Have you heard. A liberal congresswoman from CA, of course, has proposed establishing a “truth commission?” A better name for it would be, commission to rewrite history according to the left’s agenda.
This doesn’t really answer your question on truth commission’s, but as what has happened in Communist countries, it’s a dangerous thing when a political party sets ‘their’ version of the truth up as the ‘absolute’ truth. We hear a lot of people on the left accusing conservatives these days of being crazy or ‘needing help’, or needing re-programming.
How the Soviets used their own twisted version of psychiatry to suppress political dissent
Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent — most infamously through itsio9.gizmodo.com
So...by your post you believe the Soviet Union was right in imprisoning and mentally institutionalizing people that protested their evil regime by calling them mentally ill? Because the Soviet Union told those people they were believing things that weren’t true as well.
So...by your post you believe the Soviet Union was right in imprisoning and mentally institutionalizing people that protested their evil regime by calling them mentally ill? Because the Soviet Union told those people they were believing things that weren’t true as well.
Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent — most infamously through its use of the Siberian GULAGs. But it was during the 1960s and 1970s that the Communist Party took their intolerance for ideological deviance to extremes by diagnosing and institutionalizing so-called counterrevolutionaries with mental illness. It was a frightening episode in Soviet history in which perfectly healthy citizens could be deemed psychotic simply on account of their political views.
Moreover, it served as a powerful and disturbing way to convince the masses that they needed to adhere to the party line — and that any deviant thinking was surely a sign of mental instability. As Nikita Khrushchev noted in 1959, it should be impossible for people in a communist society to have an anti-communist consciousness, and "Of those who might start calling for opposition to Communism on this basis, we can say that clearly their mental state is not normal."
Didn’t have to leap or even move, just used your own words to prove the point of my first post ITTlolololol. thats quite a leap.
And it’s happening... the school board in SF is changing the names of 20 schools because the names are offensive. G Washington and T Jefferson are amount the names being changed! So if this isn’t an example of how Effin out of control the left is?? IDK...and btw Trump predicted this!
I wouldn’t call this progressive. I think ****ed up is more accurateWHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?!? THE PROGRESSIVES IN SF ARE CHANGING SCHOOL NAMES!!!! WE ARE ALL GONNE DIE!!!!
I wouldn’t call this progressive. I think ****ed up is more accurate
I think it’s absolutely rediculous that any school finds it offensive to be named after G Washington or T Jefferson! This cancel culture that you call progressive is out of control. I believe we live in a great country, and we should be proud of it! Are we perfect?? No. But I don’t see the necessity to rewrite our history because some over educated idiots need to pat themselves on the back.but, honest question, why do you care? Is this happening in your school district? did you elect people to your school board that would do this?
I think it’s absolutely rediculous that any school finds it offensive to be named after G Washington or T Jefferson! This cancel culture that you call progressive is out of control. I believe we live in a great country, and we should be proud of it! Are we perfect?? No. But I don’t see the necessity to rewrite our history because some over educated idiots need to pat themselves on the back.
My point is... this is absolutely ridiculous! I don’t care what officials voted for this! It’s insane!I think his point is that these are locally elected officials. The local people elected them,so apparently they like it.
I always laugh at the "let the local governments decide it, no federal government, blah blah blah"
You feel that way until it's something you disagree with.
My point is... this is absolutely ridiculous! I don’t care what officials voted for this! It’s insane!
So let’s remove all names from schools, tear down all statues, rewrite all the history books because someone might be offended. It wouldn’t stop there. The left will never be happy.
No I don’t! This country is under attack from the left. And idiots like you think it’s progressive! It may not bother you to see our county’s history be changed because it doesn’t fit the lefts narrative. But I think it’s disgusting. I am convinced it’s only the beginning, the left will NEVER stop or be happy.It's always rich to see conservatives go full snowflake over something that has absolutely nothing to do with them.
Don't like this? Don't elect school board members who probably ran on this.
Being a little histrionic don't you think?
No I don’t! This country is under attack from the left. And idiots like you think it’s progressive! It may not bother you to see our county’s history be changed because it doesn’t fit the lefts narrative. But I think it’s disgusting. I am convinced it’s only the beginning, the left will NEVER stop or be happy.
No I don’t! This country is under attack from the left. And idiots like you think it’s progressive! It may not bother you to see our county’s history be changed because it doesn’t fit the lefts narrative. But I think it’s disgusting. I am convinced it’s only the beginning, the left will NEVER stop or be happy.
The fact that you’re defending this, proves my point! How can this be ok?? You people have your heads so far up your liberal butts you’ve completely lost touch with reality.Again, just dont elect them locAlly if you don't like it.
A leftist talking about histrionic behavior is absolutely rich
What is wrong with these people??A leftist talking about histrionic behavior is absolutely rich
The fact that you’re defending this, proves my point! How can this be ok?? You people have your heads so far up your liberal butts you’ve completely lost touch with reality.
This is how cancel culture works, and it’s happening all over the country. Do liberals complain about what happens here in SC?? I can complain and disagree with what happens in CA. It’s how the 1st amendment worksI'm not defending the decision since I think it's dumb, I just don't understand why you are so worked up about it since you don't live there.
I defend the rights of the local residents in that town to elect whoever they want. If the residents don't like it,they will elect someone else and change it back.
That's how Representative Republics work.
This is how cancel culture works, and it’s happening all over the country. Do liberals complain about what happens here in SC?? I can complain and disagree with what happens in CA. It’s how the 1st amendment works
This is how cancel culture works, and it’s happening all over the country. Do liberals complain about what happens here in SC?? I can complain and disagree with what happens in CA. It’s how the 1st amendment works