Since it's a free event, it would be unfortunate if a bunch of people reserved all the
Since it's a free event, it would be unfortunate if a bunch of people reserved all the
Ha. Good sentiment. It doesn't accomplish anything unfortunately. These events are first come first served, so unless you show up, reserving a ticket doesn't change anything.
Well hopefully enough pressure will be put on Jim Clements to cancel it.
Well hopefully enough pressure will be put on Jim Clements to cancel it.
Thumbs up
Since it's a free event, it would be unfortunate if a bunch of people reserved all the
WTF?? You really are afraid of ideas that you presume are against your opinions. Let people have their say and then respectfully disagree with them. What has this country come to and all you douchebags are jumping on this bandwagon happily. I do not agree with liberals and commies, but let them have a say....this is supposed to be a free country still.
ahh, cancel culture
Well hopefully enough pressure will be put on Jim Clements to cancel it.
I imagine she agree with you on that one.Zero tolerance for white supremacy. Always.
Not intelligent enough to allow others opinions enter your mind? Not shocking from your elderly ass.
So Clemson allowed a racist a platform to have unchecked access to students to pedal racist hate and we should just accept that as ok? What if they radicalize people and convince them of their own beliefs? Is racism spreading ok?When I was a fresh at Clemson, the school allowed a literal racist to come speak. The topic of his talk was how all black people should be kicked out of the country because their IQs were lower than average. Asians were allowed to stay because they were "smart."
It was hosted by the Clemson conservative club (or whatever its called).
The majority of the audience (me included) were there to see how someone like that could someone can live with themselves believing things like that.
Of course the club "vetted" all the audience questions, so there wasn't much debate, but it was very eye opening
Tomi should be allowed to speak and people allowed to come see for themselves how evil and hypocritical her beliefs are.
So Clemson allowed a racist a platform to have unchecked access to students to pedal racist hate and we should just accept that as ok? What if they radicalize people and convince them of their own beliefs? Is racism spreading ok?
I mean I think its better to have someone like that bashed with questions and a debate rather than just a platform to spew from.
I suggested not giving them an un questioned platform and that a debate would be better. Did you even read what I wrote? Calling me naive and you can't even process sentences.So what’s your solution oh wise one? Shall we go around suppressing free speech and actively forcing group-think by default?
How naive are you?