UPDATE: LAWLESS US — Supreme Court REFUSES to Consider GOP Post-Election Fraud Cases Before Biden Inauguration


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Jim Hoft
Published January 11, 2021 at 10:28am
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This is how democracy dies.
Despite the incredible amount of historic fraud in this year’s presidential election, the US Supreme Court on Monday announced they will not hear any cases until Joe Biden is inaugurated.

The DOJ and FBI refused to move an inch after USPS contract truck drivers reported trailers full of ballots being sent to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The DOJ and FBI refused to investigate any of the incidents of proven fraud including:
** The impossible dropped votes for Joe Biden in the early morning
** The collusion of several swing states to shut down counting on election night after Trump pulled ahead in ALL of the battleground states
** The liberal counting centers LOCKING OUT GOP observers for up to TWO DAYS
** The flipping of ballots from Trump to Biden on live TV.
And the myriad of anomalies and outright fraudulent votes as Deroy Murdock reported:

TRENDING: PURE EVIL: Democrats to Censure Mo Brooks and Louie Gohmert in Coming Days for Challenging Election Fraud and Blaming Riots on Them
It is clear the US has become a lawless state overnight.
And now Democrats are cracking down on speech and assembly rights.

What the hell is going on in our country>
Forbes reported:
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected motions to fast-track eight GOP-led lawsuits Monday that challenged President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, including lawsuits led by President Donald Trump and former Trump legal advisor Sidney Powell, effectively killing the post-election litigation by ensuring it won’t be heard before Biden takes office and likely renders the cases moot.
Trump and the GOP had publicly pinned their legal effort to overturn the election results on the 6-3 conservative Supreme Court. “Whether it’s a justice of the Supreme Court or a number of justices of the Supreme Court, let’s see if they have the courage to do what everybody in this country knows is right,” Trump said in December, while legal advisors Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani even painted a loss in Pennsylvania as a good thing because it “help us in our strategy to get expeditiously to the U.S. Supreme Court.” The high court has overwhelmingly rejected the post-election legal push, however, striking down the Pennsylvania GOP case and a Texas-led lawsuit against battleground states. As the post-election cases at the heart of Monday’s orders were filed ahead of Congress’ Jan. 6 meeting to count the electoral votes—the last procedural milestone by which the results could have potentially been overturned—the Supreme Court largely ignored the last-minute rush of litigation, declining to issue orders or making an effort to expedite the cases as Republicans desired and rejecting a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).

By Jim Hoft
Published January 11, 2021 at 10:28am
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This is how democracy dies.
Despite the incredible amount of historic fraud in this year’s presidential election, the US Supreme Court on Monday announced they will not hear any cases until Joe Biden is inaugurated.

The DOJ and FBI refused to move an inch after USPS contract truck drivers reported trailers full of ballots being sent to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The DOJ and FBI refused to investigate any of the incidents of proven fraud including:
** The impossible dropped votes for Joe Biden in the early morning
** The collusion of several swing states to shut down counting on election night after Trump pulled ahead in ALL of the battleground states
** The liberal counting centers LOCKING OUT GOP observers for up to TWO DAYS
** The flipping of ballots from Trump to Biden on live TV.
And the myriad of anomalies and outright fraudulent votes as Deroy Murdock reported:

TRENDING: PURE EVIL: Democrats to Censure Mo Brooks and Louie Gohmert in Coming Days for Challenging Election Fraud and Blaming Riots on Them
It is clear the US has become a lawless state overnight.
And now Democrats are cracking down on speech and assembly rights.

What the hell is going on in our country>
Forbes reported:
F*ck your feelings, Trump lost. 3 Georgia recounts, 60+ court cases, he lost them all. He is the biggest loser as a sitting president since Herbert Hoover lost to FDR in 1932. Think about it, Trump is the biggest loser in 88 years. Get over it.
F*ck your feelings, Trump lost. 3 Georgia recounts, 60+ court cases, he lost them all. He is the biggest loser as a sitting president since Herbert Hoover lost to FDR in 1932. Think about it, Trump is the biggest loser in 88 years. Get over it.

Nothing to do with my feelings woodpecker head. I just posted the article with no comment.
You continue to post articles that are proven to be untrue,but you never apologize for it,or admit that you were wrong.

LOL. I post them because I think they are right einstein. We disagree on whats right and wrong, so let that sink in.

By Jim Hoft
Published January 11, 2021 at 10:28am
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This is how democracy dies.
Despite the incredible amount of historic fraud in this year’s presidential election, the US Supreme Court on Monday announced they will not hear any cases until Joe Biden is inaugurated.

The DOJ and FBI refused to move an inch after USPS contract truck drivers reported trailers full of ballots being sent to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The DOJ and FBI refused to investigate any of the incidents of proven fraud including:
** The impossible dropped votes for Joe Biden in the early morning
** The collusion of several swing states to shut down counting on election night after Trump pulled ahead in ALL of the battleground states
** The liberal counting centers LOCKING OUT GOP observers for up to TWO DAYS
** The flipping of ballots from Trump to Biden on live TV.
And the myriad of anomalies and outright fraudulent votes as Deroy Murdock reported:

TRENDING: PURE EVIL: Democrats to Censure Mo Brooks and Louie Gohmert in Coming Days for Challenging Election Fraud and Blaming Riots on Them
It is clear the US has become a lawless state overnight.
And now Democrats are cracking down on speech and assembly rights.

What the hell is going on in our country>
Forbes reported:
No Dude. This is NOT how Democracy Dies. Do you know how you PROVE that there was election fraud in a Democracy? You go to court. You present the evidence. The court finds for you. Period. You USED to know this. But that was before you gave up being an American and became a Trumpian. Again, America isn't the country for you. You belong somewhere where the guy that you worship's word is law.

You've presented a bunch of crap over the last two months. ALL of which has been laughed out of court. Just because there's a LOT of crap doesn't make it true.

Trump and company have brought up over 60 lawsuits showing "evidence". They've all been laughed out of court. The SCOTUS refuses to even hear the crap that being brought to them by your boy. Who put 3 of the 6 conservative justices in the SCOTUS... Trump. Who put the head of the FBI in place? Trump. Who put the AG (head of the DOJ) in place? Trump. Trump appointee on the 3rd Circuit court of appeal said all that stuff in Pennsylvania had no merit. Wonder why all those people have said and done that? I see two possibilities:

1. That Trump is a lying piece of shit. He's been a lying piece of shit his whole life and he's a lying piece of shit as President.

2. He's such a ****ing moron that he has literally picked HUNDREDS of people that want to screw him over and put them in positions of power so that they could screw him over.

As appealing as associating number 2 with Donald Trump, I find that number 1 is much much much more likely than number 2, but you pick.

We are still waiting for Trump show us how brilliant he is and how stupid everyone else is. All he's managed to to so far is whip a bunch of supporters up, promise them he'd be at the capitol with them, and run like a little bitch back to the white house, hanging them out to dry. You still thinking that it's not over?

AND let's not forget your garbage news source. It would be interesting to go back and count the "bombshell/gamechangers" that you've posted since election day... NONE of which actually meant a damn thing:

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
No Dude. This is NOT how Democracy Dies. Do you know how you PROVE that there was election fraud in a Democracy? You go to court. You present the evidence. The court finds for you. Period. You USED to know this. But that was before you gave up being an American and became a Trumpian. Again, America isn't the country for you. You belong somewhere where the guy that you worship's word is law.

You've presented a bunch of crap over the last two months. ALL of which has been laughed out of court. Just because there's a LOT of crap doesn't make it true.

Trump and company have brought up over 60 lawsuits showing "evidence". They've all been laughed out of court. The SCOTUS refuses to even hear the crap that being brought to them by your boy. Who put 3 of the 6 conservative justices in the SCOTUS... Trump. Who put the head of the FBI in place? Trump. Who put the AG (head of the DOJ) in place? Trump. Trump appointee on the 3rd Circuit court of appeal said all that stuff in Pennsylvania had no merit. Wonder why all those people have said and done that? I see two possibilities:

1. That Trump is a lying piece of shit. He's been a lying piece of shit his whole life and he's a lying piece of shit as President.

2. He's such a ****ing moron that he has literally picked HUNDREDS of people that want to screw him over and put them in positions of power so that they could screw him over.

As appealing as associating number 2 with Donald Trump, I find that number 1 is much much much more likely than number 2, but you pick.

We are still waiting for Trump show us how brilliant he is and how stupid everyone else is. All he's managed to to so far is whip a bunch of supporters up, promise them he'd be at the capitol with them, and run like a little bitch back to the white house, hanging them out to dry. You still thinking that it's not over?

AND let's not forget your garbage news source. It would be interesting to go back and count the "bombshell/gamechangers" that you've posted since election day... NONE of which actually meant a damn thing:

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

I am glad you can entertain yourself with this....none of its right at all. I would put GWP above msm sources.
LOL. I post them because I think they are right einstein. We disagree on whats right and wrong, so let that sink in.

You don't CARE what's right or wrong because you're mentally ill. You don't even make a feeble attempt try to find the truth, you just regurgitate pablum that can be disproven in 5 mins or less.
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I am glad you can entertain yourself with this....none of its right at all. I would put GWP above msm sources.

I'm not using msm sources. MSNBC is a crap source. Your argument that somehow msn being bad doesn't make the GWP good. Although your recent posts suggest that this sort of thinking is about what you are capable of.

How do we resolve issues in the US? We go to court. That's not MSM, that's the constitution. There's a branch of government dedicated to that and everything. Trump went to court DOZENS of times. He lost.

One American gives his opinion and thousands of Americans involved disagree. The majority won. That's not MSN, that's democracy.

The man who WON the election is sitting there letting the courts do their jobs as he should. The other is inflaming the country, calling up officials and trying to intimidate them into cheating, and failing that, sent his followers to attack the capitol.

THEN your guy, who swore an oath to protect the country watched it on TV and freaking Mike Pence had to call in the national guard. WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER.

Now, he's going to be headed to Florida next week where he can continue bitching on how he was "cheated". He'll be good at that because deep down inside he's a little bitch himself. You should sign up for his gab account... you can tell us how little Donnie is doing and what the latest bombshell/gamechangers he is planning from the golf course.