isnt in question and he was deployed to Europe for Operation Enduring freedom thus he's a vet of that mission.

What makes you guys so weird is your inability to realize how fvcking weird you are for manufactoring issues to have grievances over. Attack his policies, go for it. But the blatant lies and disinformation and blasting it all in the twitter echo chamber shows how rot brained maga core is.
Headline: Magats, create fantasy in their head, shadow box against themselves and declare victory. Again, his service isnt in question and he was deployed to Europe for Operation Enduring freedom thus he's a vet of that mission.

What makes you guys so weird is your inability to realize how fvcking weird you are for manufactoring issues to have grievances over. Attack his policies, go for it. But the blatant lies and disinformation and blasting it all in the twitter echo chamber shows how rot brained maga core is.
His service isn't in question? Maybe you should turn on CNN. Or any other news outlet for that matter.
Headline: Magats, create fantasy in their head, shadow box against themselves and declare victory. Again, his service isnt in question and he was deployed to Europe for Operation Enduring freedom thus he's a vet of that mission.

What makes you guys so weird is your inability to realize how fvcking weird you are for manufactoring issues to have grievances over. Attack his policies, go for it. But the blatant lies and disinformation and blasting it all in the twitter echo chamber shows how rot brained maga core is.
Oh like he had sex with a couch? O

Maybe you are new to this politics thing?
Oh like he had sex with a couch? O

Maybe you are new to this politics thing?
To be fair, that isn't a grievance, it's just humor and trolling. Similar to the horse semen isn't a grievance, its just something you're laughing at.
His service isn't in question? Maybe you should turn on CNN. Or any other news outlet for that matter.
Yah i've actually read the real journalistic reporting here. Would love to hear how you interpret the issue.

The only issue i've seen is that in press releases he was cited as retiring at a higher rank than he actually retired. He did serve at that rank, but didn't complete course work in time to retire at that rank. I've seen it cited that he quit his post before being deployed, but the fact is that a congress seat opened up and that was why he left, to run for office. He served for 24 years, in large part as an NCO. It's my understanding NCO's are the actual glue in the military, you don't serve in his roles for as long as he did without being on top of it.

So yes, its manufactured nonsense. The vets that showed up at his office, were crying about him holding a poster saying he was an Operation Enduring Freedom Vet. He most definitely was, and they seem to not understand that and were blinded by partisanship into thinking they were correct. Well they were wrong.
And the left should focus on policy and not Donald Trump and horse face amitite?

Democrats want republicans to play patsy while they are cutting with knives.

The old republican party may have taken that, but look where it got us. George Bush? 8 years of Obama? We were already losing, now we have Trump to fight fire with fire.

They want to talk about horse face, we can talk about Kamala being Willie’s side piece and sleeping her way up the ladder. And she is dumb as a brick to boot.

Kamala - “Say it to my face”
Trump - “ok”
Kamala - “never mind”
Trump just needs to make a choice. IF he wants to be potus and win the election he needs to get votes. To do that he needs to stick to policy, highlight her complete failures at doing absolutely nothing, her far left ideology, border catastrophe, economy, inflation, etc. Things that actually matter to people's lives. Things that are going to get him votes. He doesn't need to be catering to YOU. He has your vote.

Or, he and his idiot supporters can just sit back and make jokes about people like third graders and bitch and complain when the election is lost even though it's his own fault. He already lost one election bc he couldn't control his inner third grader form speaking and tweeting and drove away voters(many of whom were traditional pub votes), particularly women and independent voters. The reason the left occasionally throws out those insults is bc they WANT him to focus on that and make personal attacks bc they know that is how they win. Trump is just too stupid to realize it and continually walks right into the trap. He's a political moron.

If he continues to double down on his idiocy and childishness, he will lose just like he did in 2020. Why would he do exactly what lost last election? Is he really that dumb? During the debate, he stuck to the issues and did not make personal insults. He talked and acted like an adult, and what happened? It wasn't just that joe's numbers went down, trumps numbers went up. Many of he on the fence/undecided voters moved to trump in addition to biden losing support. Over the past 3 weeks, he stopped doing that and started more personal attacks and has almost completely ignored policy and his polling has fallen off a cliff to an even worse candidate than joe. It's not rocket science. I guarantee you his campaign advisors are begging him to stop what he is doing and focus on the issues and kamalas failures. He is just too stupid to listen.
Trump just needs to make a choice. IF he wants to be potus and win the election he needs to get votes. To do that he needs to stick to policy, highlight her complete failures at doing absolutely nothing, her far left ideology, border catastrophe, economy, inflation, etc. Things that actually matter to people's lives. Things that are going to get him votes. He doesn't need to be catering to YOU. He has your vote.

Or, he and his idiot supporters can just sit back and make jokes about people like third graders and bitch and complain when the election is lost even though it's his own fault. He already lost one election bc he couldn't control his inner third grader form speaking and tweeting and drove away voters(many of whom were traditional pub votes), particularly women and independent voters. The reason the left occasionally throws out those insults is bc they WANT him to focus on that and make personal attacks bc they know that is how they win. Trump is just too stupid to realize it and continually walks right into the trap. He's a political moron.

If he continues to double down on his idiocy and childishness, he will lose just like he did in 2020. Why would he do exactly what lost last election? Is he really that dumb? During the debate, he stuck to the issues and did not make personal insults. He talked and acted like an adult, and what happened? It wasn't just that joe's numbers went down, trumps numbers went up. Many of he on the fence/undecided voters moved to trump in addition to biden losing support. Over the past 3 weeks, he stopped doing that and started more personal attacks and has almost completely ignored policy and his polling has fallen off a cliff to an even worse candidate than joe. It's not rocket science. I guarantee you his campaign advisors are begging him to stop what he is doing and focus on the issues and kamalas failures. He is just too stupid to listen.

I am going to agree on one thing






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