Vaccine Excerpt from Washington Times Article

Bruh, don’t care what you think. Good on ya tho.
Yeah, the guy who previously posted a 10 paragraph diatribe in response to me that included chemtrails, Davos and a weird rant about dodging bullets from guns in a knife fight.

It is so easy and fun to let you paint yourself into a corner over and over again.

NIH Still Looking Into Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc as Part of COVID Treatment Plan​

By Joe Hoft
Published September 16, 2021 at 4:45pm

After more than a year of discussions on whether certain vitamins and minerals help with the prevention and treatment of COVID, the NIH is still looking into the benefits of Vitamin C, Vitamin and D and Zinc in treating coronavirus.

The NIH is still looking at certain supplements to determine if they do help in the treatment of COVID.

A year ago to the day, Rep. Louie Gohmert recovered from COVID by taking HCQ and zinc and the Mainstream Media had nothing to say about it.
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The NIH and CDC still have no treatment plan for seniors infected with the virus.
This is after millions have died from the virus around the world.

While the NIH continues to grapple with the efficacy of using vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, other groups have reviewed and consolidated studies on the efficacy of these items and more.
Based on all mortality results for early treatment of COVID here are the results from 951 studies, showing vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc are favorable in treatment.

Based on all mortality results for early treatment of COVID here are the results showing vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc are favorable in treatment.

Based on all mortality results for all stages here are the results showing vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc are favorable.

Literally, hundreds of studies show the efficacy of multiple vitamins, minerals and drugs and yet the NIH remains uncommitted, meanwhile thousands die.

Now a year later the NIH is still looking at vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc for treatment or prevention of COVID. Really unbelievable.


Former Vice-President WHO European Advisory Group: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous – Should be Quarantined” (Video)​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 18, 2021 at 6:25pm

The UK Column was able to interview former European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization at World Health Organization (Vice President) Professor Christian Perronne last August where he specified that COVID-19 policy is “completely stupid”.
Professor Perrone is one of France’s most highly rated experts in infectious diseases and long-time vaccine policy chief. He is being censored and criticized despite his knowledge in the field of viral diseases and vaccines.
Read his profile via UK Column:
Professor Perronne is Head of the Medical Department at Raymond Poincaré Hospital in Garches, the teaching hospital for the University of Versailles-St Quentin near Paris. He was the University’s Head of Department for Infectious and Tropical Diseases from 1994 onwards but was fired from that position a few months ago. He is a Fellow of France’s biomedical research center of world standing, the Institut Pasteur, from which he graduated in bacteriology and virology and where he served as Deputy Director of the National Reference Centre for Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria until 1998.
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He has chaired many top-level health committees, including the French Specialist Committee for Communicable Diseases, and the High Council on Public Health (French acronym: HCSP), which advises the government on public health policy and vaccination policy. He is not anti-vaccine and indeed wrote France’s vaccination policy for many years, as well as presiding over the National Consultation Group on Vaccination, also known as the Technical Committee on Vaccination (CTV).
Professor Perronne was also the Vice-President of the European Advisory Group to the World Health Organisation. At the national level in France, he has chaired the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Teaching College (CMIT), the Infectious Diseases Federation (FFI, which he co-founded), the High Council for Public Hygiene (CSHP), and the National Medical and Healthcare products Safety Agency (ANSM, previously AFSSAPS), which evaluates the health risks of medicines and is France’s sole regulator of biomedical research. Until 2013, he sat on the Scientific Council of the French Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research Institute (IMMI/INSERM).
Despite Professor Perronne’s extensive knowledge and experience of communicable diseases, vaccines, and vaccine policy at the national and governmental levels in France, he was quickly censored for speaking out on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines, their claimed efficacy, and their identifiable risks. In short, he was professionally sidelined, his reputation was attacked and his professional opinions were censored.
His interview last August with the UK Column has gained more attention after last night’s FDA hearing on the booster shots. Here’s an excerpt from his interview:
“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmitted. It’s been proven in different countries so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”
Part 1: Watch video on Rumble

Professor Perrone continued by attacking the media on their lies that all the hospitals were full of patients, which is not the case. He said that the “variants” were less and less virulent.
He also shared his view on the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as COVID treatment.
“So for hydroxychloroquine, I agree, but unfortunately there are not many randomized studies. But for ivermectin, there were randomized studies, and now it’s been proven. And in India now, it’s spectacular. In the Indian states where they widely used ivermectin, the success was huge, and in the states of India where they didn’t use ivermectin but they were inoculating with this so-called “vaccine”, it was a catastrophe.
If you look at the world news, there’s a woman who was at a high level in the WHO, who’s Indian, and now she’s on trial in India because she said that ivermectin was not useful and was toxic and so on.
To think that ivermectin is toxic is completely stupid: hundreds of millions, maybe billions of people in the world have taken ivermectin for diseases, for filariasis and so on. So it’s a very well-known product. No, it works; it’s completely proven.
Watch the full interview here: Watch on Rumble.
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Here’s some more info on the FDA panel decision. The FDA can always go against the recommendations of the panel, but I would anticipate major backlash from that.

Keep pretending that I don't exist SconnyTiger25. Your refusal to respond to direct questions and statements while continuing to post your informational links is surely winning the argument.
Keep pretending that I don't exist SconnyTiger25. Your refusal to respond to direct questions and statements while continuing to post your informational links is surely winning the argument.
The argument is being won by the FDA panels, I’m just along for the ride. People are fed up with the bullshit. No reason to argue, read the articles or don’t, I’m just here to be a smart ass and post people I think bring solid writing to the table.
Thanks for spamming the conversation with 4 consecutive posts from the Gateway Pundit. Given the time, I would guess your first activity after turning on the computer is to post the entire frontpage of the Gateway Pundit to this message board.
Links are to articles very pertinent to this discussion.
The argument is being won by the FDA panels, I’m just along for the ride. People are fed up with the bullshit. No reason to argue, read the articles or don’t, I’m just here to be a smart ass and post people I think bring solid writing to the table.
No problem. You keep posting your pointless drivel from every crazy substack that you can find and I'll keep pointing out that you refuse to engage in conversation or admit when you have made obviously false statements in the past.

New Study Shows 1 in 1000 Develop Heart Inflammation After Covid Vaccination; Myocarditis and Other Related Heart Conditions Have Increased Death Rate Within 5 Years​

By Julian Conradson
Published September 21, 2021 at 5:56pm

A shocking new study that was conducted by researchers at Canada’s University of Ottawa Heart Institute found that one out of every thousand(1/1000) mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations causes heart inflammation(myopericarditis) to develop rapidly in otherwise healthy individuals.
The study looked at over 32,000 individuals who had received either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines and monitored them for heart-related conditions between June 1, 2021, and July 31, 2021.
32 of the study subjects were admitted into the hospital with heart and chest-related symptoms.
“There were 15,997 doses of Moderna vaccine, and 16,382 doses of Pfizer vaccine administered over the study period, for a total of 32,379 doses. Note that these numbers represent a mixture of first and second doses.
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Therefore, if our cohort captured all cases in the Ottawa area, then the incidence of myocarditis would be 0.1% of all vaccine doses (32 cases/32,379 doses x 100), or 10 cases of myocarditis for every 10,000 doses of vaccine.”
Researchers found that the symptoms show up extremely quickly after vaccination, usually after the patient’s second dose. On average, people who were affected developed the condition after just 1.5 days.
They also found that men are at a much greater risk than women – only 2 women experienced heart inflammation.
“32 patients were identified over the period of interest. Eighteen patients were diagnosed with myocarditis; 12 with myopericarditis; and 2 with pericarditis alone.
The median age was 33 years (18-65 years). The sex ratio was 2 females to 29 males.
In 5 cases, symptoms developed after only a single dose of mRNA vaccine. In 27 patients, symptoms developed after their second dose of. Median time between vaccine dose and symptoms was 1.5 days (1-26 days).”
People who took the Moderna jab were 3x more likely to develop symptoms than those who took the Pfizer shot.
To date, this has been the largest case study that has looked at the correlation between Covid mRNA vaccines and myocarditis symptoms within a month of vaccination.
If the results are true, it would actually be more of a risk for anyone under 65 to receive the shot than it would be to contract the virus and recover, especially depending on how young they are. Myocarditis and pericarditis both come with an extremely poor prognosis and end up killing over 50% within 3-10 years of their diagnosis.
According to the most recent data, Americans under 65 have about a 1 in 1863 (Population – 273,820,000 / Total Covid deaths – 146,991) or .00054 chance of dying from Covid-19 or .054%. If you lower the age to 50 and under, the chance that Covid is fatal drops precipitously to .00017 or 1 in 5841 or .o17%.
In other words, the chances that covid will kill you if you are under 50 are almost 6x lower than the chances you will develop a debilitating (and often fatal in the long run) heart condition.
Even more shocking – people under 40 who take the jab are almost 13.5 times more likely to develop some form of myocarditis or pericarditis than to be killed by Covid. Keep in mind the median age from this study was 33.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden and the tyrannical health regime double down on their goal to get “every American” vaccinated by cramming down a new dictatorial federal mandate with a third experimental ‘booster’ jab being prepared for a massive rollout.
The Covid-19 vaccine has been so ‘effective’ in ‘protecting’ people that the masses will now be pressured into taking another dose as new outbreaks of the virus have forced a new wave of authoritarian restrictions.
Every single American has known for months where to go and how to get a vaccine if they wanted one. In fact, over 181 million eligible citizens have been fully vaccinated in the US – If the virus was as deadly as they are making it out to be, they wouldn’t have to mandate people to take the vaccine; and on the other end, if the vaccines provided the protection they’re supposed to provide, the vaccinated wouldn’t be calling people killers because they are refusing to ‘protect others.’
Besides, according to available data, a third of the entire US population had contracted Covid BY THE END OF 2020. Natural immunity has always proven to be superior to vaccines.
A recent study that was conducted in Israel on 800,000 individuals confirms that is especially the case with the rushed mRNA Covid vaccines.
They found that individuals who had received both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were 13x more likely to contract Covid-19 than those who had natural immunity – Fully vaccinated people were also found to be at a “GREATER RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION.”
If 1/3rd of Americans had already contracted the virus – before it had even been known for a full year – then why would “everyone” be forced to take the experimental vaccine?
Exactly what sCiEnCe is being followed with these vaccine mandates and passports?
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I wonder how long before the doctors pushing the vaccine on this board apologize publicly.

But at least we are protecting old people and the morbidly obese... it’s totally worth it for the .1% chance of killing a young healthy person.
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I wonder how long before the doctors pushing the vaccine on this board apologize publicly.

But at least we are protecting old people and the morbidly obese... it’s totally worth it for the .1% chance of killing a young healthy person.

Probably never since they have nothing to apologize for. It’s people like you who should apologize to us for perpetuating this pandemic and causing the variants to be created.

You literally could not be any more ridiculous.
This particular vaccine is a massive failure on so many levels.
.7% (on average) breakthrough rate
of those .7% breakthrough cases, only .006% require hospitalization.
of that .006% only .0007% died.

Meanwhile as of yesterday, 96% of all COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

as of 9/20 182Million American are fully vaccinated. Of those 182M, only 7899 people have experienced severe side effects up to and including death that possibly could be attributed to the vaccine (more data needed), that is .0051%

I'll meet you in the middle and agree that natural immunity and natural antibody count should be considered, but ... saying these vaccines are a massive failure? That is just silliness .... unless our personal definitions of "massive failure" are really different
.7% (on average) breakthrough rate
of those .7% breakthrough cases, only .006% require hospitalization.
of that .006% only .0007% died.

Meanwhile as of yesterday, 96% of all COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

as of 9/20 182Million American are fully vaccinated. Of those 182M, only 7899 people have experienced severe side effects up to and including death that possibly could be attributed to the vaccine (more data needed), that is .0051%

I'll meet you in the middle and agree that natural immunity and natural antibody count should be considered, but ... saying these vaccines are a massive failure? That is just silliness .... unless our personal definitions of "massive failure" are really different
These stats do not beat 99+ natural recovery rate for non vaccinated people. Now people who look at their risk factors and decide to take the jab then that's fine and I have no problem with them using their free will and making decisions.

The mandates and the paranoia is insane though and are deeply disturbing on many fronts. First they are very obviously falsifying the death statistics and the hospitalization stats apparently to make money for the hospitals and to scare the non vaxxed people to get the jab. The whole situation is very dishonest on many levels to include suppression of non Vax treatments like ivermectin and HcQ.

Related to your stats on the vaxxed, it's all short term results. What are the longer term potential issues with the vaccines? The mass production of the spike proteins in the body and what they could do to the heart related to potential blood flow issues gives me a lot of concern.
Not the whole story as the attack on Trump was part of the original plan, but this is a decent summation by a beautiful American Patriot. The end plan for a long long time has been to put the United States living standards and freedoms on par with Communist China. This has been in the works for decades and Trump is part of a counter revolution against it.

Another disturbing factoid. Feel free to disprove this leftwards and vax priests. Deep state plans to tag us like animals before this is all said and done.

Another disturbing factoid. Feel free to disprove this leftwards and vax priests. Deep state plans to tag us like animals before this is all said and done.

So because it’s Bill Gates’s opinion that peoples vax status should be tracked, that means that something nefarious is currently happening?

Good grief you q followers get worse snd worse with each passing day.
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So because it’s Bill Gates’s opinion that peoples vax status should be tracked, that means that something nefarious is currently happening?

Good grief you q followers get worse snd worse with each passing day.
This info has nothing to do with Q. You don't even know enough to discern much of anything.

COVID-19 virus to get weaker, become a cold: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine creator​

Scientist also calls for funding to help prevent future pandemics

Published: September 23, 2021 18:49IANS

Coronavirus, COVID-19

London: COVID-19 is unlikely to mutate into a deadlier variant and will eventually end up as a common cold, said Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, who created the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
Cutting down fears of a more deadly new variant, she said that viruses tend to “become less virulent as they circulate” through the population, Daily Mail reported.
“There is no reason to think we will have a more virulent version of SARS-CoV-2”, as “there aren’t very many places for the virus to go to have something that will evade immunity but still be a really infectious virus”, Gilbert was quoted as saying.
The 59-year-old led the team at Oxford University’s Jenner institute which created the lifesaving Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, the most widely distributed jab in the world.
SARS-CoV-2 will eventually become like the coronaviruses which circulate widely and cause the common cold, Gilbert said.

“We already live with four different human coronaviruses that we don’t really ever think about very much and eventually SARS-CoV-2 will become one of those,” said Gilbert, while speaking at a seminar of the Royal Society of Medicine.
“It’s just a question of how long it’s going to take to get there and what measures we’re going to have to take to manage it in the meantime.”
Gilbert, who specialises in the development of jabs against emerging viruses, also called for funding to help prevent future pandemics, the report said.
“We’re still trying to raise funds to develop other vaccines that we were working on before the pandemic, against diseases that have caused outbreaks in the past and will cause outbreaks in the future.
“We are being financially supported for our ongoing work against Covid... but when we try to return to projects we were working on before coronavirus we’re still trying to get funding,” she noted.

Further, she also said the very rare blood clots linked to the AstraZeneca jab have not been seen at the same rates in other parts of the world.
Gilbert also suggested that primary work on a tweaked vaccine to combat the Beta variant of the virus only gave a “slightly better” immune response than the original vaccine, when given as a third dose to people who had already had two jabs of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but data is still being collected, the report said.

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