I'm not a huge poster, but have some things to get off my chest after I have read post after post after post with all sorts of advice from the TI coaches.
1) Information will come on someone else's timetable, not yours. So, if you feel compelled to @ Larry or Cris or Paul to get the latest info by starting the 27th thread of the hour...perhaps pause a moment and consider why they would withhold information from their subscribers? In other words, when they have credible info to post, you can be darn sure they will post it in a timely manner. If they don't, they won't post junk just to have something new pinned at the top of the board and we can all be thankful for that. Your begging for new info isn't going to be the reason they decide to release said new information.
2) Our dudes (TI staff) are plugged in--think this past week has again proven that to be the case. A nice refresher in comparison to other sites, that, well, not so much. We are in good hands--be patient and we will get some nice nuggets in due time.
3) This is a message board--opinions are the currency we deal in. Fine to have your opinion, but...let's all take another step back and recognize that we don't coach a major college program for a reason...sure, a handful of us couldn't afford to take that pay cut (allegedly), but for most of us...that's a dream job. We didn't achieve the dream--it's fine, but there are reasons. You don't know better than Dabo, even if you think you do. Further, at the end of the day, you are not nearly as accountable to the results as he is...as in, we are not accountable at all and he is fully accountable. So have your opinions; share them--that's why we are here but...just know that they probably aren't right; even if one is right, your whole vision for the program probably isn't...and lastly--if you were in his chair for the past 10 years, we wouldn't be where we are. Just sayin..............and that goes for all the crapped on coaches as well.
4) Dabo is probably more competitive, at his core, than most, if not all the rest of us. Dude has never failed and I'm fairly sure he ain't planning to start now after what he has built here. Dude has pride and dude is going to want to win 2 more natties more now than ever...else, he will never dodge the questions about never winning without BV at his side.
5) He's got a plan and he's been planning--his guys trust him and while I believe BV didn't need much nudging to take the OU job, we all know Dabo endorsed him for the job and told him to go for it. And I'd have to think Dabo has given CTE the nod and nudge that it's time for him to make a move. Now, Dabo has the opening needed to rework the O while hoping to maintain stability on D. It's not a complete accident and for the love of all that is sacred...rest easy knowing the man has had a plan for this all along. And if it doesn't fit your plan, there are probably good reasons...as he knows more about the guys he could hire than any of us and is looking for philosophical and cultural fits. Trust.
6) He is one of the most successful college coaches ever and has built Clemson into a juggernaut his way. If we talk so glowingly about how he runs the program and how the culture makes us all proud--in other words, it's not just the winning we've all been proud of, it's the how...well the how is 100% Dabo doing it his way, what we all like to call the 'right way', with integrity and honesty and purpose and care for his players as humans, with a focus on getting an education, etc, etc...Well, if we are going to proud of those things when winning, we need to continue to be proud of those things when losing (9-3...so only a little losing). I, for one, don't want to toss the culture aside for the wins--I want both...and we've seen it is possible.
With all that said, I will drop in my $0.02 because it's a message board. I'm fully aware I am probably wrong and my solution probably wouldn't work.
Keep stability on the D--would not surprise me one bit to see the D as an internal hire and it would make a lot of sense. You've had a guy here for 10 years, the best in the biz, showing those coaches how it's done. You want to try and keep that train moving down the tracks with minimal impact, if at all possible. Given how good the D has been, regression on some level is practically guaranteed. Just is...so any hire is risky in the sense that, you probably aren't going to get better results. Risk of internal is lack of experience with the positive of maintaining some level of stability in the plans, tactics, calls, terminology, etc--the if it ain't broke philosophy. External hire--risk if rocking the stability and culture; not being a fit even if very successful at previous stops. And, the pressure they will feel to fill BV's shoes will be immense. To me, the safer hire is probably internal on this side of the ball; even if that means a bigger shift in 2-3 years to restart a new defensive culture under a new guy.
Reinvent on O--would love to see an outsider brought in. Chad Morris model (NOT Chad Morris)--someone to come in and add life to the offense--bring it into the 2020s and groom the next generation that could be the Scott or Elliott or Scelliot of the future. If Streeter, Grisham, Spiller, Austin, Losman can all learn from a new master with the expectation that that person will be here 2-4 years and turn over the reigns with the hopes that the next 10 years are as good as the last 10.
1) Information will come on someone else's timetable, not yours. So, if you feel compelled to @ Larry or Cris or Paul to get the latest info by starting the 27th thread of the hour...perhaps pause a moment and consider why they would withhold information from their subscribers? In other words, when they have credible info to post, you can be darn sure they will post it in a timely manner. If they don't, they won't post junk just to have something new pinned at the top of the board and we can all be thankful for that. Your begging for new info isn't going to be the reason they decide to release said new information.
2) Our dudes (TI staff) are plugged in--think this past week has again proven that to be the case. A nice refresher in comparison to other sites, that, well, not so much. We are in good hands--be patient and we will get some nice nuggets in due time.
3) This is a message board--opinions are the currency we deal in. Fine to have your opinion, but...let's all take another step back and recognize that we don't coach a major college program for a reason...sure, a handful of us couldn't afford to take that pay cut (allegedly), but for most of us...that's a dream job. We didn't achieve the dream--it's fine, but there are reasons. You don't know better than Dabo, even if you think you do. Further, at the end of the day, you are not nearly as accountable to the results as he is...as in, we are not accountable at all and he is fully accountable. So have your opinions; share them--that's why we are here but...just know that they probably aren't right; even if one is right, your whole vision for the program probably isn't...and lastly--if you were in his chair for the past 10 years, we wouldn't be where we are. Just sayin..............and that goes for all the crapped on coaches as well.
4) Dabo is probably more competitive, at his core, than most, if not all the rest of us. Dude has never failed and I'm fairly sure he ain't planning to start now after what he has built here. Dude has pride and dude is going to want to win 2 more natties more now than ever...else, he will never dodge the questions about never winning without BV at his side.
5) He's got a plan and he's been planning--his guys trust him and while I believe BV didn't need much nudging to take the OU job, we all know Dabo endorsed him for the job and told him to go for it. And I'd have to think Dabo has given CTE the nod and nudge that it's time for him to make a move. Now, Dabo has the opening needed to rework the O while hoping to maintain stability on D. It's not a complete accident and for the love of all that is sacred...rest easy knowing the man has had a plan for this all along. And if it doesn't fit your plan, there are probably good reasons...as he knows more about the guys he could hire than any of us and is looking for philosophical and cultural fits. Trust.
6) He is one of the most successful college coaches ever and has built Clemson into a juggernaut his way. If we talk so glowingly about how he runs the program and how the culture makes us all proud--in other words, it's not just the winning we've all been proud of, it's the how...well the how is 100% Dabo doing it his way, what we all like to call the 'right way', with integrity and honesty and purpose and care for his players as humans, with a focus on getting an education, etc, etc...Well, if we are going to proud of those things when winning, we need to continue to be proud of those things when losing (9-3...so only a little losing). I, for one, don't want to toss the culture aside for the wins--I want both...and we've seen it is possible.
With all that said, I will drop in my $0.02 because it's a message board. I'm fully aware I am probably wrong and my solution probably wouldn't work.
Keep stability on the D--would not surprise me one bit to see the D as an internal hire and it would make a lot of sense. You've had a guy here for 10 years, the best in the biz, showing those coaches how it's done. You want to try and keep that train moving down the tracks with minimal impact, if at all possible. Given how good the D has been, regression on some level is practically guaranteed. Just is...so any hire is risky in the sense that, you probably aren't going to get better results. Risk of internal is lack of experience with the positive of maintaining some level of stability in the plans, tactics, calls, terminology, etc--the if it ain't broke philosophy. External hire--risk if rocking the stability and culture; not being a fit even if very successful at previous stops. And, the pressure they will feel to fill BV's shoes will be immense. To me, the safer hire is probably internal on this side of the ball; even if that means a bigger shift in 2-3 years to restart a new defensive culture under a new guy.
Reinvent on O--would love to see an outsider brought in. Chad Morris model (NOT Chad Morris)--someone to come in and add life to the offense--bring it into the 2020s and groom the next generation that could be the Scott or Elliott or Scelliot of the future. If Streeter, Grisham, Spiller, Austin, Losman can all learn from a new master with the expectation that that person will be here 2-4 years and turn over the reigns with the hopes that the next 10 years are as good as the last 10.