I understand your argument, but to keep his policies by voting to keep him in power, ignores the overwhelming downside that keeping him around brings. To me, and most everyone I know, he's a destructive force that attempts to destroy all civility and does much more harm than good. But I could see some daylight there if they openly disavowed him and still voted for him, but it would still tell me something about them. That's just me talking though.
I noticed that you are quick to label people as Trump fan boys. I disagree with Trump on a bunch of topics but you would never know it because you assume I'm a Trump fan boy just because I said the Democrats cheated or because I didn't agree with rioting or because I don't agree with taking a vaccine which Trump is in favor of BTW or because I like Capitalism and Hate Socialism.
You also act like Trump is some evil person. I haven't seen that. In fact, I've seen him as being caring and he was great on foreign policy. He defeated ISIS just like he said he would and we experienced very minimum loss.
Things he didn't do right IMO
1. Started a trade war with China by raising tariff taxes on imported goods
2. Agreed to massive spending increases in order to prevent shutting down the government
3. Serving McDonalds to Trevor Lawrence Should have served Steak.
4. Botch the Covid response. Never should have shut down anything. Obama didn't. He fell for the trap.
5. Didn't fire Comey from the get go
6. Hired little mouse ears to be the AG who then recused himself
7. Didn't know how to run the WH. It was like his first time on a backhoe. Clueless but what can people expect? He was new
8. Tried to get the wrong guy elected in Alabama to replace little mouse ears.
9. Was in favor of increasing the war on drugs
10. Didn't pardon Snowden or Julian. This got him on my shit list for a month.
Things he did do right
1. Started building the damn wall to keep all the free loaders out
2. Cut corporate tax from too damn high to 21%. Biach Rubio didn't want to go down to 15%
3. Appointed three new SCOTUS. Suck on that. Now suck some more
4. Changed sentencing laws that favored cocaine over crack
5. Pardoned a few drug dealers
6. Finally opened up ANWR to drilling. About damn time
7. Told Paris where to stick it with their climate accord
8. Beat Hillary. I'm sure it still hurts for you. I freekin loved it. Still love it.
9. Back to back impeachment champion.
11. I already mentioned he defeated ISIS.