Please clarify. How do these laws make it more difficult to vote than in previous non-pandemic elections?
Again, early voting - one of the big ways that voting access was expanded - is increased both in duration and daily hours. This helps the exact voters described as affected by these laws - hourly workers, those with inflexible work schedules, etc.
Open mail-in voting is preserved in GA. Mail-in voting in TX remains unchanged from pre-pandemic times (so by definition, not more difficult).
Identification requirements in these bills are extremely, extremely easy to satisfy (In TX, you just need the last 4 digits of your SSN - no physical ID required).
The dems are doing a nice job of riling people up about this. I'm somehow on a Black Voters phone list and get all of their text campaigns. I've received 10+ "Stop Jim Crow 2.0" texts. Frankly, this is an insult to anyone who suffered under the actual Jim Crow laws.