Total Defense: 10th
Scoring Defense: 14th
TFL/Game: 4th
Sacks/Game: 35th
3rd Down Defense: 2nd
Rush Defense: 22nd
Pass Defense: 12th
BC remains top defense but falls to 4th in scoring defense. ACC has for in Top 10 in total defense and 3 in top 10 of scoring defense with Duke being #1 and FSU #9 (5 in top 15)
Scoring Defense: 14th
TFL/Game: 4th
Sacks/Game: 35th
3rd Down Defense: 2nd
Rush Defense: 22nd
Pass Defense: 12th
BC remains top defense but falls to 4th in scoring defense. ACC has for in Top 10 in total defense and 3 in top 10 of scoring defense with Duke being #1 and FSU #9 (5 in top 15)