This story about the young man in Baltimore schools is just appalling


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 26, 2003
This is beyond the pale. And this is what we're getting in our cities in terms of education for our poor districts. It's example A of why public education has failed. Even though she wants to blame the schools, it's also a sad testament to really lousy parenting. We have to get into these areas and try to help the people that want to be helped. We can't allow this to continue. These are human beings of sacred worth and they are just being left behind in this ridiculous system we have. We shouldn't do the work for them but clearly, we have to step in and help get things going in the right direction. We also need to start electing better leaders who actually give a damn about more than just holding power. Baltimore had a chance to elect someone like that this past time but they went with the norm and at some point, you'd hope they'd see the rotten fruits of that endeavor.

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This is beyond the pale. And this is what we're getting in our cities in terms of education for our poor districts. It's example A of why public education has failed. Even though she wants to blame the schools, it's also a sad testament to really lousy parenting. We have to get into these areas and try to help the people that want to be helped. We can't allow this to continue. These are human beings of sacred worth and they are just being left behind in this ridiculous system we have. We shouldn't do the work for them but clearly, we have to step in and help get things going in the right direction. We also need to start electing better leaders who actually give a damn about more than just holding power. Baltimore had a chance to elect someone like that this past time but they went with the norm and at some point, you'd hope they'd see the rotten fruits of that endeavor.

Remind me again how you have any training,demonstrated experience or competence to judge public education?

You continue to use one off stories to demonize and belittle public education. You have made very plain that you don't like public education.

Again, for the record, kids learn more and at a much fast rate today than they ever have in history. That's factual. We also expect our public teachers and schools to support our children in ways that have never been expected before. They serve many more purposes than just teaching.

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Remind me again how you have any training,demonstrated experience or competence to judge public education?

You continue to use one off stories to demonize and belittle public education. You have made very plain that you don't like public education.

Again, for the record, kids learn more and at a much fast rate today than they ever have in history. That's factual. We also expect our public teachers and schools to support our children in ways that have never been expected before. They serve many more purposes than just teaching.

Masters degree in education in this house. Thanks for asking. And this isn't a one-off story. That you think that is just insane. This kid ranks 62 out of 120 in his class. That means there are 58 other kids failing even worse than him. 61 other lives being wasted. This isn't the sole responsibility of public education. It's about our society as a whole that this goes on.

You can think what you want about the Public v. Private situation. We've done both, taught in both, experienced both, worked in both and there is NO comparison. I've been around education for 25 years. There's a dramatic difference between kids from public school and private school. It doesn't mean it's universal but it is there on average. You need to stop taking this personally and instead actually care about others and look at what's going on and how we need to completely re-examine all we're doing and make dramatic changes.

That you support the continuation of this kind of stuff is a sad testament to your views. You should reconsider things a bit!
Masters degree in education in this house. Thanks for asking. And this isn't a one-off story. That you think that is just insane. This kid ranks 62 out of 120 in his class. That means there are 58 other kids failing even worse than him. 61 other lives being wasted. This isn't the sole responsibility of public education. It's about our society as a whole that this goes on.

You can think what you want about the Public v. Private situation. We've done both, taught in both, experienced both, worked in both and there is NO comparison. I've been around education for 25 years. There's a dramatic difference between kids from public school and private school. It doesn't mean it's universal but it is there on average. You need to stop taking this personally and instead actually care about others and look at what's going on and how we need to completely re-examine all we're doing and make dramatic changes.

That you support the continuation of this kind of stuff is a sad testament to your views. You should reconsider things a bit!

Care to address the articles? You basically state that because this school in Maryland is bad means all public education is the same and should be eliminated.

We need to continue to improve public education. It is certainly not perfect, but neither is private education.

I abaoy take it personally when you are denigrating the competence, professionalism, and integrity of my family and friends with zero actual proof
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What are we doing to address the parents? That's the problem. Zero personal responsibility, accountability. It's their job to ensure their children are being educated. If I failed one class, my ass would have been locked up for a year. Heck, if I made a C I would have been in huge trouble.

The good news is the government is here to teach us about accountability. These lessons should resonate:
  • Haven't developed any work skills? Doesn't matter, we will require employers to pay you $15.
  • Can't (or don't want to) earn a living? Doesn't matter, we will send you money.
  • Can't (or don't want to) pay your student loans? Doesn't matter, we will pay them off for you.
>republicans tie public education funding to local taxes
>historically poor areas end up having terrible public schools caused in part by lack of funding

rinse and repeat for literally every other gov't funded entity
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Care to address the articles? You basically state that because this school in Maryland is bad means all public education is the same and should be eliminated.

We need to continue to improve public education. It is certainly not perfect, but neither is private education.

I abaoy take it personally when you are denigrating the competence, professionalism, and integrity of my family and friends with zero actual proof

Oh good grief man. Instead of deciding what you think I am saying, how about you actually consider what I am saying.

I never said that this one school means all public schooling is bad. You said that. That being said, the current model for public education doesn't work. People are getting dumber, not smarter. I know you'll say that's not true but the proof is in the pudding as they say.

Also, I'm not speaking about teachers. I'm talking about the system our teachers work within. We can do a lot better.

And lastly, zero proof? The proof is everywhere. You just don't want to see it but it has nothing to do with anyone in your family. I don't even know them. You're just looking for something to outrage against. I'm looking to save lives and provide opportunity for everyone in this country. That you're more intent on defending a crappy system because you want to defend family members says a lot and you should look in the mirror and think about it a bit. I happen to believe that's not the kind of person you are.
What are we doing to address the parents? That's the problem. Zero personal responsibility, accountability. It's their job to ensure their children are being educated. If I failed one class, my ass would have been locked up for a year. Heck, if I made a C I would have been in huge trouble.

The good news is the government is here to teach us about accountability. These lessons should resonate:
  • Haven't developed any work skills? Doesn't matter, we will require employers to pay you $15.
  • Can't (or don't want to) earn a living? Doesn't matter, we will send you money.
  • Can't (or don't want to) pay your student loans? Doesn't matter, we will pay them off for you.

Another issue is we're generations into this disastrous chain of policies. This is a square one operation now and it's going to required MASSIVE efforts by a lot of people and most of all, the people who are living in this hell now. You are 100% right about this but the parents of these kids came up in the same shitty system their kids are in now. They also have limited to no skills and in many cases haven't had the values of work instilled in them. They're just being told they are victims and that's it. It's a huge undertaking we have before us.
Oh good grief man. Instead of deciding what you think I am saying, how about you actually consider what I am saying.

I never said that this one school means all public schooling is bad. You said that. That being said, the current model for public education doesn't work. People are getting dumber, not smarter. I know you'll say that's not true but the proof is in the pudding as they say.

Also, I'm not speaking about teachers. I'm talking about the system our teachers work within. We can do a lot better.

And lastly, zero proof? The proof is everywhere. You just don't want to see it but it has nothing to do with anyone in your family. I don't even know them. You're just looking for something to outrage against. I'm looking to save lives and provide opportunity for everyone in this country. That you're more intent on defending a crappy system because you want to defend family members says a lot and you should look in the mirror and think about it a bit. I happen to believe that's not the kind of person you are.

By what metric are kids getting dumber? That's patently false. You started this by raging against the public school system. Kids learn more,earlier than we ever did.

I presented facts, you have presented one off stories.
What are we doing to address the parents? That's the problem. Zero personal responsibility, accountability. It's their job to ensure their children are being educated. If I failed one class, my ass would have been locked up for a year. Heck, if I made a C I would have been in huge trouble.

The good news is the government is here to teach us about accountability. These lessons should resonate:
  • Haven't developed any work skills? Doesn't matter, we will require employers to pay you $15.
  • Can't (or don't want to) earn a living? Doesn't matter, we will send you money.
  • Can't (or don't want to) pay your student loans? Doesn't matter, we will pay them off for you.

Another issue is we're generations into this disastrous chain of policies. This is a square one operation now and it's going to required MASSIVE efforts by a lot of people and most of all, the people who are living in this hell now. You are 100% right about this but the parents of these kids came up in the same shitty system their kids are in now. They also have limited to no skills and in many cases haven't had the values of work instilled in them. They're just being told they are victims and that's it. It's a huge undertaking we have before us.

The parents are failing their children.

The parents are failing the schools.

Certain elements of our society who refuse to embrace personal responsibility and accountability are failing the parents.
By what metric are kids getting dumber? That's patently false. You started this by raging against the public school system. Kids learn more,earlier than we ever did.

I presented facts, you have presented one off stories.

the breadth and width of what they understand and know has narrowed dramatically. the education that they are receiving is not as well-rounded and that is easily documentable in the fact that most people don't understand the structure of our government, what our constitution says and basic elements of our history. it takes about 4 minutes to talk to people to come to understand this. I work with people for a living everyday and I see this all the time. Financial illiteracy is at staggering levels. the inability to understand how our economic systems work is that a staggering level. All this ties back to how we are educating our children.

Scotch is right about parents taking responsibility. There is no question that that is the root of the problem. But when you look around inner city school districts all across the country, they are failing our children. That is not a one-off. That is the norm across the country regardless of region or demographics. we are not getting the job done because we are not elevating our poor. saying that people just need to man up and take responsibility sounds great but when they have no basis for that, then it's impossible to do.
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the breadth and width of what they understand and know has narrowed dramatically. the education that they are receiving is not as well-rounded and that is easily documentable in the fact that most people don't understand the structure of our government, what our constitution says and basic elements of our history. it takes about 4 minutes to talk to people to come to understand this. I work with people for a living everyday and I see this all the time. Financial illiteracy is at staggering levels. the inability to understand how our economic systems work is that a staggering level. All this ties back to how we are educating our children.

Scotch is right about parents taking responsibility. There is no question that that is the root of the problem. But when you look around inner city school districts all across the country, they are failing our children. That is not a one-off. That is the norm across the country regardless of region or demographics. we are not getting the job done because we are not elevating our poor. saying that people just need to man up and take responsibility sounds great but when they have no basis for that, then it's impossible to do.

I appreciate the reply, but you are completely wrong about what they learn. The curriculum now is much broader and more diverse than ever before. And, a large part of that was the No child left behind act that ramped up expectations in Math and Sciences. The STEM education now is miles ahead of where it was for previous generations.

The major issues with kids today is parents and the atmosphere of "child worship" that exists now. Parents do not hold kids accountable and instead seek to blame the school,their teachers, or anyone other than their perfect child. Maybe a little like you are doing who claim that we should scrap the whole system since they think with zero actual support or knowledge that schools are failing our children.
I appreciate the reply, but you are completely wrong about what they learn. The curriculum now is much broader and more diverse than ever before. And, a large part of that was the No child left behind act that ramped up expectations in Math and Sciences. The STEM education now is miles ahead of where it was for previous generations.

The major issues with kids today is parents and the atmosphere of "child worship" that exists now. Parents do not hold kids accountable and instead seek to blame the school,their teachers, or anyone other than their perfect child. Maybe a little like you are doing who claim that we should scrap the whole system since they think with zero actual support or knowledge that schools are failing our children.

And as I say the proof is in the pudding. The pudding is made of ignorance and indoctrination right now. But you just keep up with those "facts."

There should be no department of education, no national standards and most of all a government should have no role in educating its citizens. We have a lot of intelligent people in this country and very few wise ones. Wisdom leads so longevity and success, not intelligence alone.
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And as I say the proof is in the pudding. The pudding is made of ignorance and indoctrination right now. But you just keep up with those "facts."

There should be no department of education, no national standards and most of all a government should have no role in educating its citizens. We have a lot of intelligent people in this country and very few wise ones. Wisdom leads so longevity and success, not intelligence alone.

So nothing but your opinion? Got it.
This is beyond the pale. And this is what we're getting in our cities in terms of education for our poor districts. It's example A of why public education has failed. Even though she wants to blame the schools, it's also a sad testament to really lousy parenting. We have to get into these areas and try to help the people that want to be helped. We can't allow this to continue. These are human beings of sacred worth and they are just being left behind in this ridiculous system we have. We shouldn't do the work for them but clearly, we have to step in and help get things going in the right direction. We also need to start electing better leaders who actually give a damn about more than just holding power. Baltimore had a chance to elect someone like that this past time but they went with the norm and at some point, you'd hope they'd see the rotten fruits of that endeavor.

Shame in Baltimore, I was rooting for Kimberly Klacik, she’s an advocate for cleaning up Baltimore. My early years were spent in Glen Burnie, not the nice part, so I have a soft spot for Baltimore. Surely top 5 most corrupt cities in the US. I would love it if they cleaned up their act, but you are right, more of the same.
I appreciate the reply, but you are completely wrong about what they learn. The curriculum now is much broader and more diverse than ever before. And, a large part of that was the No child left behind act that ramped up expectations in Math and Sciences. The STEM education now is miles ahead of where it was for previous generations.

The major issues with kids today is parents and the atmosphere of "child worship" that exists now. Parents do not hold kids accountable and instead seek to blame the school,their teachers, or anyone other than their perfect child. Maybe a little like you are doing who claim that we should scrap the whole system since they think with zero actual support or knowledge that schools are failing our children.
I think y’all are both right and bring valid points
You are allowed to have opinions on message boards. If you can’t have civil dialog here, where? Jeez man lighten up

Agreed,but he keeps blasting the education system and teachers without any actual proof. I have just challenged him to provide some proof to back up his claims. If you are going to take such a strong stance that "Public Education is so bad it should be eliminated" you should be able to back that claim up
Agreed,but he keeps blasting the education system and teachers without any actual proof. I have just challenged him to provide some proof to back up his claims. If you are going to take such a strong stance that "Public Education is so bad it should be eliminated" you should be able to back that claim up
Think it’s widely know public education in big cities is sub par. Sometimes our need for facts blurs the simple conversation people want to engage in. You all both bring valid points to the table, that is the purpose of a conversation.

In sales could you imagine if people got fact checked all the time trying to sell Round Up? Or a new FDA approved drug?

We forget simple conversation, empathy for another viewpoint or perspective, and we end up fighting over one liners instead of really appreciating the parts of story that are critical to the conversation and also the places people should concentrate to bring dialog back to a non polarizing place.

Likely regardless on side we can always find a common ground that everyone will agree is important to the conversation.

We disagree on a lot, but doesn’t mean I don’t value your opinion even with disagreement. Most people don’t have the stomach for greatly appreciating others, it’s a skill and you should work on picking apart an argument for the points in common vs. argument for the sake of argument. Our society as a whole on the internet has lost control. Name calling and fact checking, so dumb, just have a conversation and if you can see the other point of view, great, if not keep the mouth closed. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all, a grandmothers wisdom.
In this ridiculous bill Congress just passed, they are providing all kinds of pork and it's way down the road. Education payments will be higher in 2026 than this year. So it isn't really stimulus. It's a big government pile of BS and people are too ignorant to understand that. That's how our education system is failing us. We have Americans who just aren't educated enough to see what's going on. It's an absolute horror we're passing on to our kids. Way to go everyone!
In this ridiculous bill Congress just passed, they are providing all kinds of pork and it's way down the road. Education payments will be higher in 2026 than this year. So it isn't really stimulus. It's a big government pile of BS and people are too ignorant to understand that. That's how our education system is failing us. We have Americans who just aren't educated enough to see what's going on. It's an absolute horror we're passing on to our kids. Way to go everyone!
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Praying brother

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