Trumpist Lawyer Lin Wood Goes on Unhinged Rant Suggesting Justice John Roberts Is a Murderous Pedophile


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Decatur, GA
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In the words of @iceheart08: "Yikes"

CJ Roberts is on the flight logs to orgy island along with Clinton and others.

CJ Roberts is on the flight logs to orgy island along with Clinton and others.

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Yep, Roberts disagreed with Trump by not agreeing to overturn the election. He must be destroyed. The really funny part is that AFTER Trump is out of the Whitehouse, he's going to blame his lawyers (including Wood) for not winning for him. THEN all the Trumpers on here will tell us how bad she is (along with Rudy).
We used to throw a net over nutcases like Lin Wood and Sydney Powell and drag them off to the state mental hospital. Now these "crazy as a shit house rat" idiots end up on right wing whacko networks. Unbelievable.
We used to throw a net over nutcases like Lin Wood and Sydney Powell and drag them off to the state mental hospital. Now these "crazy as a shit house rat" idiots end up on right wing whacko networks. Unbelievable.

And worse, their arguments become mainstream talking points by all the Trumpsters with nary a second thought. The truth is the only thing they have a problem with.
lol @ the libs on here that think politicians are the moral compass & truly have us citizen’s best interests in mind... and all elections are on the up & up
DJT is a politician.
lol @ the libs on here that think politicians are the moral compass & truly have us citizen’s best interests in mind... and all elections are on the up & up

Can you show us some evidence that works in court for your claim (that the elections are not on the up and up)... we're waiting.
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Yep, Roberts disagreed with Trump by not agreeing to overturn the election. He must be destroyed. The really funny part is that AFTER Trump is out of the Whitehouse, he's going to blame his lawyers (including Wood) for not winning for him. THEN all the Trumpers on here will tell us how bad she is (along with Rudy).

Lin Wood is a
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Not sure why... Any evidence that won't get laughed out of court? Anything? Just BS pieces of "evidence" and wild accusations against any and everyone that dares to say anything bad about Trump. It's still baffling to me how someone with even a modicum intelligence believes Trump about anything. The man lies EVERY time he opens his mouth and yet his supporters believe everything he says even after it's proven false? The man could literally piss down your back and you'd laugh and say how wonderful this spring shower is. Tell the truth man... how much have you donated to the free cash for Trump "defense" fund?