The ‘Scan the Ballots’ Effort Is Moving Forward In Georgia using Jovan Pulitizer’s Technique of Forensically Reviewing Ballots from the 2020 Election


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Joe Hoft
Published March 24, 2021 at 8:40am
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A recount is in the works in Georgia.
A week ago we reported that a judge agreed that the group “Voter GA” could inspect Fulton County Georgia ballots from the 2020 election:

The inspection is moving forward as Jovan Pulitzer is asking for volunteers for a recount in Fulton County Georgia.
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According to Jovan, “Georgia is ready to go to scan the ballots.”
Pulitzer shares:
Remember, this is history. This is history. You are about to see one of the pivotal events in history that will be talked about, literally, in text books and in history from here on out. It will definitely be talked about when it comes to elections in the future.”

Will Georgia be the first state in the Union where fraudulent results will be identified in a forensic audit? No doubt the largest bucket of garbage ballots were recorded to steal this ultra-red God-loving state.
How many recounts now? The point here is that as long as the results come back as a Biden win, you won't accept them. NEVER. No matter what. You'll just move on to the next BS speculation.
i love the idea that only these douchebag 'patriots' want fair elections.
How many recounts now? The point here is that as long as the results come back as a Biden win, you won't accept them. NEVER. No matter what. You'll just move on to the next BS speculation.

The only few places where independent audit/recounts have taken place have showed stolen votes and major irregularities. Lets see what happens in Fulton County GA if Pulitzer actually gets to complete his audit.