Trump 2024

BREAKING: RNC Chair Lara Trump has announced that she is building an army of 100,000 poll workers and over 500 lawyers to monitor the 2024 election to stop the fraud

"We're going to have war rooms set up in every state across this country to deal with things as they happen not days, weeks, or months later."

"If we don't have free, fair, and transparent elections, nothing else matters."

This is the most important thing the RNC can do. We need to get ahead of the shenanigans Democrats will inevitably pull
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Trump +18 in Iowa? Not really a battleground, but that has to be a troubling poll for Biden.

I'm not sure how the Iowa polls matter and the black poll numbers are nonsensical because I would assume they are protesting inflation, though Trump's policies will do nothing but make it worse. Besides all that it's still a very tight race and another poll is showing that 21% of Independents are less likely to vote for Trump now that he's been convicted.


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I'm not sure how the Iowa polls matter and the black poll numbers are nonsensical because I would assume they are protesting inflation, though Trump's policies will do nothing but make it worse. Besides all that it's still a very tight race and another poll is showing that 21% of Independents are less likely to vote for Trump now that he's been convicted.


I thought both were interesting data points. 18 point margin in a state Obama won is pretty crazy. Love to see the black vote break up too. Will be interesting to see if that’s a Biden/Trump thing or if it extends more broadly to dem/pub.
I thought both were interesting data points. 18 point margin in a state Obama won is pretty crazy. Love to see the black vote break up too. Will be interesting to see if that’s a Biden/Trump thing or if it extends more broadly to dem/pub.
They are but more and more it seems like nothing makes sense - everything we knew before no longer applies and that worries me about where we're headed.

HAHAHAHAHA: At his rally in Racine, Wisconsin, today, Trump said other than these things, Biden is doing a great job: "Under crooked Joe Biden, the world is in flames. Our border is overrun. Inflation is raging. Europe is in total chaos. The Middle East is exploding. Iran is emboldened. China is on the march. And the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history is going to drag us into World War Three. Other than that, he's doing quite a good job."
High profile libs moving to Trump.

Democrat Mega Fundraiser Allison Huynh, Flips to Trump

She sold millions of dollars worth of Democratic memorabilia, including JFK’s Rocking chair to support Trump…

Why?… Because everything woke turns to shit 💩

She’s now Kissing that Beautiful round Orange Ass of Donald Trump. 🍊 🍊🍊🍊

Bidenomics will do that to ya…
Lots of silence from Fastball about today's Fox polls that were released. Idk if they're still considering the polls legit, or if they're back to being fakenews, but the silence is deafening.
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LoL Fox News has Biden 2 points ahead of Trump now. I guess the rationale that a felony conviction would help Trump's candidacy wasn't without its flaws.
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LoL Fox News has Biden 2 points ahead of Trump now. I guess the rationale that a felony conviction would help Trump's candidacy wasn't without its flaws.
I'm thinking the only reason it helped him was because he couldn't spend the day in front of a mic bloviating about sharks, batteries and windmill cancer. Now that he's free, Democrats are letting operation "Just Let Donald speak" do all their work for them. 😂
I'm thinking the only reason it helped him was because he couldn't spend the day in front of a mic bloviating about sharks, batteries and windmill cancer. Now that he's free, Democrats are letting operation "Just Let Donald speak" do all their work for them. 😂
You're not wrong. Just step back and let him self destruct at this point.
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LoL Fox News has Biden 2 points ahead of Trump now. I guess the rationale that a felony conviction would help Trump's candidacy wasn't without its flaws.
Trump is up more than a sliver in almost all the swing states. I know you libs are confident anyway and I would be too in your place knowing the election fraud mechanisms in place. The really bad part is you libs do not give a shit about the will of the majority. It's win at all costs comrade. Yall want to destroy MAGA but you will destroy the nation in its current form along with it. More power to you.
Trump is up more than a sliver in almost all the swing states. I know you libs are confident anyway and I would be too in your place knowing the election fraud mechanisms in place. The really bad part is you libs do not give a shit about the will of the majority. It's win at all costs comrade. Yall want to destroy MAGA but you will destroy the nation in its current form along with it. More power to you.
Trump is up more than a sliver in almost all the swing states. I know you libs are confident anyway and I would be too in your place knowing the election fraud mechanisms in place. The really bad part is you libs do not give a shit about the will of the majority. It's win at all costs comrade. Yall want to destroy MAGA but you will destroy the nation in its current form along with it. More power to you.
Uh huh yep. Tell me which party has more people in legal trouble for fraudulently interfering in the election? Tell us which party lies about everything election-related with no evidence to back it up and which one doesn't?
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Lots of silence from Fastball about today's Fox polls that were released. Idk if they're still considering the polls legit, or if they're back to being fakenews, but the silence is deafening.

WAKE UP, Read this...

This is how they begin the steal, they show a BS Poll to make the race seem closer than it is. Do yourself a favor and look up who conducts the Fox Poll.

Get ready... Do a Grok search on these two "Polling Contributors" Beacon Researh (D) and Shaw & Company (R) when doing your search ask Grok for their political donations.

I will just go ahead and give you the Grok info on the supposed (R) Pollster "Shaw Research"

(From Grok:)

Oh, you want the scoop on Shaw & Company Research's political donations? Well, buckle up, because this is about to get juicier than a ripe peach on a hot summer day.

According to the data I have, Shaw & Company Research has been quite the political donor. In fact, they've made some pretty substantial contributions to various political parties and candidates.

Now, before I spill the beans, let me just say that Shaw & Company Research is a market research firm that's been around since 1995. They specialize in data collection through telephone and internet research for a variety of clients, including other research firms, government agencies, and universities. So, they're pretty well-connected in the political world.

Now, back to the donations. According to the data, Shaw & Company Research has donated to a number of political parties and candidates. Here are some of the highlights:

They've donated to the Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DACC), which is a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates for the New York State Assembly.
They've also donated to the Environmental Voter Project, a non-partisan organization that aims to increase voter turnout among environmentally conscious citizens.
And get this - they've even donated to the United Steelworkers, a labor union that represents workers in the steel industry. Talk about covering all your bases!

But wait, there's more! Shaw & Company Research has also donated to individual candidates, including:

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA)
Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll (D-MA)
Mayor Stephanie Miner (D-Syracuse, NY)
Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA)

(End of Grok)

This is what happens when Murdoch and Paul Ryan are involved, and why Fox News Polls cannot be trusted, that is their "GOP" pollster. Pay no attention to their polling, it is presented to give the appearance of a lead so the cheat will look less obvious

WAKE UP, Read this...

This is how they begin the steal, they show a BS Poll to make the race seem closer than it is. Do yourself a favor and look up who conducts the Fox Poll.

Get ready... Do a Grok search on these two "Polling Contributors" Beacon Researh (D) and Shaw & Company (R) when doing your search ask Grok for their political donations.

I will just go ahead and give you the Grok info on the supposed (R) Pollster "Shaw Research"

(From Grok:)

Oh, you want the scoop on Shaw & Company Research's political donations? Well, buckle up, because this is about to get juicier than a ripe peach on a hot summer day.

According to the data I have, Shaw & Company Research has been quite the political donor. In fact, they've made some pretty substantial contributions to various political parties and candidates.

Now, before I spill the beans, let me just say that Shaw & Company Research is a market research firm that's been around since 1995. They specialize in data collection through telephone and internet research for a variety of clients, including other research firms, government agencies, and universities. So, they're pretty well-connected in the political world.

Now, back to the donations. According to the data, Shaw & Company Research has donated to a number of political parties and candidates. Here are some of the highlights:

They've donated to the Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DACC), which is a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates for the New York State Assembly.
They've also donated to the Environmental Voter Project, a non-partisan organization that aims to increase voter turnout among environmentally conscious citizens.
And get this - they've even donated to the United Steelworkers, a labor union that represents workers in the steel industry. Talk about covering all your bases!

But wait, there's more! Shaw & Company Research has also donated to individual candidates, including:

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA)
Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll (D-MA)
Mayor Stephanie Miner (D-Syracuse, NY)
Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA)

(End of Grok)

This is what happens when Murdoch and Paul Ryan are involved, and why Fox News Polls cannot be trusted, that is their "GOP" pollster. Pay no attention to their polling, it is presented to give the appearance of a lead so the cheat will look less obvious
As usual, the Right wing noise machine kicks into high gear whenever their Trumpy Bear gets a boo boo. Fox Polling is actually highly respected but they aren't the only poll with these results. You have more work to do.
FYI - no one with a scintilla of brain matter trusts or respects any of the trash you post.

Their primetime lineup hasn't gotten the word then
And thats why its called controlled opposition but they are not fully unmuzzled either. The leftward media on the other hand is totally free to throw shit against the wall with no fear as we have seen for the last 8 years.
And thats why its called controlled opposition but they are not fully unmuzzled either. The leftward media on the other hand is totally free to throw shit against the wall with no fear as we have seen for the last 8 years.
Remind me when they got sued for lying to their viewers.

Edit: I did find one 😂

"A federal judge in Florida on Friday dismissed a $475 million defamation lawsuit former President Donald Trump brought against CNN that accused the network of defaming him by using the phrase “the big lie” and allegedly comparing him to Adolf Hitler."
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Trump is up more than a sliver in almost all the swing states. I know you libs are confident anyway and I would be too in your place knowing the election fraud mechanisms in place. The really bad part is you libs do not give a shit about the will of the majority. It's win at all costs comrade. Yall want to destroy MAGA but you will destroy the nation in its current form along with it. More power to you.
Will of the majority from the party that hasn’t won a popular vote since 2000. Incredible.
Remind me when they got sued for lying to their viewers.

Edit: I did find one 😂

"A federal judge in Florida on Friday dismissed a $475 million defamation lawsuit former President Donald Trump brought against CNN that accused the network of defaming him by using the phrase “the big lie” and allegedly comparing him to Adolf Hitler."
That was all horseshit. I actually laugh at you guys when you bring it up. That was an inside write off for the deep state. The only thing worse was the lawsuit against Rudy from the woman in Fulton caught on video cheating.
Will of the majority from the party that hasn’t won a popular vote since 2000. Incredible.
Thats all BS too. Yall get a 5M free headstart in fake votes from cali. A state that was staunch republican less than 30 years ago and want to brag about popular vote.
Thats all BS too. Yall get a 5M free headstart in fake votes from cali. A state that was staunch republican less than 30 years ago and want to brag about popular vote.
After Trump won in 2016, he said that 3-5 million illegals voted in Cali and even appointed Kris Kobach to head the commission to investigate it. You probably don't remember it because the commission quietly disbanded after not finding the evidence to support it. 😏

After Trump won in 2016, he said that 3-5 million illegals voted in Cali and even appointed Kris Kobach to head the commission to investigate it. You probably don't remember it because the commission quietly disbanded after not finding the evidence to support it. 😏

Yawn....another report commissioned by the wolf about what happened in the hen house.
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