Tell me what you thought about "The Grammys"

Interesting exchange regarding the Grammy's though, which I caught on Twitter.......

Comedian Bill Burr (?) makes some comments regarding hispanics, and pisses people off.
Burr gets called racist
Picture surfaces of Burr with his wife, who is black
Commenter makes statement that just because he has a black wife that doesn't mean he isn't racist, since many racists through history have had minority sex slaves
That did NOT go over well with his wife.....
LMAO at anyone who takes any of this seriously...

I mean come on... This is a group of people (actors, producers, etc) that basically make up shit and put it out there for entertainment purposes. And more power to them, I love a good movie, song, dance, whatever as well as the next guy.

But when you start listening to or emulating these folks for your life decisions or roll models, well, you've gone off the rails.

When these folks get together and give themselves awards for excellence, that's all good too. More power to them. But again, if you are thinking that this is anything more than an entertaining circle jerk... I don't know what to say to you.
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