This has to STOP


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2023
What happened to Trump is awful, but let’s not forget about the thousands of innocents dying at the hands of the Israeli and American governments.

Let’s hope and pray whoever the next prez is will condemn this violence, not just with words, but with action.

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What happened to Trump is awful, but let’s not forget about the thousands of innocents dying at the hands of the Israeli and American governments.

Let’s hope and pray whoever the next prez is will condemn this violence, not just with words, but with action.

I saw this doctor's interview on tv and they even showed a clip of a toddler being shot in the middle of the road. It's soul-crushing.

I support Israel and want Hamas to be eliminated but damn, it's gotten way too out of hand.
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What happened to Trump is awful, but let’s not forget about the thousands of innocents dying at the hands of the Israeli and American governments.

Let’s hope and pray whoever the next prez is will condemn this violence, not just with words, but with action.

I agree. But WE can't stop it. The folks over there have to decide to stop. HAMAS has the stated goal to destroy Israel and kill Jews around the world. They have a lot of support. The IDF is hardly a group of saints and regularly kill civilians. Sunni and Shite Muslims are regularly killing each other and anyone else who runs afoul of their religious beliefs. The Muslims and Hindus were killing each other so much that India split into India and Pakistan. Folks in the middle east have been merrily killing each other for all of recorded history. That doesn't look to be stopping any time soon and I've yet to see any plan that has a hope of success.

Trump was right on this... We don't belong there.
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I saw this doctor's interview on tv and they even showed a clip of a toddler being shot in the middle of the road. It's soul-crushing.

I support Israel and want Hamas to be eliminated but damn, it's gotten way too out of hand.

Soul-crushing is the perfect description. It’s a shame that it’ll be all but forgotten with the craziness going on in our country between now and November.
I agree. But WE can't stop it. The folks over there have to decide to stop. HAMAS has the stated goal to destroy Israel and kill Jews around the world. They have a lot of support. The IDF is hardly a group of saints and regularly kill civilians. Sunni and Shite Muslims are regularly killing each other and anyone else who runs afoul of their religious beliefs. The Muslims and Hindus were killing each other so much that India split into India and Pakistan. Folks in the middle east have been merrily killing each other for all of recorded history. That doesn't look to be stopping any time soon and I've yet to see any plan that has a hope of success.

Trump was right on this... We don't belong there.
We can definitely stop supplying them with offensive weapons that are regularly used on the civilian population. We can definitely hold the Israeli gov’t accountable. Make no mistake, there are factions of the Israeli gov’t who made the attack possible and who regularly block any chance of a compromise.

I’ve got zero issue supplying them with iron dome type defensive weapons.

The craziest part of this is the overwhelming Christian support.