Ware County GA Voting Update

Trump got 10 million more votes this election than he did in 2016.

Just amazing that Biden didn’t even campaign and couldn’t put a coherent thought together, yet he somehow gets more votes than Obama did?
The will of the American people.
Trump got 10 million more votes this election than he did in 2016.

Just amazing that Biden didn’t even campaign and couldn’t put a coherent thought together, yet he somehow gets more votes than Obama did?

Guessing because many Rpubs were disenfranchised with Trump.
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Trump got 10 million more votes this election than he did in 2016.

Just amazing that Biden didn’t even campaign and couldn’t put a coherent thought together, yet he somehow gets more votes than Obama did?

This notion that Biden didn't campaign is laughable. You do realize that there are many other ways to get your messaging out other than in person rallies? Did anyone here need a rally to understand what Joe Biden was all about? I certainly knew that I liked him a lot more than Donald Trump.
This notion that Biden didn't campaign is laughable. You do realize that there are many other ways to get your messaging out other than in person rallies? Did anyone here need a rally to understand what Joe Biden was all about? I certainly knew that I liked him a lot more than Donald Trump.
Ignorance is bless!
This notion that Biden didn't campaign is laughable. You do realize that there are many other ways to get your messaging out other than in person rallies? Did anyone here need a rally to understand what Joe Biden was all about? I certainly knew that I liked him a lot more than Donald Trump.
No one knew what Biden was about because he either wouldn’t tell you or he said very conflicting things. The media treated him like North Korean media would their leader; no real questions but just softball kindergarten questions.
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No one knew what Biden was about because he either wouldn’t tell you or he said very conflicting things. The media treated him like North Korean media would their leader; no real questions but just softball kindergarten questions.

They seem like softball questions if you answer them honestly and with common sense.

How hard is this question:. Do you refute White Supremacy? Pretty damn easy,but Donald Trump sure managed to make it seem hard.
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LMAO... so here is an article on the John Fredricks show from Normally I'd debunk this one with actual good sources, but I think we all know that OP cares very little for truth or lies as long as whatever it is favors President Trump, so here's an "alternative view" on John Fredricks and his news sites. Could we call them "alternative facts"? Hint: the answer to that question is always "NO". Fair warning that media matters is left biased but has high marks for factual reporting.


And of course the siting of the sources:

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Media Matters Left Biased based on selectively checking right-wing sources and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information and a clean fact check record.
No one knew what Biden was about because he either wouldn’t tell you or he said very conflicting things. The media treated him like North Korean media would their leader; no real questions but just softball kindergarten questions.
No one knew what Biden was about? All I heard from Trump is that he had been a public servant for 46 years. I think plenty of people knew what both candidates were about. That's why more people voted in this election than any that I can recall and why Biden scored an historic victory.
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No one knew what Biden was about? All I heard from Trump is that he had been a public servant for 46 years. I think plenty of people knew what both candidates were about. That's why more people voted in this election than any that I can recall and why Biden scored an historic victory.

Heres your man. I am guessing they forgot his meds before the! In all honesty, my first thought is he is trolling, but no one laughed and they just kept moving forward while Kamala had an uneasy short grimace.
Trump got 10 million more votes this election than he did in 2016.

Just amazing that Biden didn’t even campaign and couldn’t put a coherent thought together, yet he somehow gets more votes than Obama did?
You poor, small-minded individual.
"Still, legal scholars and court watchers said it remains highly unlikely that the justices will intervene, notwithstanding Alito's move or the court's new six-member conservative majority.

MORE: 'This ship has sailed': Judges reject 2 more cases from pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell
"I would not read too much into this," wrote leading election legal scholar and University of California-Irvine law professor Richard Hasen on his Election Law Blog.

"It shows more respect to the petitioners and does not make it look like the Court is simply running out the clock on the petition. I still think the chances the Court grants any relief on this particular petition are virtually zero," Hasen wrote."

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"Still, legal scholars and court watchers said it remains highly unlikely that the justices will intervene, notwithstanding Alito's move or the court's new six-member conservative majority.

MORE: 'This ship has sailed': Judges reject 2 more cases from pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell
"I would not read too much into this," wrote leading election legal scholar and University of California-Irvine law professor Richard Hasen on his Election Law Blog.

"It shows more respect to the petitioners and does not make it look like the Court is simply running out the clock on the petition. I still think the chances the Court grants any relief on this particular petition are virtually zero," Hasen wrote."

True story: one of the guys quoted in that article (copied below) is in my current fantasy football league.

Adav Noti of the Campaign Legal Center said the law is also clear regarding certification of Pennsylvania's electors, which has already been sealed.

"That's certified and official," Noti said. "There is nothing in the case that we're talking about that would be likely to change that."

"It's a very odd case that's asking the Supreme Court to overrule the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on a question of Pennsylvania law, which is not what the United States Supreme Court does," Noti added.
Nice evenhanded segment on the Ware County situation and its implications.