Thank goodness.


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2005
Mount Pleasant, SC
Finally we have some clarity on priorities. San Francisco school district doing Yoemans work amid school closures. No child should have to return to a building named after men like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

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This is why people hate liberals.

San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle take liberalism to an insane level. Take it down a peg.

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This is why people hate liberals.

These aren't liberals. They are leftists. Liberals believe in liberty and free speech and the ability to debate and discuss things without being canceled. We need a lot more liberals in this country and a lot less leftists. Just like we need a lot more conservatives and a lot less right-wing nuts.
Finally we have some clarity on priorities. San Francisco school district doing Yoemans work amid school closures. No child should have to return to a building named after men like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

Bill Gates layering on some more incredible logic. Finally someone standing up to rich countries having the audacity to allow their citizens to eat meat.

This is progress people. ITT alone we have the opportunity to cancel George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, omnivores and those methane producing bovine assholes.
Now they’re cancelling Shakespeare.. seems he was a racist too. What a lot of people don’t know is that when Chavez took over in Venezuela they did the exact same things with their statues, and history, and name changes. It’s Marxism 101. They have to demonize your history to have a moral high ground to ‘transform’ your society for the ‘better’. It all started by pitting the darker skinned Venezuelans against the lighter skinned one’s. Then he changed the Constitution and packed their Supreme Court with his ‘loyalists’. Any of this sound familiar? But, nothing to see here, nothing to see here..

Finally we have some clarity on priorities. San Francisco school district doing Yoemans work amid school closures. No child should have to return to a building named after men like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

San Francisco is a great place to visit, but I would not want to live there. I dont know why anyone would want to live there. They are a little too far left for my taste, real estate prices are absurd, and the place is inevitably going to get hit with another earthquake and fall into the ocean. Monterrey a few hours south is a must visit. Amazing place.

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I love San Fran to visit but their politics are too far left for me as well. They are in a world of their own and not a fair representation of the general Democratic population of this country.
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I love San Fran to visit but their politics are too far left for me as well. They are in a world of their own and not a fair representation of the general Democratic population of this country.

Thoughts on this quote from Gates?

"I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand."

In these 3 sentences, he's advocating for:
  • Elimination of real beef in all "rich" countries
  • The use of government regulation to force a shift to synthetic beef
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Thoughts on this quote from Gates?

"I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand."

In these 3 sentences, he's advocating for:
  • Elimination of real beef in all "rich" countries
  • The use of government regulation to force a shift to synthetic beef
I understand what he's getting at and though well intentioned, it's going too far. There has got to be a better solution than the elimination of real beef. Build a better cow through genetics? Not sure but I'm not in favor.
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I understand what he's getting at and though well intentioned, it's going too far. There has got to be a better solution than the elimination of real beef. Build a better cow through genetics? Not sure but I'm not in favor.

It just blows my mind that we have a super influential person openly suggesting that the US government impose regulation to eliminate beef consumption. Not cigarettes, not super sized cokes, but beef. Steak. Hamburgers.

He should be laughed out of any setting for proposing something so absurd, but it's probably going to work its way into the mainstream at the rate we're going.

And it all probably has absolutely nothing to do with him being the largest farm land owner in the US.
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It just blows my mind that we have a super influential person openly suggesting that the US government impose regulation to eliminate beef consumption. Not cigarettes, not super sized cokes, but beef. Steak. Hamburgers.

He should be laughed out of any setting for proposing something so absurd, but it's probably going to work its way into the mainstream at the rate we're going.

And it all probably has absolutely nothing to do with him being the largest farm land owner in the US.

I could see cutting down on meat consumption, but not sure it needs to be government mandated, as it's happening organically already. I eat plant based meat at times because it's really good, especially Beyond Burgers. But I'm into bodybuilding so I need the protein and would never give it up completely.
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It just blows my mind that we have a super influential person openly suggesting that the US government impose regulation to eliminate beef consumption. Not cigarettes, not super sized cokes, but beef. Steak. Hamburgers.

He should be laughed out of any setting for proposing something so absurd, but it's probably going to work its way into the mainstream at the rate we're going.

And it all probably has absolutely nothing to do with him being the largest farm land owner in the US.

Change if subject, but are you on the Biden train yet? He shut down calls to forgive student debt, is agreeing to remove the minimum wage hike, and his stimulus plan will essentially be a $3100 tax break for working class families making less than $200K per year. He even shut down that pipeline that would have flooded our energy market with dirty Canadian oil.

Come on man, you are welcome to jump on the train. No need to cast your lot with those dirty insurrectionist Trumpsters anymore.
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Change if subject, but are you on the Biden train yet? He shut down calls to forgive student debt, is agreeing to remove the minimum wage hike, and his stimulus plan will essentially be a $3100 tax break for working class families making less than $200K per year. He even shut down that pipeline that would have flooded our energy market with dirty Canadian oil.

Come on man, you are welcome to jump on the train. No need to cast your lot with those dirty insurrectionist Trumpsters anymore.

I haven’t been following, but student debt forgiveness and a $15 minimum wage are really, really stupid policies. So the avoidance of extremely dumb policies isn't exactly a reason to jump on the train. It just says that there’s still a few bits of common sense bouncing around in that dome. That’s good news.
Well now mathematics is racist... when you think you’ve heard it all the left will come up with some other lunacy that says hold my beer.

Well now mathematics is racist... when you think you’ve heard it all the left will come up with some other lunacy that says hold my beer.

God have mercy, these people are truly idiots. Sad thing is they get away with it.
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