Trump pardons


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 26, 2006
Thoughts on the recent pardons?

All presidents pardon some questionable people, but I don't remember anyone pardoning cronies like Manafort and people connected to him like Jared's dad. Kushner particularly ia a pretty shitty guy who ironically was prosecuted by Chris Christie.
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No president has ever done this. All of his pardons ate co-conspirators or war criminals. It’s gross. Just gross.

NOVEMBER 24, 2020

So far, Trump has granted clemency less frequently than any president in modern history

President Donald Trump signs a pardon for Alice Johnson, who was serving a life sentence on drug-related charges, on Aug. 28, 2020, in Washington. (Evan Vucci/AP)
As he enters the home stretch of his White House tenure, Donald Trump has used his clemency power less often than any president in modern history, according to data from the U.S. Department of Justice. Trump’s sparse use of pardons, commutations and other forms of official leniency stands in sharp contrast to his predecessor, Barack Obama, who used the clemency power more frequently than any chief executive since Harry Truman.
As of Nov. 23, Trump had granted clemency 44 times, including 28 pardons and 16 commutations. That’s the lowest total of any president since at least William McKinley, who served at the turn of the 20th century. Obama, by comparison, granted clemency 1,927 times during his eight-year tenure, including 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations. The only modern president who granted clemency almost as infrequently as Trump is George H.W. Bush, who granted 77 pardons and commutations in his single term.

How we did this
Looking at the same data another way, Trump has granted clemency to less than half of 1% of the more than 10,000 people who petitioned him for it through the end of the 2020 fiscal year (which ended Sept. 30), according to the Justice Department. That, too, is the lowest percentage of any president on record, though George W. Bush came close, granting clemency to just 2% of the more than 11,000 people who asked him for it during his eight years in office.
Clemency refers to multiple forms of presidential mercy. The two most common forms are pardons, which forgive past crimes and restore civil rights, and commutations, which completely or partially reduce sentences for those in prison or on community supervision. Two less-common forms are remissions, which reduce financial penalties associated with convictions, and respites, which are temporary reprieves that are usually granted to inmates for medical reasons.
The Justice Department’s statistics, it’s important to note, do not count clemency granted through proclamation or executive order, such as the actions taken by Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter to forgive thousands of Vietnam-era draft dodgers. The DOJ numbers also count some clemency recipients twice – for example, in cases where someone received both a pardon and a commutation.
While rare so far, Trump’s use of presidential clemency has caused controversy because of the nature of his pardons and commutations. Many of Trump’s clemency recipients have had a “personal or political connection to the president,” according to a July analysis by the Lawfare blog, and he has often circumvented the formal process through which clemency requests are typically considered.
But Trump is far from the only president who has faced scrutiny over his use of clemency. Obama’s frequent use of commutations, particularly for prisoners convicted of drug-related crimes, prompted criticism from Republicans, who said it benefited “an entire class of offenders” and infringed on the “lawmaking authority” of the legislative branch. And President Bill Clinton drew bipartisan condemnation for pardoning a fugitive commodities trader, Marc Rich, on his last day in office in 2001.
Presidents have generally become less forgiving over time, at least when looking at the proportion of clemency requests they have granted. Every president from McKinley to Carter granted clemency to at least 20% of those who asked for it, according to the Justice Department data. But the percentages have fallen to the single digits for every president since George H.W. Bush, including Obama, who granted clemency to just 5% of those who petitioned him for it.
Obama’s relatively low percentage, however, is largely due to the fact that his administration encouraged federal prisoners to apply for leniency under a program known as the Clemency Initiative. The program, which launched in April 2014 and ended in 2017 when Obama left office, allowed “qualified federal inmates” – those who met certain Justice Department criteria – to apply to have their prison sentences commuted. The initiative led to a surge in petitions and helps explain why Obama’s use of clemency tilted so heavily toward sentence commutations, rather than pardons.
Overall, Obama received more than 36,000 clemency petitions during his time in office, by far the largest total of any president on record. Petitions have declined considerably during Trump’s tenure.
Thoughts on the recent pardons?

All presidents pardon some questionable people, but I don't remember anyone pardoning cronies like Manafort and people connected to him like Jared's dad. Kushner particularly ia a pretty shitty guy who ironically was prosecuted by Chris Christie.

FLASHBACK: Obama Pardoned Terrorist FALN Leader Oscar Lopez Rivera
Chris Reeves
Posted: May 31, 2018 5:00 PM
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As President Trump considers or moves forward with pardons for Dinesh D’Souza, Martha Stewart, and former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, it’s worth taking a step back to review one of the most controversial presidential pardons in recent history -- Barack Obama’s January 2017 commutation of the 55-year sentence of Puerto Rican terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, one of the principal leaders of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN).

During the group’s heyday from 1974 to 1983, the FALN was responsible for more than 130 bombings across the United States, the deadliest of which was the 1975 Fraunces Tavern bombing in Manhattan that killed four people and wounded 63 more. In the following years, FALN members threatened to blow up U.S. nuclear facilities, kidnapped Democratic and Republican presidential campaign workers at gunpoint during the 1980 race, and even planned to kidnap President Reagan’s son Ron in 1981. The FALN’s stated purpose for all this mayhem and terror was to create a Marxist and independent government in Puerto Rico similar to that of the communist Castro regime in Cuba.
While the above activities were taking place, Lopez was at the top of the FALN’s chain of command and played a primary role in training new terrorist members to construct homemade explosive devices and conduct bombing attacks. Lopez was also involved in planning armed robberies to help fill the financial coffers of the group, thereby enabling it to actively and continuously carry out terrorist attacks over the years of its existence.
In May 1981, Lopez’s infamous career was brought to an end when police arrested him at a traffic stop after catching him with a fake ID and a pistol with a filed-down serial number. Using the address provided by Lopez’s fake ID, Chicago police searched the apartment there and found a cache of explosives, blasting caps, timers, and an instructional manual for bomb-making. Five years earlier, Lopez had first gone into hiding from authorities after a similar “bomb factory” was discovered in his apartment (also in Chicago) by federal investigators.
Despite the strong circumstantial evidence against him, Lopez was never conclusively connected to any specific bombing, but was still convicted of “seditious conspiracy,” attempted robbery, grand theft auto, and the illegal possession of weapons and explosives. Lopez’s initial 55-year prison sentence was extended another 15 years in 1987 after Lopez and two Weather Underground terrorists were caught plotting to fly a helicopter loaded with machine guns and hand grenades into Lopez’s prison yard at Leavenworth. Lopez intended to use the weapons cache to murder the prison’s guards, make his escape, and then go back into hiding to carry on his communist struggle against the United States.
Even with his astonishing record of murder and treason, Lopez attracted a great deal of support from the mainstream American Left and the Democratic Party when Obama commuted the FALN leader’s sentence. According to Politico [emphasis mine]:
Obama’s decision was greeted with elation. Spontaneous celebrations broke out in San Juan. Luis Gutiérrez, a Democratic congressman from Illinois who represents the West Side Chicago neighborhood in which Lopez grew up, said in a statement that he was “overjoyed and overwhelmed” by Lopez’s release. “Oscar is a friend, a mentor, and family to me,” wrote Gutierrez.According to the New York Daily News, Melissa Mark-Viverito, the speaker of the New York City Council and a rising Democratic Party star, cried when she heard the news, calling Lopez’s release “incredible” and a “morale boost” for Puerto Rico. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who lobbied hard for Lopez’s commutation, and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio both offered Obama their thanks.And Lin Manuel Miranda, who has been a vocal proponent for Lopez, tweeted that he was “sobbing with gratitude.” (He furthermore added that he would reprise his role in “Hamilton” for one night in Chicago in Lopez’s honor.)
Lopez’s supporters refer to him as a “political prisoner” or “independence activist,” and characterize him as a man unfairly and harshly targeted by the U.S. government for his beliefs. He has even been called “Puerto Rico’s Nelson Mandela.”
Lopez’s supporters’ reference to Nelson Mandela was, incidentally, quite apt given Mandela’s 1964 conviction for planning bombing attacks in South Africa as the leader of the communist paramilitary group Umkhonto we Sizwe (the armed wing of the ANC, which eventually took power in the 1990s). Regardless, disingenuously whitewashing Lopez’s crimes can do nothing to erase either the seriousness or the severity of his and the FALN’s heinous actions, but it does starkly reveal the nature of the far left in this country and the tilt of its moral compass.
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What’s you’re ****ing point? Every president until now has pardoned people he though deserved it. Trump
Pardoned none of those people but did pardon all his cronies and some war criminals. So the fact that he has fewer pardons and STILL has done this is even more of an incitement. But you’re too ducking dumb to understand that, aren’t you?