The last admin had one of the worst economic outputs in decades. Obama is the only president EVER not to reach 3% gdp growth, EVER. We have the lowest employment percentage (labor participation rate) in 40-50 yrs. AND he accomplished all this by spending more $ than every other president combined.
You can try to spin the facts anyway you want to. You can say it is Bush's fault, you can say it is Regan's fault, you can say it is Trumps fault if you want to. It doesn't change the facts. There is absolutely no logical argument to be made that he is not the worst president we have ever had.
Any reasonable person with any critical thinking skills that would turn off cnn, nbc, abc, cbs, msnbc, fox and all the other people telling them what they want you to believe and just look at the facts should be able to figure this out for themselves. The facts/data are out there if you really want to find the truth for yourself instead of just listening to some talking heads feeding you what they want you to believe. No one would run their family finances this way and no business on earth would operate like this because it defies all logic. Yet somehow we seem to think it is ok for the govt to do that with our money. If there are any finance majors out there try figuring out what the ROI on the $10 trillion we spent was.
It is astonishing to me how our society has just been willing to accept ideas from the media that are clearly contradicted by the facts. Can anyone think for themselves anymore? When we have just spent almost $10 TRILLION only to have the fewest people working and one of the worst eight years of economic growth ever, it is literally unbelievable to me that people have no idea what is actually happening in the country the live in. If we had to pay our debt today, every man woman and child would owe over $60,000 each........ just think about that for a minute. rladams, if I remember correctly you have a wife and two daughters (forgive me if I am wrong). That means your family's share of the national debt is about a quarter of a million dollars- about twice what it was eight years ago. Does this not concern you? That number will likely increase dramatically over the next 15-20 yrs as the large baby boomer generation dies leaving a smaller population base to spread that out over.
Don't think this is just Obama bashing. I AM bashing Obama, but not just him. Bush spent way too much $ as well was not very high on the list of presidents either. Also, I was not a trump guy and am still weary about the outcome of the next four years. Still, it would be almost impossible to do worse than the last eight years if you actually look at the facts.
If we as a society don't learn to think for ourselves based on verifiable facts instead of just adopting a belief simply because you are being told the same lie over and over we are doomed as a society and a country.
It used to be that the press would point out the lies or at least question them. Now, however, they simply perpetuate them. We have to stop relying on the television and seek the truth for ourselves. Anyone that can do simple math and trust the numbers rather than what they have been spoon-fed by the media should be outraged at where we are as a country. Unfortunately, if you tell most people the same lie long enough, they end up believing it.