Ukrainian Gov't is Investigating Meddling in the US 2016 Election: Mentions Manafort

Personally, I think it should be looked into for sure.

Question for the board. IF our intel agencies DO determine that the Ukraine tried to help Hillary out and the Ukrainian President denies it. How many times does Trump and his Trumpians on here publicly say that they believe the Ukrainian President over our own Intelligence? Let's set a bar at 1. I'm taking the under b/c it would be STUPID to not trust our own agencies' intell over the word of the head of a foreign government. Right?
Personally, I think it should be looked into for sure.

Question for the board. IF our intel agencies DO determine that the Ukraine tried to help Hillary out and the Ukrainian President denies it. How many times does Trump and his Trumpians on here publicly say that they believe the Ukrainian President over our own Intelligence? Let's set a bar at 1. I'm taking the under b/c it would be STUPID to not trust our own agencies' intell over the word of the head of a foreign government. Right?

Well, normally, I would agree with statements such as yours, but not when said agencies are being run by Brennan and Clapper. You don't see it yet. I know. It's coming.
Personally, I think it should be looked into for sure.

Question for the board. IF our intel agencies DO determine that the Ukraine tried to help Hillary out and the Ukrainian President denies it. How many times does Trump and his Trumpians on here publicly say that they believe the Ukrainian President over our own Intelligence? Let's set a bar at 1. I'm taking the under b/c it would be STUPID to not trust our own agencies' intell over the word of the head of a foreign government. Right?

Another way to think about your question: Should "W" Bush and most of of Congress trusted the intel agencies when they stated Saddam had WMD ?

Just answering your question with a question. The point is: don't glorify the intel community. They are not perfect and, just my opinion, open to political bias and agendas like anyone could be.