US citizen and aid worker killed in Israeli airstrike


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
May 22, 2021
The IDF admits to conducting an airstrike that killed 7 aid workers in Gaza trying to deliver food, including a US citizen.

An accidental series of 3 airstrikes? At least one of the vehicles was marked with the aid organization's logo.

How spineless are we to keep sending these clowns money and guns?

I guess Joe doesn't have a good memory after all.
It’s war you dumbkoffs

In the fog of war many things happen that never should

Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire sticks with me

Former Football great killed by his comrades

There are huge amounts snd examples of stuff like this happening

The massacre and slaughter and rape of Jewish folks was not an accident

My vote is a solid keep killing till every HAMAS operative is dead
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It’s war you dumbkoffs

In the fog of war many things happen that never should

Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire sticks with me

Former Football great killed by his comrades

There are huge amounts snd examples of stuff like this happening

The massacre and slaughter and rape of Jewish folks was not an accident

My vote is a solid keep killing till every HAMAS operative is dead


This convoy was on a preplanned and pre-approved route. There were 3 vehicles, alone on the road, spread out across a mile. They were each hit, while moving at speed, by a single high precision strike.

The IDF admits to conducting an airstrike that killed 7 aid workers in Gaza trying to deliver food, including a US citizen.

An accidental series of 3 airstrikes? At least one of the vehicles was marked with the aid organization's logo.

How spineless are we to keep sending these clowns money and guns?

I guess Joe doesn't have a good memory after all.

Careful. Any criticism of Israel makes you an anti semite.
Careful. Any criticism of Israel makes you an anti semite.
We're approaching 40 states with anti-BDS laws in the land of the free. Go along with an indefinite occupation conducted in flagrant violation of countless international laws, or you're a racist. At the bare minimum, it does show that the most vocal supporters of Israel don't have much ground to stand on.

Everyone knows what the reality is there. It's not some progressive, college campus invention. I don't think one can oversate how damaging our hypocrisy on the issue is to our image.

It’s war you dumbkoffs

In the fog of war many things happen that never should

Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire sticks with me

Former Football great killed by his comrades

There are huge amounts snd examples of stuff like this happening

The massacre and slaughter and rape of Jewish folks was not an accident

My vote is a solid keep killing till every HAMAS operative is dead
Ah, that was Hamas's mistake. If they just said October 7th was all in self defense, you'd buy it and say it was ok? I doubt it.

So why do you do it with the Israeli "Defense" Force? Does this look like self-defense to you?

Nobody has a monopoly on evil.
It’s war you dumbkoffs

In the fog of war many things happen that never should

Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire sticks with me

Former Football great killed by his comrades

There are huge amounts snd examples of stuff like this happening

The massacre and slaughter and rape of Jewish folks was not an accident

My vote is a solid keep killing till every HAMAS operative is dead
I'm curious, where does letting an American get blown up in airstrike fit in with the whole, "America First," thing?
I'm curious, where does letting an American get blown up in airstrike fit in with the whole, "America First," thing?

With very little investigation into this, my reaction is that we should clearly encourage a tight leash on Israeli forces around proper troop behavior and ensuring accurate information on strikes. That said, the only way this works is complete eradication of Hamas. Israel should be able to finish the job, though with sufficient pressure to ensure as low of an impact on non-Hamas and non-Hamas sympathizers as possible.
I'm curious, where does letting an American get blown up in airstrike fit in with the whole, "America First," thing?

I am not going to disparage your intellect in anyway to say clearly to you that I wish NO INNOCENT CIVILIAN DIE IN A WAR

The sad truth is it happens far more than not

Being for America First does not in my opinion have anything to do with accidental bombing of non military targets

Again unfortunately there are going to be deaths not related to those shooting back at you

Avoid those as much as possible

However don’t let your people die at the expense of avoiding collateral damage to non combatants
With very little investigation into this, my reaction is that we should clearly encourage a tight leash on Israeli forces around proper troop behavior and ensuring accurate information on strikes. That said, the only way this works is complete eradication of Hamas. Israel should be able to finish the job, though with sufficient pressure to ensure as low of an impact on non-Hamas and non-Hamas sympathizers as possible.
"Eradicating" Hamas is a pipe dream as long as Israel continues to indefinitely occupy the West Bank and expand its (illegal) settlements there. Netanyahu and Likud can't admit that, though.

You have to undercut the legitimacy of these organizations. What Israel is doing now more or less makes Hamas's argument for them.

As long as Israel continues to occupy them, I can't blame the Palestinians for being as militarized as they are. Does that apply to suicide bombings or slaughtering people at a music festival? Absolutely not. On the other hand, if a foreign power came to my land, kicked my grandparents out of their homes, limited my freedom of movement, arrested my family and friends, and gave money and protection to settlers that want to take more of my land, I'd fight back. Americans started a revolution against the British for far, far less, and we're proud of it. But whatever the Palestinians do, they're labeled "terrorists" by Israel and many people here in the US. There's no recognition that the Palestinians have legitimate grievances and indeed the right to defend themselves. Why is Israel the only one that gets to claim that? The world is meant to recognize that Jews have a special right to the land based on thousand year old memory, but the Palestinians are told to get over what happened to them less than 100 years ago. That's unjust. And if that's what "peace" means, it's no wonder they don't accept it.

And as it concerns the US more directly, whatever benefit we get from our alliance with Israel (if you can call someone like Jonathan Pollard an ally), we pay a considerable price in image, principally but not exclusively in that part of the world. We can't say we're upholding the "rules based international order" and watch as Israel flouts UN Security Council resolutions, the Geneva Conventions, and our own laws concerning foreign aid to nuclear powers. We can't say we're in favor of self-determination and watch as Israel vetoes the existence of a Palestinian state against our own declared foreign policy. We can't have John Kirby cry about Putin killing Ukrainian civilians and then turn around and shrug off Palestinians deaths as part of war. But that is what's happening. And we're paying for it. In fact, we're legally obligated to pay for it. It's pathetic on our part, and it should be considered a national shame.
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"Eradicating" Hamas is a pipe dream as long as Israel continues to indefinitely occupy the West Bank and expand its (illegal) settlements there. Netanyahu and Likud can't admit that, though.

You have to undercut the legitimacy of these organizations. What Israel is doing now more or less makes Hamas's argument for them.

As long as Israel continues to occupy them, I can't blame the Palestinians for being as militarized as they are. Does that apply to suicide bombings or slaughtering people at a music festival? Absolutely not. On the other hand, if a foreign power came to my land, kicked my grandparents out of their homes, limited my freedom of movement, arrested my family and friends, and gave money and protection to settlers that want to take more of my land, I'd fight back. Americans started a revolution against the British for far, far less, and we're proud of it. But whatever the Palestinians do, they're labeled "terrorists" by Israel and many people here in the US. There's no recognition that the Palestinians have legitimate grievances and indeed the right to defend themselves. Why is Israel the only one that gets to claim that? The world is meant to recognize that Jews have a special right to the land based on thousand year old memory, but the Palestinians are told to get over what happened to them less than 100 years ago. That's unjust. And if that's what "peace" means, it's no wonder they don't accept it.

And as it concerns the US more directly, whatever benefit we get from our alliance with Israel (if you can call someone like Jonathan Pollard an ally), we pay a considerable price in image, principally but not exclusively in that part of the world. We can't say we're upholding the "rules based international order" and watch as Israel flouts UN Security Council resolutions, the Geneva Conventions, and our own laws concerning foreign aid to nuclear powers. We can't say we're in favor of self-determination and watch as Israel vetoes the existence of a Palestinian state against our own declared foreign policy. We can't have John Kirby cry about Putin killing Ukrainian civilians and then turn around and shrug off Palestinians deaths as part of war. But that is what's happening. And we're paying for it. In fact, we're legally obligated to pay for it. It's pathetic on our part, and it should be considered a national shame.
Unless you’re Ukraine. In that case you should be ceding land at whatever rate Putin desires.
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Unless you’re Ukraine. In that case you should be ceding land at whatever rate Putin desires.
You mean much like what Israel has done in the past several times? And what did Israel get in return for giving up said land? They kept getting attacked over and over. This aid group also was involved with the oct 6 attacks and just before getting hit was transporting armed Hamas fighters to a fight. So its not so black and white...
You mean much like what Israel has done in the past several times? And what did Israel get in return for giving up said land? They kept getting attacked over and over. This aid group also was involved with the oct 6 attacks and just before getting hit was transporting armed Hamas fighters to a fight. So its not so black and white...
I’m confused by your statement. Are you saying the Ukrainians haven’t been attacked before?