(Update) The Chad Chronicles (Part IV)…

And there it is. The basis for this conspiracy theory is this book. You know that this is really terrible fiction right? Thomas Horn is a joke.
Nothing fiction about it… coming to pass with 100% accuracy
Nothing fiction about it… coming to pass with 100% accuracy

Except that this book predicted the last pope to be in 2012, but Pope Francis was after that.

Another point I would make is that Matthew 25:13 says," Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day is the hour of my return". Jesus literally says that you will not know when the end times are coming.

Dude. Nobody knows when the end times will be. You seem smart, I like many of your other contributions about sports on Tiger Illustrated, but this is really wrong and way out there.
I never wonder if I’m right, I know I’m right! I don’t mean that arrogant! There’s a lot of pieces to the puzzle. One of the main pieces is Saint Malachi’s Prophecy. It was hidden away in the Vatican archives for over 900 years. According to Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, Jorge Bergoglio is the 112th & final Pope. In 1139 AD, GOD told Saint Malachi there would be 112 more Popes. The last Pope would….
1. Be the only Pope to NOT take a symbol. (He’s the ONLY Pope to NOT take a symbol)
2. He would be called Peter The Roman! (He took the name Saint Francis of Assisi! Saint Francis was a patriarch in the Catholic Church who founded the Franciscans but his Real name was Petri De Bernondone, which means Peter The Roman.
3. The 112 & Final Pope would be a Destroyer!

Saint Malachi’s Prophecy is spot on! By the way, GOD gave ST Malachi Every Symbol of Every Pope leading up to the 112th & final Pope. Saint Malachi’s Prophecy was hidden away for over 900 years in the Vatican archives because the Catholic Church did not want people to know who the last Pope is & the Time when he would arrive.

Ratzinger, the 111th Pope in ST Malachi’s Prophecy & Committee of 300 member, was the first Pope in 600 years to resign. He resigned because all the pieces of the NWO Hierarchy were in place, ushering in the 112th & Final Pope!

Climate Change (Global Warming) which is caused by Chemtrails (They NWO have been spraying us since the 30’s! They are purposely warming the Climate so they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. They will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit.
They are purposely melting the ice caps. This is consistent with the US Navy Maps for 2020-2025, which shows most of Florida under water, the states along the east & west coast are partially under water as well as the states along the Mississippi River & Hoover Damn. This is also consistent with what JESUS said in Luke 21, “The Seas & Waves Roaring!”

The Parable of the of the Fig Tree in Mathew 24, where JESUS said, “This generation will NOT pass way until they see all these things take place.” The Parable of the Fig Tree is when Israel was recognized as a nation in 1948. The other “things” JESUS spoke about was earthquakes in various places, (from 1960-1970, there was 13 earthquakes that rated 6.0 on the Richter scale, in 1994, there was 247, in 2013, there was over 3,000 & it continues to escalate) famines, (2/3 of the world is starving), pestilences (need
I say more)
There are more signs letting us know we’re in the end times & these are a few
We need to introduce @areeves to @appalachiatiger. I wonder if the head of New Lebanon Medical Center is a Freemason and can find Darcy?
Except that this book predicted the last pope to be in 2012, but Pope Francis was after that.

Another point I would make is that Matthew 25:13 says," Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day is the hour of my return". Jesus literally says that you will not know when the end times are coming.

Dude. Nobody knows when the end times will be. You seem smart, I like many of your other contributions about sports on Tiger Illustrated, but this is really wrong and way out there.
It did not, the book said Ratzinger would resign in 2012, which he secretly did
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Yes, he is & I’m not going to argue with you! My father was a Mason & resigned & my uncle was a Mason! Yes, the Scottish 33 Degree Masons are satanic

I am just curious, does your father believe the same things you do?
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So many scholars that have come before us and all of a sudden an American prophecy appears and now we have the answers. WOW, now if that isn't arrogant I don't know what to tell you.
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