The Biden Effect: South African Minister Says Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, and Others Want to Join BRICS Alliance


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This is not good. Notice Mexico on this list.

By Jim Hoft Mar. 29, 2023 9:15 am


Leaders from the BRICS Alliance meet in 2018 including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. The BRICs nations include – Brazil, Russia, India, and China and South Africa.
recently, South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced that Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, and other nations want to join BRICS Alliance. This is a direct threat to the West and US dollar dominance.
Was this always the plan for the Obama-Biden regime? To take down US dominance on the global stage? Because it sure looks like it.
Via Kanekoa.

The acronym began as a somewhat optimistic term to describe what were the world’s fastest-growing economies at the time. But now the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are setting themselves up as an alternative to existing international financial and political forums.

“The founding myth of the emerging economies has faded,” Günther Maihold, deputy director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, or SWP, confirmed. “The BRICS countries are experiencing their geopolitical moment.”

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are trying to position themselves as representatives of the Global South, providing “an alternative model to the G7”. The G7 is an “informal forum” of heads of state of the world’s most advanced economies, founded in 1975. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Canada, and the US are members, as is the EU…

…South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said worldwide interest in the BRICS group was “huge.” In early March, she told television interviewers that she had 12 letters from interested countries on her desk.

“Saudi Arabia is one,” she said. “United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, and Argentina,” as well as Mexico and Nigeria. “Once we’ve shaped the criteria [for lending], we will then make the decision,” she said, noting that the topic would be placed on the agenda for the upcoming August summit in South Africa.

The most recent economic developments in BRICS member states have little to do with the initial myths upon which the group was founded. Of the five members, only China has achieved sustained and extensive growth since then.
The expansion of the BRICS Alliance is a threat to US global dominance. This may likely be the Democrat Party’s dream scenario.
  • Haha
Reactions: DW4_2016
This is not good. Notice Mexico on this list.

By Jim Hoft Mar. 29, 2023 9:15 am


Leaders from the BRICS Alliance meet in 2018 including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. The BRICs nations include – Brazil, Russia, India, and China and South Africa.
recently, South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced that Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, and other nations want to join BRICS Alliance. This is a direct threat to the West and US dollar dominance.
Was this always the plan for the Obama-Biden regime? To take down US dominance on the global stage? Because it sure looks like it.
Via Kanekoa.

The acronym began as a somewhat optimistic term to describe what were the world’s fastest-growing economies at the time. But now the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—are setting themselves up as an alternative to existing international financial and political forums.

“The founding myth of the emerging economies has faded,” Günther Maihold, deputy director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, or SWP, confirmed. “The BRICS countries are experiencing their geopolitical moment.”

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are trying to position themselves as representatives of the Global South, providing “an alternative model to the G7”. The G7 is an “informal forum” of heads of state of the world’s most advanced economies, founded in 1975. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Canada, and the US are members, as is the EU…

…South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said worldwide interest in the BRICS group was “huge.” In early March, she told television interviewers that she had 12 letters from interested countries on her desk.

“Saudi Arabia is one,” she said. “United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, and Argentina,” as well as Mexico and Nigeria. “Once we’ve shaped the criteria [for lending], we will then make the decision,” she said, noting that the topic would be placed on the agenda for the upcoming August summit in South Africa.

The expansion of the BRICS Alliance is a threat to US global dominance. This may likely be the Democrat Party’s dream scenario.
now you're scared of mexico. you think their national army is something to behold? they cant beat a cartel and you think they're going to invade?
now you're scared of mexico. you think their national army is something to behold? they cant beat a cartel and you think they're going to invade?
Its not good dude that more countries are joining BRICS. If/when the US dollar is no longer the world reserve currency then its going to hit us all like mag 10 earthquake. Imagine Chinese/Russian bases being built in Mexico. Imagine BRICS signing a mutual defense agreement like NATO and Mexico joins and they decide to start parking heavy Chinese and/or Russian equipment right south of our border. Our current leadership is basically trying to hand world control over without a fight with all the stupid bad decisions.
  • Haha
Reactions: DW4_2016
now you're scared of mexico. you think their national army is something to behold? they cant beat a cartel and you think they're going to invade?

Impressively stupid questions…you have the iq of a walnut.
  • Haha
Reactions: DW4_2016
Not good. India not as strong in the US corner as believed. Recommend to click into the twitter link at the bottom to read the full list. This is as real as it gets. Rough times are coming.

End of the Dollar: India Uses Rupees Rather Than US Dollars for International Trade – 18 Countries Agree to Trade in INR​

By Jim Hoft Apr. 2, 2023 7:36 pm

Following the US Federal Reserve’s sharpest tightening in monetary policy in decades, India has offered its currency as an alternative for trade to nations that are experiencing a shortage of dollars, Bloomberg reported.
As a result of Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies, there are now coordinated efforts to weaken the global reliance on the U.S. dollar
India’s new foreign trade policy took effect on April 1, according to Reuters.
The outlet reported:
The South Asian nation is prepared to trade in rupees with nations facing a shortage of dollars so as to “disaster-proof” them and effectively boost its exports, Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal told a news conference in the capital, New Delhi.
The measures include industry-specific targets to reach a goal of $2 trillion in exports of merchandise and services by 2030, said Santosh Kumar Sarangi, head of the directorate-general of foreign trade (DGFT).
That represents a nearly three-fold jump from expected exports of $770 billion in financial year 2022/23, he added, despite global uncertainties that make the export scenario slightly challenging.
India is also launching a new amnesty scheme for one-time settlement of defaults on export obligations, Sarangi said.
The scheme, which aims for faster resolution of trade disputes, will run until September 2023, but will not apply to cases involving fraud investigations.
India’s new policy will also automate some trade approvals and cut charges for medium-sized and small businesses to secure some government-backed benefits.
Bhagwat Karad, India’s minister of state for finance, said that the Reserve Bank of India had approved the opening of special rupee vostro accounts (SVRAs) of correspondent banks from 18 countries in 60 separate cases.
The countries include Botswana, Fiji, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United Kingdom.
Also, according to a senior Russian official, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are in the process of developing their own currency that will be presented at the organization’s upcoming summit in South Africa.
Below is recap of countries stepping away from reliance on the US dollar in the last few weeks:
  • Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four Central Asian nations to step further away from reliance on the US dollar.
  • China and France complete first LNG gas trade using Chinese Yuan, ending reliance on the US dollar for energy trades.
  • China and Brazil to settle trades in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar.
  • Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) are developing a new currency, State Duma Deputy Chairman says.
  • Saudi Arabia partners with China to build a Chinese oil refinery for 83.7 billion yuan ($12.2 billion).
  • Kenya signs deal with Saudi Arabia and UAE to buy oil with Kenyan shillings instead of US dollars.
  • President of Kenya tells citizens to get rid of US dollars.
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations considers dropping the US dollar, euro, yen, and British pound for local currency financial settlements.
This may be the biggest issue coming up which is scary to say.

More Prominent Countries Abandoning the US Dollar and Ignore U.S. Plea To Boost Oil Production​

By Larry Johnson Apr. 4, 2023 7:00 pm


TGP contributor Larry Johnson recently joined Craig Simpson, who does a podcast from Arizona, on the political and economic fallout in the West from its feckless attempt to kill the Russian economy and end the presidency of Vladimir Putin.

Larry wrote previously about the end of Pax Americana, but it bears repeating — the major consequence of Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine is the deconstruction of the international world order created and dominated by the United States in the wake of World War II. Elijah Magnier agrees:
Elijah J. Magnier told Sputnik that humanity was facing the dawn of “a new world” as a consequence of the US proxy conflict in Ukraine, which has sparked an economic crisis and civic disorder in the West.
“Things are changing” and Saudi Arabia is “looking at what’s happening,” Magnier said, “looking at the Americans much weaker than before, a distance from the Middle East.”
The US lacks “the same dominance as they used to have,” with the oil-producing countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran now accepting payment in other currencies than the US dollar — like the Chinese Yuan and the Russian ruble.
The supremacy of the U.S. dollar as THE currency of international trade, especially in the oil markets, is over. Fox Business is reported today that China and Brazil agreed to abandon the dollar in mutual trade and will use their national currencies for mutual settlements. This deal lets them conduct trade and financial transactions directly (i.e., exchanging yuan for reals and vice versa) without the need to convert their currencies into U.S. dollars.
Simplicius is written an essential article on substack, The Truth About Russia’s Economic Power: Is It Really as Small and Weak as the West Claims? (Spoiler alert, it is not), and discusses how U.S. dollar dominance has enabled it to exert significant control over the economies of other nations:
A country which operates on a Trade Deficit (which is most country’s in the world, including the U.S.) simply imports more items than it exports. It is a country that relies on importing goods from other countries to survive. The reason this is important is because, since the global financial system operates on the U.S. Dollar basis in accordance with ‘Dollar Hegemony’—i.e. the Dollar is the reserve currency of the world—this means that when a country IMPORTS items, it is pricing them usually in Dollars, since most trade, particularly of the most valuable commodities like Oil are done in Dollars. So this means that the price of a country’s native currency to Dollar conversion is important.
What the world is now witnessing is an economic battle between the United States, which is a Trade Deficit country, and Russia, which enjoys a Trade Surplus. Simiplicius explains:
But, what if your country is a TRADE SURPLUS country, a rarer breed of highly self-sufficient economies—a list comprising only the most advanced first world nations such as Germany, Japan, China, etc.? Russia is in fact amongst this distinguished list. It has one of the largest trade surpluses in the world, while the U.S. is the world’s biggest Trade Deficit country, by far.
So, how does a Trade Surplus country work? It is when a country Exports more than it Imports. In summary: the price conversion of the Dollar to the country’s currency is irrelevant because if you are generating everything your country needs within your own borders (self-sustainability), you are naturally pricing those items you yourself create in your own currency. So, what does it matter if the Russian Ruble goes from 30 Rubles to 1 Dollar, to 1000 Rubles to 1 Dollar? If you’re Russian and you’re not importing anything that’s priced in the Dollar, and you’re buying things within your own country priced in Rubles only, then it makes zero difference what the Ruble trades against the Dollar. Inside the borders of your own country, a Ruble is a Ruble, its price conversion to the Dollar is inconsequential.
Previously, the United States could rely on Saudi Arabia to counter OPEC decisions to limit oil production. That is no longer the case:
Saudi Arabia and other major oil producers on Sunday announced surprise cuts totaling up to 1.15 million barrels per day from May until the end of the year, a move that could raise prices worldwide.
Higher oil prices would help fill Russian President Vladimir Putin’s coffers as his country wages war on Ukraine and force Americans and others to pay even more at the pump amid worldwide inflation.
It was also likely to further strain ties with the United States, which has called on Saudi Arabia and other allies to increase production as it tries to bring prices down and squeeze Russia’s finances.
The production cuts alone could push U.S. gasoline prices up by roughly 26 cents per gallon, in addition to the usual increase that comes when refineries change the gasoline blend during the summer driving season, said Kevin Book, managing director of Clearview Energy Partners LLC. The Energy Department calculates the seasonal increase at an average of 32 cents per gallon, Book said.
So with an average U.S. price now at roughly $3.50 per gallon of regular, according to AAA, that could mean gasoline over $4 per gallon during the summer.
And the bad news for Washington and the dollar keeps on coming:
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is considering dropping the US dollar, euro, yen and British pound to foster financial settlements via national currencies, ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors said at a recent meeting in Indonesia.
If such a measure is adopted, the ASEAN cross-border digital payment system will be further expanded. It will also allow member countries to use local currencies for trade, according to a briefing report.
For the last 75 years, the United States has been the economic colossus dominating and deciding what the international rules are that must be obeyed. That era is over, but most folks in Washington and London do not realize it yet.