Unhinged. When the buckeye fans lose, they become unhinged.

I can't believe you think these people are unhinged:

If they're talking about the targeting call, by rule, it was 100% correct.

If they wish to argue that the rule sucks, then we can find some common ground.

But, when multiple reporting outlets all end up agreeing on the call, I think you have to respect it.
Putting someone own ignore on a website is one of the most weak-minded, pathetic, and soft moves
I've ever heard of.
For the record I have never put anyone on ignore, but it is the right of choice that this great country has given us and the bashing for such a simple thing boggles this mind. Especially with the words used. That, in my opinion, is what is wrong with this country/world now. People can’t have rational or intelligent discussions because no sides are ever willing to consider or care why someone may think differently. Discussion is a dying thing and that is sad. Hate and slander is now the new norm and it infest everything. I REALLY miss the old West Zone, but I’m afraid it is gone for good.
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For the record I have never put anyone on ignore, but it is the right of choice that this great country has given us and the bashing for such a simple thing boggles this mind. Especially with the words used. That, in my opinion, is what is wrong with this country/world now. People can’t have rational or intelligent discussions because no sides are ever willing to consider or care why someone may think differently. Discussion is a dying thing and that is sad. Hate and slander is now the new norm and it infest everything. I REALLY miss the old West Zone, but I’m afraid it is gone for good.
Some of your words are exactly why I said what I did. We don't discuss anything anymore and I think the problem lies more in the fact that so many people do just decide to ignore the ones who don't step in line with there way of thinking instead of listening to one another and discussing our differences like we used to. I think people like that are soft and I also think it's one of the big reasons we find this country in the state it's currently in.
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