Trump about to squash the stimulus if they don’t bump from $600 to 2K

He's confusing the COVID relief bill with the Omnibus spending bill that HIS TEAM negotiated and promised would pass. Can't make this stuff up! 😂

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Plus wants to squash sending billions of dollars to foreign countries as well.

I totally agree and support Trump if he vetoes the original bill. Take out all the money going to foreign countries and related pork barrel special needs and increase the money being sent to citizens.
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Plus wants to squash sending billions of dollars to foreign countries as well.

Dang, Donny must be really sore at his fellow republicans for not doing enough to help him overthrow our democracy. He is going to force the two republican senators in a runoff to say they are either for massive government spending or against helping poors. He is throwing a grenade as he walks out the door.
Trump is for the people and everyone knows it.

He was uninvolved and couldn't have cared less about this bill until he saw the reactions to it on twitter. He seized on it and saw an opportunity to use it to his advantage to gain admirers and embarrass the Republicans that won't bow to his sedition. If he really cared about the people, he would have cared when COVID was exploding; you know, when it might have mattered.
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He was uninvolved and could have cared less about this bill until he saw the reactions to it on twitter. He seized on it and saw an opportunity to use it to his advantage to gain admirers and embarrass the Republicans that won't bow to his sedition. If he really cared about the people, he would have cared when COVID was exploding; you know, when it might have mattered.
Y’all Dems love COVID, it’s like y’all’s actual hero
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Y’all Dems love COVID, it’s like y’all’s actual hero

That sounds intelligent but in a way though you're right. If he hadn't shit the bed with his COVID response, he might still be President. That doesn't make up for all the souls that were lost but it's great that he won't be around to make it even worse.
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His dem is showing. $2K redistribution is silly. The economy isn’t suddenly crashing. No need for redistribution. Focus on SMB relief.

I actually agree with this as well as the idea that he's trying to hurt the Republicans who aren't helping him overthrow this election. I honestly can't believe he can still surprise me, but man is he petty, childish, and vindictive
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I totally agree and support Trump if he vetoes the original bill. Take out all the money going to foreign countries and related pork barrel special needs and increase the money being sent to citizens.
OF COURSE YOU DO. If Trump said this was the greatest bill ever, you'd support and believe him. If Trump said this is the worst bill ever you'd support and believe him. The actual contents of the bill have nothing to do with it. If Trump turned the nuclear codes over to the Russians, you'd be out in the street welcoming our new Russian overlords. We understand that WHATEVER Trump does or says, you are going to support Trump.
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That sounds intelligent but in a way though you're right. If he hadn't shit the bed with his COVID response, he might still be President. That doesn't make up for all the souls that were lost but it's great that he won't be around to make it even worse.

This is the truth for sure. All Trump had to do was stand around, look Presidential, and follow the advice of the Scientists. Maybe make some sympathetic noises once in a while. He'd have been reelected in a landslide. But Trump is his own worst enemy. Or Trump's mouth and thumbs are his own worst enemy. But that mouth... he just kept saying stupid shit EVERY DAY. It cost him 4 more years.
This is the truth for sure. All Trump had to do was stand around, look Presidential, and follow the advice of the Scientists. Maybe make some sympathetic noises once in a while. He'd have been reelected in a landslide. But Trump is his own worst enemy. Or Trump's mouth and thumbs are his own worst enemy. But that mouth... he just kept saying stupid shit EVERY DAY. It cost him 4 more years.

Yep. This wasn’t hard. The entire campaign strategy just needed to be, “Don’t be an asshole.” He would have won bigly.

Now we’re about to unleash a new era of entitlements that will burden taxpayers for eternity.
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I actually agree with this as well as the idea that he's trying to hurt the Republicans who aren't helping him overthrow this election. I honestly can't believe he can still surprise me, but man is he petty, childish, and vindictive

Yea, Trump’s an asshole. And now he’s joining the legion of other politicians trying to earn support and public favor by handing out other people’s money. They are all shameful.
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Yea, Trump’s an asshole. And now he’s joining the legion of other politicians trying to earn support and public favor by handing out other people’s money. All of them are shameful.

Agreed, I don't want or need a stimulus check. The US should be giving those to people and businesses that need them. I'll be honest, this pandemic hasn't cost my family a dime. I'm an IT guy and when the university I worked at shut down live classes and went online. I stood up, drove the 15 minutes back home, sat down in my office there and went back to work. My wife's a tenured Professor here and she is the same way. She only teaches graduate students so she just started having Zoom classes.

We didn't get a first stimulus check and didn't need or deserve one. Hopefully we won't get one this round either. I've no problem with checks for the people and businesses that REALLY need them. I'm OK paying taxes to provide a social safety net for people that the pandemic has screwed. But it's really easy for me to take a side (either side really) when I'm so blessed. I'm not judging folks who want to stay home or folks who want to get back to work. I can see both sides.

I just wish the US had a plan. ANY plan. Because what we have now just seems like a bunch of random people milling about doing random things.
Agreed, I don't want or need a stimulus check. The US should be giving those to people and businesses that need them. I'll be honest, this pandemic hasn't cost my family a dime. I'm an IT guy and when the university I worked at shut down live classes and went online. I stood up, drove the 15 minutes back home, sat down in my office there and went back to work. My wife's a tenured Professor here and she is the same way. She only teaches graduate students so she just started having Zoom classes.

We didn't get a first stimulus check and didn't need or deserve one. Hopefully we won't get one this round either. I've no problem with checks for the people and businesses that REALLY need them. I'm OK paying taxes to provide a social safety net for people that the pandemic has screwed. But it's really easy for me to take a side (either side really) when I'm so blessed. I'm not judging folks who want to stay home or folks who want to get back to work. I can see both sides.

I just wish the US had a plan. ANY plan. Because what we have now just seems like a bunch of random people milling about doing random things.

Agreed. I was furloughed,but I was not out long and it didn't effect us much. My wife is a teacher and the school systems could really use the help. I also spent most of my life in food service and they have just been decimated. They could really use the help.
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Uh oh Dems figured they better fall in line before they lose a couple votes

Dude, Democrats have always wanted more money for direct checks but Republicans refused to go along. Now that Trump has opened that door, they are jumping on the chance to get it passed. But it won't because it will only take one Republican to vote against it.

"Democrats, however, have seized on the President lobbing up a belt-high fastball for them. Speaker Nancy Pelosi will move on Thursday to pass legislation for $2,000 direct payments by unanimous consent.

Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks," Pelosi tweeted Tuesday night. "At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let's do it!"
This will almost certainly be blocked -- it only takes one member to block a unanimous consent request and there are plenty of Republicans opposed to the direct payments at that size. But it will present an immediate split between Republicans and Trump at a time the party is in the midst of simmering war and just days before the crucial Georgia Senate runoff races.

The $600 level was actually the proposal of his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, his lead negotiator on this entire deal -- both the Covid relief and the omnibus. Mnuchin was on television Tuesday selling the merits of the deal. While Trump had advocated for higher payments, he never explicitly threatened to torpedo the bill if they weren't included, a person familiar with the matter said. Finally: at any point, the President could have entered these talks himself and, without question, had a major effect. He simply never did. He tweeted. He'd occasionally comment in gaggles. He was briefed on them by Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, but he never directly engaged. He was a passive player at most, and more often than not, completely absent, according to senators and aides in both parties. Trump has been almost exclusively fixated on his efforts to overturn the election, paying attention to little else in recent weeks."
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Dude, Democrats have always wanted more money for direct checks but Republicans refused to go along. Now that Trump has opened that door, they are jumping on the chance to get it passed. But it won't because it will only take one Republican to vote against it.

"Democrats, however, have seized on the President lobbing up a belt-high fastball for them. Speaker Nancy Pelosi will move on Thursday to pass legislation for $2,000 direct payments by unanimous consent.

Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks," Pelosi tweeted Tuesday night. "At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let's do it!"
This will almost certainly be blocked -- it only takes one member to block a unanimous consent request and there are plenty of Republicans opposed to the direct payments at that size. But it will present an immediate split between Republicans and Trump at a time the party is in the midst of simmering war and just days before the crucial Georgia Senate runoff races.

The $600 level was actually the proposal of his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, his lead negotiator on this entire deal -- both the Covid relief and the omnibus. Mnuchin was on television Tuesday selling the merits of the deal. While Trump had advocated for higher payments, he never explicitly threatened to torpedo the bill if they weren't included, a person familiar with the matter said. Finally: at any point, the President could have entered these talks himself and, without question, had a major effect. He simply never did. He tweeted. He'd occasionally comment in gaggles. He was briefed on them by Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, but he never directly engaged. He was a passive player at most, and more often than not, completely absent, according to senators and aides in both parties. Trump has been almost exclusively fixated on his efforts to overturn the election, paying attention to little else in recent weeks."

yup, this is absolutely trump lashing out at republicans, specifically Mcconell who had the audacity to recognize Biden as president elect.
Agreed, I don't want or need a stimulus check. The US should be giving those to people and businesses that need them. I'll be honest, this pandemic hasn't cost my family a dime. I'm an IT guy and when the university I worked at shut down live classes and went online. I stood up, drove the 15 minutes back home, sat down in my office there and went back to work. My wife's a tenured Professor here and she is the same way. She only teaches graduate students so she just started having Zoom classes.

We didn't get a first stimulus check and didn't need or deserve one. Hopefully we won't get one this round either. I've no problem with checks for the people and businesses that REALLY need them. I'm OK paying taxes to provide a social safety net for people that the pandemic has screwed. But it's really easy for me to take a side (either side really) when I'm so blessed. I'm not judging folks who want to stay home or folks who want to get back to work. I can see both sides.

I just wish the US had a plan. ANY plan. Because what we have now just seems like a bunch of random people milling about doing random things.

It’s just not necessary, and I think the only time you should receive something from the government is when it’s absolutely necessary, unavoidable, dire, etc. I support a social safety net, but it should be limited and rare.

We’re a wealthy country, so nobody should be starving or freezing in the street. But not paying your own student loans? Come on. That’a silly. Let’s focus on keeping businesses thriving and workers stable through transition.

There should never be a scenario where it makes more sense to collect a handout over working. Ever. Including the dumb unemployment supplement during Covid that allowed people to make more in a layoff than in their previous position. Taking money from other people (which is what government handouts are) should be hard and rare, unless you are legitimately mentally or physically disadvantaged.

I didn’t receive the first handout, won’t receive this one and will pay more taxes should Biden get his way. I’ve never inherited anything, don’t need anything from anyone, certainly don’t need anything from the government and believe strongly that people are capable of providing for themselves.
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It’s just not necessary, and I think the only time you should receive something from the government is when it’s absolutely necessary, unavoidable, dire, etc. I support a social safety net, but it should be limited and rare.

We’re a wealthy country, so nobody should be starving or freezing in the street. But not paying your own student loans? Come on. That’a silly. Let’s focus on keeping businesses thriving and workers stable through transition.

There should never be a scenario where it makes more sense to collect a handout over working. Ever. Including the dumb unemployment supplement during Covid that allowed people to make more in a layoff than in their previous position. Taking money from other people (which is what government handouts are) should be hard and rare, unless you are legitimately mentally or physically disadvantaged.

I didn’t receive the first handout, won’t receive this one and will pay more taxes should Biden get his way. I’ve never inherited anything, don’t need anything from anyone, certainly don’t need anything from the government and believe strongly that people are capable of providing for themselves.
Congrats on making 400k a year, if you never 'inherited' anything then you should realize all the people and services that were available for you to take advantage of and that gave you the opportunities you succeeded with. So, do your job, send the elevator back down and be a responsible tax payer and make sure the elected officials aren't stealing us blind. Thanks
Congrats on making 400k a year, if you never 'inherited' anything then you should realize all the people and services that were available for you to take advantage of and that gave you the opportunities you succeeded with. So, do your job, send the elevator back down and be a responsible tax payer and make sure the elected officials aren't stealing us blind. Thanks

No worries, I’m a responsible taxpayer. I pay my family’s share many times over. I recognize all of the roles that everyone plays in our amazing capitalistic society. It has established such an incredible framework within which someone can provide completely for their family and also have the opportunity to experience unlimited success.

I just hope we don’t ruin it with free “stuff” that you don’t earn.
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Dude, Democrats have always wanted more money for direct checks but Republicans refused to go along. Now that Trump has opened that door, they are jumping on the chance to get it passed. But it won't because it will only take one Republican to vote against it.

"Democrats, however, have seized on the President lobbing up a belt-high fastball for them. Speaker Nancy Pelosi will move on Thursday to pass legislation for $2,000 direct payments by unanimous consent.

Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks," Pelosi tweeted Tuesday night. "At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let's do it!"
This will almost certainly be blocked -- it only takes one member to block a unanimous consent request and there are plenty of Republicans opposed to the direct payments at that size. But it will present an immediate split between Republicans and Trump at a time the party is in the midst of simmering war and just days before the crucial Georgia Senate runoff races.

The $600 level was actually the proposal of his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, his lead negotiator on this entire deal -- both the Covid relief and the omnibus. Mnuchin was on television Tuesday selling the merits of the deal. While Trump had advocated for higher payments, he never explicitly threatened to torpedo the bill if they weren't included, a person familiar with the matter said. Finally: at any point, the President could have entered these talks himself and, without question, had a major effect. He simply never did. He tweeted. He'd occasionally comment in gaggles. He was briefed on them by Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, but he never directly engaged. He was a passive player at most, and more often than not, completely absent, according to senators and aides in both parties. Trump has been almost exclusively fixated on his efforts to overturn the election, paying attention to little else in recent weeks."
How about if your Democrat overlords didn’t want to lock everybody down we wouldn’t need a stimulus check. Glad I have a Republican Governor y’all like to refer to as Deathsantis. But guess what, we have very minor restrictions at the moment but there’s no overflow in the hospitals, no people all sick. I haven’t even seen anybody with a runny nose since I don’t know when. My personal trainer that I work with at a gym where we wear a mask until you get to the training area (half people don’t even wear 1) told me he has a friend that works at a major hospital here in Jacksonville. She said in the last few months they’ve had 3 real cases of COVID & all 3 where people over 300 lbs. They didn’t even come close to dying. She said a lot of people come in for 1 thing or another with no insurance but if they report they have COVID they can actually get paid for them from the government. And yet I still see libs that live here on social media demonizing the Governor for not locking us down. It’s mind blowing how brainwashed y’all are but I just chalk it up to social media & figure y’all just trolling because y’all can’t really be that dang stupid but I do have to wonder
How about if your Democrat overlords didn’t want to lock everybody down we wouldn’t need a stimulus check. Glad I have a Republican Governor y’all like to refer to as Deathsantis. But guess what, we have very minor restrictions at the moment but there’s no overflow in the hospitals, no people all sick. I haven’t even seen anybody with a runny nose since I don’t know when. My personal trainer that I work with at a gym where we wear a mask until you get to the training area (half people don’t even wear 1) told me he has a friend that works at a major hospital here in Jacksonville. She said in the last few months they’ve had 3 real cases of COVID & all 3 where people over 300 lbs. They didn’t even come close to dying. She said a lot of people come in for 1 thing or another with no insurance but if they report they have COVID they can actually get paid for them from the government. And yet I still see libs that live here on social media demonizing the Governor for not locking us down. It’s mind blowing how brainwashed y’all are but I just chalk it up to social media & figure y’all just trolling because y’all can’t really be that dang stupid but I do have to wonder

we should elect your personal trainer as president. Couldn’t be much worse than the reality TV game show host
How about if your Democrat overlords didn’t want to lock everybody down we wouldn’t need a stimulus check. Glad I have a Republican Governor y’all like to refer to as Deathsantis. But guess what, we have very minor restrictions at the moment but there’s no overflow in the hospitals, no people all sick. I haven’t even seen anybody with a runny nose since I don’t know when. My personal trainer that I work with at a gym where we wear a mask until you get to the training area (half people don’t even wear 1) told me he has a friend that works at a major hospital here in Jacksonville. She said in the last few months they’ve had 3 real cases of COVID & all 3 where people over 300 lbs. They didn’t even come close to dying. She said a lot of people come in for 1 thing or another with no insurance but if they report they have COVID they can actually get paid for them from the government. And yet I still see libs that live here on social media demonizing the Governor for not locking us down. It’s mind blowing how brainwashed y’all are but I just chalk it up to social media & figure y’all just trolling because y’all can’t really be that dang stupid but I do have to wonder
Congrats on making 400k a year, if you never 'inherited' anything then you should realize all the people and services that were available for you to take advantage of and that gave you the opportunities you succeeded with. So, do your job, send the elevator back down and be a responsible tax payer and make sure the elected officials aren't stealing us blind. Thanks

It sounds like you are trying to make him feel bad for busting his ass and earning everything he got. I did the exact same thing. I was given nothing in my life from childhood until now. I built a company and sold it. I made enough by that time to retire forever if I wanted to. I don’t feel bad at all and should not have to give anyone who wants a free handout one fvcking dime.

If you live in America and you don’t succeed that is 100% on you. Seeing these people on street corners asking for money when they are able-bodied and young should be run over with a Mack truck.

Give money to businesses who need it to keep them afloat. Not individuals.
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lol Trump is doing what the Dems want and you think they wouldn't support it? Out of spite? lol i mean im sure there are petty democrats but wow they aren't that stupid.

this is the difference between the two parties. Dems always wanted more money for regular Americans because they thought this was the right thing for America. And now that, 5 months later, Trump is coming around to their position, they are pushing in with him because this is what they wanted to do from the start. Because it was right. Not because it is “a win.”

Republicans care about winning, Democrats care about what’s right.

That’s the difference.
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I get it. You all suddenly realized we give aide to lots of countries and are incensed, even though this has been going on for ::checks notes:: a hundred years.

We give aide to Egypt essentially to stop them from attacking israel.

But you all decided context no longer matters, so, whatever I guess.
I posted a joke & you assume I’m incensed. alrighty then 😏
Question for the resident dems - are you happy with the bipartisan relief bill that the president signed or do you support the measure to increase direct payments to $2K without any adjustment to other spending?

I’m obviously against it and I’ve seen sentiment from some of you that things like more handouts, student loan forgiveness, etc aren’t really central to your position.
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Question for the resident dems - are you happy with the bipartisan relief bill that the president signed or do you support the measure to increase direct payments to $2K without any adjustment to other spending?

I’m obviously against it and I’ve seen sentiment from some of you that things like more handouts, student loan forgiveness, etc aren’t really central to your position.

Ill answer your question when I have more time today, but I'm just curious why you are only asking the "dems" this question. Trump said he wants $2K payments, so shouldn't you be asking the Trumpsters the same question? You voted for Trump right?