After Trump once again elevated the world's most brutal dictator and got nothing in return our POTUS has reached a new low. He stated that he was "honored" to be with Kim. He said he "liked Kim, why shouldn't he". He said he believed Kim had nothing to do with Otto's death and did not know about his mistreatment until after the fact. He did not ask the obvious question which is, "if you did not know about it, what have you done to learn the details of his mistreatment and death?' After all, he rules his impoverished nation with an iron fist and through an inquisition he could find out what happened and bring the perpetrators to justice. But he hasn't. Unfortunately we have now reached the unbelievable point in which the POTUS provides one explanation of how the summit broke down, and Kim gives another, and the smart money bets on Kim's version which the POTUS hasn't disputed.
What is it going to take for his base to realize he is an incompetent, dishonest fraud?
What is it going to take for his base to realize he is an incompetent, dishonest fraud?